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Dina 06-02-2011 10:36 AM

This has been fun to read...like quilting, there is no right and wrong, just different ways to do stuff.


jojosnana 06-02-2011 04:34 PM

I have a strange way of cleaning some times. I have my DGD come into a room and set up her homework that she is going to do and then I do that room while she is asking me questions or chatting with me, or asking definitions of words. Her homework gets done. My room gets cleaned and we can have a snack break together. Win-win....

Annya 06-03-2011 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by Dina
Does anyone else do this? I desperately want to quilt, but I will not let myself until I clean house. All I lack are bathrooms...and this is my break...but I got to wondering if anyone else uses quilting as a reward...or maybe not quilting as a punishment....or maybe the whole thing is a bribe?

It's not like it has been so long since I cleaned (two weeks...)or since I quilted (yesterday)....but I must clean bathrooms before I quilt....darn.

(I considered the suggestion someone here made...to put Get Well Cards on the mantle so it would look like I had been too ill to clean, instead of spending all my time quilting. But I suppose my signature on the cards might look fishy...)

(I hope the fact that I don't clean house more than every two weeks doesn't shock anyone. I decided years ago that the world would not end if I didn't clean house ever week...)

I make sure all my floors are swept before I wash up or have my breakfast. Except when my DH is home and drags cut wet grass into the house. So I know how you feel.

jpthequilter 06-03-2011 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by JulieTN
:shock: JEANNIE! I have heard that same type remark when I was younger from older older folks.

Apparently our level of what 'must' be as far as cleaning goes has gone about haywire. Imagine your Gramma seeing this and remarking. She would completely understand.

No one sane wants to live in a pig sty but heck folks!!! We see spotless and perfect in magazine, tv (aka HGTV) and really have come to expect life to immiate art!

OPPS I just fell off my undusted soapbox onto my dust bunnied floor! :wink:

Dear Julie.
LOL You know one secret our grandmas had was lots of bare floors and carpets. They had a long handle like a broom handle with a kind of snap clamp on it. And they would put flannel rags in it and use it for a dust mop getting the dust bunnies out from under the beds once a week. It took only a few minutes to dust mop a room, and put the mop out a window, and shake out the dust bunnies. They could dustmop a whole house on saturdays in about an hour.
They would use the same handle and different rags to wash the bathroom and kitchen floors - the bathroom was mopped up after saturday baths, The kitchen after spills and maybe the same time as the bathroom!
Interestingly, they swept the carpets with an ordinary strawbroom now and then. ( used it mostly in the kitchen)
They took rugs out and hung them on a wire clothesline and beat them with a "rugbeater" only about twice a year. They picked a windy day so the dust would blow away from their faces.
The turkish rugs were shortnapped and lightweight and fairly easy to carry too.
I remember this because our new england towns sort of were slower to change from the old ways.
Honestly, I still love an old iron cookstove to cook on!
Thanks for an interesting comment!
81 yr old me....Jeannie

Terri Bogedain 06-04-2011 06:03 AM


Missysgottohelp 06-04-2011 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by SharBear

Originally Posted by BellaBoo
I taught my kids since age three to never leave the bathroom until it is tidy. As they got older the were expected to dry the shower walls with a used towel and never ever leave the bathroom with the sink in a mess and everything put away. No way I was going to clean up their sloppy mess, they made it they can clean it. I don't clean up other's messes unless they are ill.

you are my hero! I'm working with two boys on their "aim" - there's a container of Lysol wipes right under the sink. And they can come back and clean up after themselves. I tell them that "God didn't put me here to clean up after you, he put me here to teach you to clean up after yourself!"

I so love this!!!

jamie Watson 06-05-2011 06:37 AM

clean them before you go to bed then next day you are ready to quilt

Carol's Quilts 06-05-2011 01:13 PM

I am 71 and no one has ever said "thank you" for cleaning the house, but everyone says "thank you" when I give them a quilt! (or cookies !) (Baking and cooking are my other passions!)

Quilting is "want to" and cleaning is "have to". I don't have time in my life anymore to worry every day about the "have to's", but the "want to's" make me relax, enjoy life, feel accomplished, worthwhile, and appreciated. My house is always presentable and everyone who comes here is always comfortable, and since I'm alone now, I don't put myself out too much for the "have to's", but I sure do like those "thank you's" so guess what comes first?

pnptrapp 06-05-2011 01:18 PM

My Grandmother had a motto: "If you are coming to visit me, come anytime, the door is always open. If you are coming to visit a clean house, make an appointment!"

Over the years it's become my motto as well. Unfortunetly for me my DH does not agree, so I have a set time everyday that I must stop whatever it is that I'm doing to straighten up before he gets home. I find we're both less stressed that way. I only deep clean about every two weeks!

sewandsewcarol 06-15-2011 04:09 AM

My Mom had a saying :
The house is messy enough to be lived in
but is clean enough to be healthy
I like my Moms sayings carol

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