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Dina 05-31-2011 11:16 AM

Does anyone else do this? I desperately want to quilt, but I will not let myself until I clean house. All I lack are bathrooms...and this is my break...but I got to wondering if anyone else uses quilting as a reward...or maybe not quilting as a punishment....or maybe the whole thing is a bribe?

It's not like it has been so long since I cleaned (two weeks...)or since I quilted (yesterday)....but I must clean bathrooms before I quilt....darn.

(I considered the suggestion someone here made...to put Get Well Cards on the mantle so it would look like I had been too ill to clean, instead of spending all my time quilting. But I suppose my signature on the cards might look fishy...)

(I hope the fact that I don't clean house more than every two weeks doesn't shock anyone. I decided years ago that the world would not end if I didn't clean house ever week...)

donnajean 05-31-2011 11:31 AM

I have a schedule for cleaning depending on what room it is. Cleaning is really fast when done on a regular basis & you don't have men & kids to clean up after.

fabric_fancy 05-31-2011 11:37 AM

every day i do all my chores first and then quilt.

i exercise, then i clean a room, then i work on quilts.

Mamaskeeto 05-31-2011 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by fabric_fancy
every day i do all my chores first and then quilt.

i exercise, then i clean a room, then i work on quilts.

I do the same, must finish my chores before I can quilt.

newbee3 05-31-2011 11:47 AM

I am with you the thing about having a clean house to me is on the back burner. Believe me I do not live in filthy house just one that is lived in and has lots of love.

ontheriver 05-31-2011 12:05 PM

It doesn't shock me. I figure if the health dept. Doesn't show up and SO and GS aren't starving we're doing ok. No, really, taught them to clean up after selves so really doesn't get a mess. They can even run the vacuum.

JulieTN 05-31-2011 12:11 PM

I guess all of this does epends on your own personal need/level of neatness. I can live with stuff around easily, if I KNOW it will get done soon.

But actual kitchen or bath clenaing is a Monday Morning chore for me. This is also the day I do the laundry - that all works in together. It leads to stripping theb eds for aundry too. THAT is all I do on Monday - period!

As far as I am concerned dusting, vacuuming etc can just wait until I decide I want to - or perhaps get the feeling of HAVE TO lol - do it.

Life is far far too short to be a live in maid!

AFQSinc 05-31-2011 12:11 PM

I use my quilting time as a little reward. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have a baby quilt that I really need to get pieced and done - the mommy is going to be induced in a few weeks. I've been trying to do a little extra each day so I have a couple of reserve days when I can just bang it out.

On Saturday and Sunday there will be a quilt show. So, today my goal is to get all of the laundry and ironing done, on Wednesday bathrooms and then Friday beds, dusting and floors so that on Saturday I can get up early and go to my LQS and pick up my next Buck-A-Block and then get over to the show. We'll see how I do.

Ladyjanedoe 05-31-2011 12:13 PM

I do all my chores first .As someone mentioned above, it doesn't get bad because I'm always on it. I grew up in a filthy, filthy home and I promised I'd never live that way when I grew up and had my own family. The only time I can really relax and enjoy hobbies is once I know everything is straightened up. On rare occasions I might alternate sewing with cleaning. Gives me the best of both worlds :)

Tartan 05-31-2011 12:39 PM

I always clean the house on Friday. That way it looks nice for the weekend in case I have company. I do my wash on Saturday due to lower electricity rates. That leaves me 5 other days to quilt, Yeah!

pastorpatricia 05-31-2011 12:51 PM

Only my husband and I at home now and he cleans really well, took a while to train him but worth the time invested. I make myself do things like study, write sermons, etc. before I quilt. Maybe some day I'll retire and be able to spend lots an lots of time quilting, if I'm not to old to enjoy it.

AFQSinc 05-31-2011 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by Tartan
I always clean the house on Friday. That way it looks nice for the weekend in case I have company. I do my wash on Saturday due to lower electricity rates. That leaves me 5 other days to quilt, Yeah!

That is a good routine. Interesting that you have different electricity rates on Saturday.

Before I had my son my husband worked a job where he travelled Monday through Friday. He was home Friday night, Saturday and then would leave on Sunday. My house was never so clean! It is nicer having him home (and of course I just adore my little one) but I sure do miss those days of minimal cleaning and maximum crafting! :)

SherriB 05-31-2011 01:02 PM

I don't mind if my house is not spotlessly clean. I gave up on that years ago. I try to keep my home neat and clean and healthy but that is as far as it goes. I don't like a lot of clutter around me and I don't care for nick-nacks, so that helps with the dusting. We only have hardwood floors, so no vacuuming, just a sweep or swiffer and weekly mopping.

Someday when there are no more little feet making lots of mess, then I may try to keep my home spotless. But I will probably be to old to care by that time. LOL!!!

alikat110 05-31-2011 01:52 PM

oooh, I w wish I was as motivated to clean as to quilt

sweetpea 05-31-2011 02:02 PM

have is one. for you told myself that I had to clean the school bus before I quilted today so I set to work in the bus at 9:00 I stop at 3;45 becasue I had to get two package to the post office by 4:00 But the bus is not done so I will have go back to it in the morning, I still have to wax it { inside & out} and wash the windows just think of those windows { I don't like doneing windows}so they will be NO quilting for me today or tom row.

PaperPrincess 05-31-2011 02:04 PM

Here's a different, but related issue. I had my piano lesson today. My teacher said "less quilting and more practicing!", Although she did admire my latest creation!

Kkimberlee 05-31-2011 02:07 PM

I've actually been using Home Routines, an Iphone App to get me through my cleaning. It uses a 5 week rotation. So on my daily list is the stuff that has to get done, and then the rest just comes once month or sew. Helps me get it done, without letting it slide 'too' long.

BrendaK 05-31-2011 02:10 PM

:P First I have to make sure that the bed is made. To me for some reason the apartment always looks cleaner when the bed is made. I have to make sure that all my chores are done before I can take enjoyment from my sewing. I also need to make time for a vaccumn before DH gets home. For some reason there is always a mess on my floor when I quilt. If I really get carried away and he arrives home before I am finished, sometimes he will cook dinner and I can continue with what I am doing. To each his own. We all have our different ways. That's what makes life sweeter. BrendaK

aliaslaceygreen 05-31-2011 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by Kkimberlee
I've actually been using Home Routines, an Iphone App to get me through my cleaning. It uses a 5 week rotation. So on my daily list is the stuff that has to get done, and then the rest just comes once month or sew. Helps me get it done, without letting it slide 'too' long.

One more reason I can't wait for my iPhone! (I can upgrade in Nov)....

I have tried to make myself do things for the length of a CD, then I can do what I want for the length of another CD, and then I have to clean again for another CD....

But generally, I am not worried about the house, DH didn't marry me because of my housework standards!!!

I sometimes sit in horrified wonder, reading what others standards of cleanliness is. Two quick examples; one woman said on a message board she bathes her cats every two weeks, it's right there on her house cleaning schedule.
Another said she steam cleans her couch every two weeks.
I don't think I have EVER steam cleaned my couch!!! :oops:

carhop 05-31-2011 02:19 PM

tomorrow I have to mop my kitchen I cut watermellon and when I tried to close the bowl (3times) the bowl slid out fan dumped its content on the counter and floor oh it is sticky my shoes want to stay when I walk on it

Annaquilts 05-31-2011 02:20 PM

Yes, I am decluttering bedrooms before I can have fun.

conniek 05-31-2011 02:26 PM

I too bribe myself if I clean....thenI can go into the quilting room...sometimes supper is not quite what I had planned because the quilt room won!

conniek 05-31-2011 02:29 PM

I just cover the couch with an old sheet and when company comes over pull the sheet off... and wonder of wonders the couch is clean..use to steam clean it got smart and have more time to quilt!!!

BellaBoo 05-31-2011 02:40 PM

I taught my kids since age three to never leave the bathroom until it is tidy. As they got older the were expected to dry the shower walls with a used towel and never ever leave the bathroom with the sink in a mess and everything put away. No way I was going to clean up their sloppy mess, they made it they can clean it. I don't clean up other's messes unless they are ill.

montanajan 05-31-2011 03:03 PM

We have a Bible Study each Tuesday evening at our home - so I have to clean before it starts each week. I'm leaving the board right now to dust the living room furniture, make the coffee, lemonade, slice the roast for the pot luck we're having this evening. I should have done all this sooner, but wanted to quilt a bit, & that always ends up taking more time - next time I'll clean first then quilt!

OneMoreQuilt 05-31-2011 03:29 PM

I bribe myself all of the time. Luckily, summer break is just around the corner (I am a teacher) so I'll have more time for quilting!!!

SharBear 05-31-2011 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by AFQSinc

Originally Posted by Tartan
I always clean the house on Friday. That way it looks nice for the weekend in case I have company. I do my wash on Saturday due to lower electricity rates. That leaves me 5 other days to quilt, Yeah!

That is a good routine. Interesting that you have different electricity rates on Saturday.

Before I had my son my husband worked a job where he travelled Monday through Friday. He was home Friday night, Saturday and then would leave on Sunday. My house was never so clean! It is nicer having him home (and of course I just adore my little one) but I sure do miss those days of minimal cleaning and maximum crafting! :)

Funny, my husband travels a lot too - and even with my two boys (9 and 10) the house stays cleaner when he is on the road than when he is here.

SharBear 05-31-2011 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by BellaBoo
I taught my kids since age three to never leave the bathroom until it is tidy. As they got older the were expected to dry the shower walls with a used towel and never ever leave the bathroom with the sink in a mess and everything put away. No way I was going to clean up their sloppy mess, they made it they can clean it. I don't clean up other's messes unless they are ill.

you are my hero! I'm working with two boys on their "aim" - there's a container of Lysol wipes right under the sink. And they can come back and clean up after themselves. I tell them that "God didn't put me here to clean up after you, he put me here to teach you to clean up after yourself!"

CoyoteQuilts 05-31-2011 05:01 PM

You do it more often then I do.... Because of the 'cat' I at least vacuum (or try to) once a week, bathrooms get a 'lick and a promise' when they need it and it's a good thing I have a dish washer because I hate doing dishes..... The only thing I really do on a regular basis is the laundry---I hate to go naked :)

mom2boys 05-31-2011 05:02 PM

I gave up on the clean house years ago, but I do make sure all my chores are done before I start a big project. It's nice the boys are older now and at least do dishes and vacuum

sweetpea 05-31-2011 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by sweetpea
have is one. for you told myself that I had to clean the school bus before I quilted today so I set to work in the bus at 9:00 I stop at 3;45 becasue I had to get two package to the post office by 4:00 But the bus is not done so I will have go back to it in the morning, I still have to wax it { inside & out} and wash the windows just think of those windows { I don't like doneing windows}so they will be NO quilting for me today or tom row.

36 windows washed and to dark to wax.

angelarose 06-01-2011 02:44 AM

Originally Posted by Mamaskeeto

Originally Posted by fabric_fancy
every day i do all my chores first and then quilt.

i exercise, then i clean a room, then i work on quilts.

I do the same, must finish my chores before I can quilt.

Same here.

susanwilley 06-01-2011 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by Dina
Does anyone else do this? I desperately want to quilt, but I will not let myself until I clean house. All I lack are bathrooms...and this is my break...but I got to wondering if anyone else uses quilting as a reward...or maybe not quilting as a punishment....or maybe the whole thing is a bribe?

It's not like it has been so long since I cleaned (two weeks...)or since I quilted (yesterday)....but I must clean bathrooms before I quilt....darn.

(I considered the suggestion someone here made...to put Get Well Cards on the mantle so it would look like I had been too ill to clean, instead of spending all my time quilting. But I suppose my signature on the cards might look fishy...)

(I hope the fact that I don't clean house more than every two weeks doesn't shock anyone. I decided years ago that the world would not end if I didn't clean house ever week...)

Nope, not a shock. I've been fighting with myself all weekend!!! Now I'm working everyday so this weekend, I REALLY MEAN IT, NO QUILTING UNTIL THE HOUSE WORK IS DONE! Really, I mean it!

anicra 06-01-2011 03:19 AM

I usually make sure the house in in order before I quilt. This way, I now I can concentrate on my quilting project. But...If I wake up n the morning with a quilt project on my mind, I will go work on that even before I have breakfast. Being retired gives me lots of flexibility.

buslady 06-01-2011 03:38 AM

I am lucky DH does most of the housework, I work full time and he doesn't. Fair is fair!! Every now and then I have to do some things, there are some things a man just doesn't see/care about. I have to do the "deep" cleaning. But I must admit, since my "spare" time is sparse, quilting generally comes first. I do make tradeoffs, an hour of cleaning for a day (or two) of quilting. LOL

kateyb 06-01-2011 03:55 AM

I get very stiff if I sit for a long period of time so I quilt for 45 - 60 minutes at a time then do a household chore. Some get done every day ie, the dishes others on a rotating basis vacuuming, dusting, mopping. I get sewing time and the house stays decent. This has been harder to do since my husband retired. He seems to get in the way or wants to do things. He does cook and do the dishes and helps with the heavy stuff.

bobbie1 06-01-2011 03:56 AM

Originally Posted by Mamaskeeto

Originally Posted by fabric_fancy
every day i do all my chores first and then quilt.

i exercise, then i clean a room, then i work on quilts.

I do the same, must finish my chores before I can quilt.

Me too!

AngieS 06-01-2011 03:58 AM

I just wish I didn't have to work any more so I could clean and work on quilts. I'm burnt out on this working thing....ready to give it up. (have been since I started it!) My kids need their Mommy at home and one day I hope to be back there......even if they are all grown. HA!!

DoxieFive 06-01-2011 04:07 AM

Knowing that I will be rewarded with quilting helps me get the work done faster. The faster I clean, the quicker I can quilt. The reward at the end is a good thing!

Marion T 06-01-2011 04:08 AM

Originally Posted by pastorpatricia
Only my husband and I at home now and he cleans really well, took a while to train him but worth the time invested. I make myself do things like study, write sermons, etc. before I quilt. Maybe some day I'll retire and be able to spend lots an lots of time quilting, if I'm not to old to enjoy it.

Does he have a clone? I would pay for a clone.

I can't believe all you cleaners!! I'd rather be doing anything than cleaning! Quilting isn't my reward for cleaning - cleaning is just something I do because it has to be done. Quilting is something I do because I love it.

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