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Treasureit 11-05-2010 12:37 PM

I agree with most of what everyone else has said here. Give yourself some Grace! Because you have a sewing room doesn't mean you have to sew all the time!

I didn't sew for many years when my kids were teens and also when I worked full time. There are only so many hours in a day and you should enjoy the ones that are yours to relax in.

Taking a class is a good motivation too. I wish I had the time to take one, but with 3 grandchildren arriving this year I need to work on my quilts I have started. Then I will play again. I am enjoying these baby quilts though! So cute.

quilting grqmmy 11-05-2010 12:49 PM


nhweaver 11-05-2010 01:07 PM

Like most working moms and wives, YOU are on bottom of the priority list. Been there, done that. You are important and deserve some bit of time to yourself. For you at this time of your life, you get enjoyment out of fabric, and ideas. Sit in your sewing room (haven from the real world) and let your mind rip. Think about what you could make, fondle those fabrics, sort and resort your stash. I give your permission (need a written pass? HAHA) Try not to beat yourself over those projects to be birthed. Right now treat yourself to time in your creativity room(alias The Sewing Room).

tjradj 11-05-2010 01:14 PM

We all have down spurts along with our creative spurts. What if you try 'giving' yourself a quilting day every once in a while. If your guild has a quilting all day event, sign up and tell your children's dad he will be parenting that day.
Or send the kids to grandma's for the day and tell hubs that you're going in your sewing room and not coming out. He may bring food and drink but otherwise is to leave you alone.
Trying to squeeze quilting in on a daily basis while raising children and working is hard. I find it easier to book blocks of time for me. Then the pressure is off, and the creativity flows better.

Tweety2911 11-05-2010 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by fabrichore
thanks for all the encouraging words, and you are all right maybe I am tired and when you are tired you make mistakes, hence having to pull the whole thing out...and I do hope that I can get back into it soon, because I do miss my fabric...LOL Hugs to you all....

Sounds like you really need to just stroke and enjoy your lovely fabrics now and that in itself is a real comfort when things are not going your way. You will know when the time is right to start something. Perhaps signing up for a quilt class will help to cheer you up get you going on something you really want to do for yourself and make some new quilting friends who share in your desires and frustrations. Good luck dear quilter, don't give up!!!

Bev 11-05-2010 01:32 PM

You work all day at a job, you have a child, and I imagine you also try to keep your house in some sort of order. To me that says you are not lazy. Or at least you are not able to be lazy at this point in your life. Trying to make quilts or sew clothes is probably giving you stress that you don't need right now. Who does? If all you like to do is go into your sewing space and stroke your "collection" of fabric, that's perfectly OK. Give yourself permission. It's giving you pleasure and helps you to relax. But if it makes you feel guilty because you're not making something with it, that's not good. Don't do that to yourself. Tell yourself, because this is true, that this material will be used to make the most beautiful things. And until then you're storing it, because by the time you get to use it, all of those fabrics will be "out of print" and you would not be able to purchase them anymore. You'll be so glad you have them. 8-)

gramymoore 11-05-2010 01:49 PM

Sweetheart I can relate to you and most of these ladies. I am a new beginner quilter. I have made nothing yet but I have learned a lot. I was introduced to the senior center here in Oregon and this is where Iam learning to quilt and make quilts. I was started with a quilt pattern block to learn to quilt. It has taken me at least 2 months to catch on how to quilt.
I have been buying small amounts of material or fabric and collecting fabric's brought in to the senior center and shared around. Iam so very thankful for the ladies at the Tigard Oregon Senior Center who has taken me under their wings and taught me a craft I wanted to learn. I will get to the quilt making process some day soon.
I am retired and have minor health issue's like tirdeness that makes me sleep a lot some
times but I will get there.
I have a bedroom upstairs in my daughter's house because she doesn't like me to sleep in my craft room down stairs but I have a craft room and a couch, table sewing machine. TV and computer and let me tell you I could live in that room. Because when I get an idea going all I have to do is get up and pick out what I want to do and I am a crocheter to.
I love this board because you all sound and treat every one just like my quilting ladies treat each other in our senior group. Also Iam addicted to my computer and patterns and all kids of crafts and quilting blogs.
Mary Ann

sylvia776 11-05-2010 01:59 PM

Oh fabrichore, don't be so hard on yourself!

After a busy day at work; a long drive home; preparing dinner; washing up the dishes; etc; etc; etc; you are crazy if you think you can sit down and do some meaningful, enjoyable sewing!

What you need is some quiet time, maybe on a weekend, when your hubby can take your son out for the day to give you some quiet time and a badly needed break and then, maybe if you feel so inclined, you can give the sewing machine a try.

It's amazing how much more enjoyment you will get from sewing when you are relaxed and fresh.

Make "sewing time" YOUR time and I'm sure you will achieve better results without having to resort to unpicking all your hard work.

Good luck, girl!!!

smitty 11-05-2010 02:08 PM

there are so any good replies that I hesitate to add mine. Ditto what everyone has said. I am now 73, but remember well when I burned the candle at both ends, had the cleanest house on the block, etc. you can not do it All! wish someone had set me aside many, many years ago & said that. so what if you only look at books or smooth fabric ? it is what YOU want to do. husbands some times have a hard time seeing this because most of them can plunk at the TV & lose themselves. go easy on yourself and give yourself some leeway---and most of all---lose that word "guilt". everyone here wishes you well & hopes you will get thru this wall.
loving hugs, smitty

JUNEC 11-05-2010 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by fabrichore
thanks for all the encouraging words, and you are all right maybe I am tired and when you are tired you make mistakes, hence having to pull the whole thing out...and I do hope that I can get back into it soon, because I do miss my fabric...LOL Hugs to you all....

Try not to put too pressure on yourself. I find that when I try to do too much or rush trying to get things done, I make mistakes, or it doesn't work out well - it turns into a never ending cycle. So I stop doing it.

Do small amounts - like cutting certain blocks one night, sewing another, etc.

Slow and steady always wins the race. Relax and enjoy.

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