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kindleaddict63 05-08-2014 05:31 PM

I can totally relate - I promised my friend a quilt, it has been on the go so long she now refers to it as her shroud because she thnks that its going to take that long to get it! I totally understand where she is cooming from.....

I sometimes take a total break and spend time reading although if I put fabric and machine out of sight it takes me longer to get back to it. Hope you find a way to get your motivation motivated!

Dina 05-08-2014 05:45 PM

I promise myself a reward if I get doing something I have put off. Usually my reward is fabric. :)


stillclock 05-08-2014 08:31 PM

too much undone stuff. you gotta get to work. nothing for it but to begin.


knitwitrosie 05-09-2014 08:51 AM

Thank you all for the support & suggestions!! I really appreciate it. I guess I just need to light a fire under my butt to get me started again.

I think the problem for me is that the list is so long, it's kinda overwhelming and I don't know where to start. I think you're all right... I just need to dive in and start something... ANYTHING to get the mojo going again.

I've had all day to think about it and I think I have a plan. Tonight we have some errands to do, but then I'm gonna come home and prewash the flannel for the cuddle blanket. While those are in the washer/dryer, I'm gonna get started on one of the receiving blankets to get my mojo going. The rest of the weekend, I'm gonna finish the cuddle blanket and start either the placemats or the Dr Seuss blanket. I talked to hubby last night and he said he'll do everything he can to keep me on track http://forum.missouriquiltco.com/ima...icon_smile.gif. He's tough too.... No ice cream before I eat dinner kinda thing.

Thank you all again for the wonderful suggestions!!! I'm still a newbie and I find it awesome to find such support here http://forum.missouriquiltco.com/ima...icon_smile.gif

slbram17 05-09-2014 09:03 AM

I think you probably just need a little break until the desire to get back into sewing comes back.

Barb in Louisiana 05-09-2014 11:36 AM

I have the same problem just getting going lots of time. I make an agreement with myself to go to the sewing room for 15 minutes and set a timer on my phone. When I get there, sometimes I only clean things up. Most times, I see something simple that I want to work on and find out I've been in there a couple of hours.

I'm trying to learn Spanish. I turn on my pc and listen while I work. It sure makes the time fly.

The other way that works for me is to schedule 15 minutes each day in the sewing room. If I miss more than 3 or 4 days, I lose all interest in all the projects and then begin to forget where I am with them. I am now learning that I need to make notes in each project as to why I have put it aside and haven't finished them. I've got over 30 started...way too many. I have another half dozen ready to start that are gifts that have been put on hold until I can get some other stuff finished.

Amazingly, I am working on a very complex (for me) Judy Niemeyer project and I don't have any problem going in there to work on it. I am figuring out that if it is too simple, I get bored, and when I get bored I won't do any of what needs doing. That's not good for all the projects I have going.

I feel so much better when I feel like I got something accomplished. Sometimes, I just literally kick myself in the butt, and tell myself, just get up and do something! It always surprises me when this works.

Good luck!

Edited to add: I am fortunate that I don't have to put all the projects away, therefore I get a lot of reminders every time I go by the room. I keep one or two projects on the design wall at all times. Just seeing how beautiful they are helps get me going.

Sewnoma 05-09-2014 11:43 AM

Well for me, I decided to move my sewing room from a cramped upstairs bedroom down to the living room, and also do some minor remodeling while I was at it. Everything is all churned up and I can't sew at all, so of course I've been CRAVING some sewing time and just dying to get back to work on MY UFO list. Seems like nothing motivates me more than not being able to do anything!!!

I need to get motivated to finish putting privacy/UV protectant film on some windows, so I can finish moving in. But that stuff is just terrible to deal with. I haven't even started sticking the stuff to a single window BUT I have managed to give myself several "paper" cuts from the edges of the film just trying to cut it to size and get it to relax and lay flat! Urgh. I'm about ready to just paint over the windows and call it a day! LOL

citruscountyquilter 05-09-2014 01:02 PM

I set time-line goals but they are flexible. I also tend to work on just one project at a time so that I'm not overwhelmed. I also do a quilt in sections. I don't cut it all, sew it all, etc. I cut some, sew those pieces together, cut some more etc. When I'm machine quilting I quilt a section and then pull the threads through, tie and bury and then move on to another section. This keeps the process fresh.

Just looking at your list I'd be overwhelmed. Take one thing at a time and do it at a speed and method that works for you. It's your quilt, your time.

Onetomatoplant 05-09-2014 01:21 PM

I watch quilting videos on YouTube. For whatever reason, nothing makes me want to sew like watching other people sew! And (this is meant entirely in jest) I notice all your fabric is bought - don't let yourself buy anymore until you finish your projects! :p

Rodney 05-09-2014 01:43 PM

My motivation and inspiration is the people I care about. I also signed on for the 2014 Quilts for Quilters exchange. That one has a deadline that makes me keep myself working on it. It's also a really fun quilt to me and that helps a lot. My other major priority is a quilt for my grand niece that I want to finish while she's still a baby. After that is a quilt for my wife. That one is giving me fits so I only work on it in between other projects. Coming up is a quilt my daughter and I will make together for her and finally my own that I want to have done before next winter.

It sounds like you have the motivation, it's the inspiration you're looking for. Don't worry, you'll find it again. Sometimes we all need to take a step back and relax a bit. I really need to be in the mood for anything creative like quilting.
Deadlines help, if it was me I'd keep working on the knitting for the June deadline and get started on the cuddle blanket for your niece. She won't be little forever.
Small steps is another excellent strategy. Tell yourself "15 minutes" or "just for a little bit". Some days you may just sit and stare, wondering where to begin, other days you may not look up from your work until 3 hours later and be shocked at what you have accomplished.

Take a deep breath, relax and plan a small part of your day to work on one of your projects.
You'll find your inspiration when the time is right.

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