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luvstoquilt301 07-01-2011 03:18 AM

I have a stash because I am a VERY productive charity quilter. I buy fabric that is a bargain or I could not afford to give so much away.

I make children's quilts and quilts for the military. Also our local Hospice. I am given fabric my members of my guild also.

I have a certain amount of space for all quilty things. I like organization and fabric out where I can see it on shelves. It makes me very happy to see it all and know that soon it will be turned into quilts.

gls234 07-01-2011 03:24 AM

I am in total agreement with you. We always have a stash because I always buy a little more than the project needs just in case. When starting a project, the fabric in my house is either not enough, wrong shade, or - how about this - too much. Don't want to cut into it as I need it in the future. A stash is guilty reminder of money spent not being used but more important for me, it becomes a storage problem.

Thanks for sharing. I thought I was the only one.

Babs194068 07-01-2011 03:30 AM

Originally Posted by SparkMonkey
I've been hanging around here for a couple weeks, loving every post, but I feel like I'm in the minority in that I am not a "stasher." By that I mean I don't purchase fabric without a distinct purpose. I save all my scraps, of course, and I will occasionally purchase a bit extra, particularly if it's a fabric I truly love. But I don't go out and buy just for the sake of buying. I learned this long ago with my knitting, and I feel like for me, the same goes for quilting: if I don't have a plan when I buy something, it'll never get used. I don't mind having a few "pets" in my stash, but it's like any other animal--it gets to a point where the care and feeding is simply overwhelming and no longer enjoyable. ;) Realistically, I can only complete a handful of quilts a year. If something enters my stash now and doesn't see the light of day for five years, I may not even like it anymore! I also don't make a lot of money, but I like to use good materials. It saves me money to only purchase what I need, when I need it.

There are lots and lots of reasons I prefer to buy fabric on an as-needed basis. I'm not at all judging or disparaging those who have huge stashes, but it's definitely not how I approach my hobby.

What are your reasons for stashing or not?

Your lucky, I have stash and every time I do a new project I have to buy all new fabric. The only nice thing about my stash is that it was purchase in different states when we were on vacation.

sewgarden 07-01-2011 03:34 AM

You sound like me

SherriB 07-01-2011 03:40 AM

I have a stash because I love fabric. I love to look at it, touch it and smell it. I also have a stash so I don't have to worry if I can buy fabric in a few years. If I can, great! If not, I will just pull from my own closet. I am no where near a hoarder and doubt I ever will be. (Can't stand clutter at all!)

Dolphyngyrl 07-01-2011 03:45 AM

me i don't have a stash, don't have the space or money, honestly don't know how people can afford it

olebat 07-01-2011 03:45 AM

My fabric hording (strike that - collection/stashing) habit is somewhat organized. I see something I really love, I decide how much I love it. Love enough for piecing, OBW, borders or perhaps a background, and buy yardage accordingly. I keep a swatch in a small photo album, (have several) which I carry with on shopping trips. Matching, coordinating, and contrasting, until I have what I feel are compatible and sufficient fabrics for a quilt. I began doing that when I wanted to make a quilt with a much loved fabric, and couldn't find what I wanted to balance the colors, at home, or in my local stores. When I store the fabrics, they are by intended projects. When there is an opportunity to attend a retreat, or an out of town trip, I can just grab a stack of fabric and go.

karenpatrick 07-01-2011 04:13 AM

I just love fabric, that's why I buy it. I love everything about it. The feel, the smell of a quilt shop, the other shoppers, cutting it, sewing it. I just love it.

jasming 07-01-2011 04:17 AM

My stash consists of scraps and some Christmas fabrics I purchased on liquidation at the end of last season. I don't buy without a project in mind.

nyelphaba 07-01-2011 04:21 AM

I have a stash of fabrics I love. I do not buy large amounts of yardage unless I am buying for backing. I love looking at these fabrics and some of them are so special to me I do not what to use them because I cannot replace them. They make me happy.

WMUTeach 07-01-2011 04:24 AM

I have a large stash only by inheritance. My sister-in-law, a marvelous quilter, passed away and my brother was unsure of what to do with all of her supplies, tools and fabric. I asked if I could have her things and to save some items for her daughters that are not quilters yet but may be someday. I found unfinished projects, samples to practice new techniques and so many little tools in her things!

I was an experienced sewer and had made garments for ever so long as well as small quilt projects but never a bed sized quilt so the transition was not hard. I wanted to continue her tradition of giving quilts for family babies, graduations and weddings and honor her by using her fabrics. It seemed like the right thing to do and it keeps her close. That was....a number of years ago and I have only just begun to make a dent in her stash, now my stash. I am blessed to have so much fabric to use at will. So far, I have made 13 quilts of various sizes mostly from her stash and have many, many, many more to go.

I suspect that my stash will be more limited when I have used most of hers but that will be years and years from now.

jolo 07-01-2011 04:27 AM

My reason for stashing was I bought before I retired from nursing,knew on SS that I would have a limited budget. Now I use my stash and only have to buy occasionally to finish a quilt.

mar32428 07-01-2011 04:50 AM

I am. I learned years ago to purchase what I like in the colors I like to make my clothing. If I decided a week later to buy it, it was gone.
I have a set of basic clothing patterns that I've used for years so always knew the amount needed. I just redesign as needed for style or fit here and there to change them.

I found when I started quilting, I did the same thing. I'm happy I did cause with the economy today and my fixed income, I can't afford to go buy fabric unless I need something special. When I'm ready to start a new quilt, I just open my storage doors and smile while I contemplate my choices.

mltquilt 07-01-2011 04:53 AM

I didn't start out wanting to become a stasher, it just happened along the way. A lot of my stash is kits. Just had to have them and never had time to make them. Trying really hard now to use up some of this stuff as I retried a couple of years ago.


elm 07-01-2011 04:53 AM

Just like you, I used to buy yarn for knitting. Then I decided to move from Massachusetts to Florida. Between my yarn and my books, reducing what I would take with me was painful. Now that I am quilting, I allow myself to buy a few precut fabrics in colors I know I'll always use to have on hand for trying out ideas. I only buy larger amounts for a specific project. Now if I could only keep myself from buying books, I might be able to declutter my condo. Living in a condo also keeps me from buying that extra fabric.

Jo Mama 07-01-2011 04:59 AM

My reason for stashing is that I can put a quilt together without having to go to the store. But I love to buy fabric when it is on sale so that I don't feel tooooo guilty.

bebe 07-01-2011 05:03 AM

I am downsizing and only purchasing what I need
You are so right you choices change over time and your are stuck with stuff u do not like
So true it is a lesson to be learned
it can be very overwhelming and stops productivity
Besides you can never guess what u will need
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

irquilter 07-01-2011 05:05 AM

I have learned to view my stash the way I think an artist might view her pallet of paints. When I feel that wonderful desire to begin a new exciting quilt project with just the right pattern in front of me I am ready right then to make those fabric choices, which may not be when my LQS is open. It is a wonderful luxury to pull fabrics from my stash an begin right away. Also when that fabric I was sure was going to be perfect for the borders just isn't I can usually find another choice in my stash. Luxury, pure luxury, I know, and it feels like play in the most fun, relaxing and creative of ways. Just how I enjoy creating :o)

nab 07-01-2011 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by quilting cat
Simply put, I'm a fabricholic -- I get a thrill out of purchasing fabric, especially about finding bargains.

I also have this disease. I love fabric. If I am upset it calms me down; if I am unhappy, a few hours with my fabric will help me overcome; if I need time alone, I spend it in my sewing room. I really do not know what I would do without my hobbies. In addition to quilting, I crochet, needle tat, knit, and do cross stitching. I do understand those who do not want or have a stash. It's OK. You are still a quilter.

wolph33 07-01-2011 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
I have a stash simply because I love buying, touching and gazing at beautiful fabrics!! I just can't resist. I don't spend my $$ on booze, cigs, clothes, jewelry or "going out" I pretty much only buy fabrics and quilting supplies

It is wonderful, however, to be able to go into my room, open my cabinets and just pull fabrics that strike my fancy that day and whip up a quilt. I have done this dozens of times!!! Especially if you are tired and can't get out shopping but you just want to create and sew.

same here-fabric is my vice

cjaye44 07-01-2011 06:08 AM

I have a huge stash of fabric and never apologize for it. I'm very glad now that I have been collecting over the years. I'm retired...income is limited and the price of fabric these days makes buying new a real luxury. I depend on yard and estate sales. What I have is not the newest but the idea is to keep making quilts. AND...they were all made in the good old USA!!! They will never be considered heirlooms but they are made to be used and loved. However, my late aunt ( actually I taught her to quilt...she was a knitter) made one quilt a year...she bought only the fabric for that quilt and until that quilt was finished, no new fabric. I am fortunate enough to have all of her quilts since her daughters were totally uninterested in needlearts. So I figure, different strokes for different folks. Whatever makes a person happy!! Live and let live

scrapbeagle 07-01-2011 06:12 AM

I agree with you. When we were younger, my Mom sewed all of our clothes, curtains, furniture covers, dance review costumes, etc. and never threw away the scraps or leftover yardage. She always saved it for "maybe one day I will need it". Unfortunately, she never used it and when we did hit her stash, some of the fabric had dry rotted! Even though I am a sewer, I have never held onto to fabric scraps. My name "scrapbeagle" originated when I became a scrapbooker, which is a whole other stash happy hobby.

I am new to quilting, and although it is very hard not to buy when you see the fabric, I am trying not to build too big of a stash. There is nothing wrong with having or not having a stash. We will each find our own path in how we accomplish our quilting. I am fortunate to have fabric and local quilting stores close to my house, and some do not have that advantage.

mimee4 07-01-2011 06:19 AM

I'm a stasher but I usually buy with specific ideas in mind - sometimes the fabric is used that way and sometimes not. I buy for backs of quilts, pillowcases, kids, blenders, and on and on. Some fabrics have been given to me - oh yes, I save my scraps, some in bags from quilts I've made and I know the fabrics go together. Over time, the fabric just builds. I have a lot of fat quarters when they were the popular thing to buy. Now I'm sorry I have such as stash of them and will be using some of them as backs for QAYG.

virgwid 07-01-2011 06:25 AM

I have a stash because I know what I like and don't like, and even if I don't have a specific quilt in mind, if I like it, it will get used. I am a single mom supporting my elderly mother and about to send my son off to college this fall. Money is very limited. I have a specific amount earmarked for "mad money" for me to buy books, go out, buy fabric, whatever recreation I desire each month. I used up most of my June money and part of my July money yesterday on Connecting Threads. I had to get some white fabric to finish off what I need to make my son a quilt, and then I saw their clearance stuff. They had some really nice fabric that I liked for 2.96 a yard. I ended up getting a total of 27 yards of fabric (including my white I originally wanted) for 95 dollars. I will either use them in a quilt top, or as backing. And since I have a stash, I can go to that instead of the store when I want to make a new quilt and not get stuck paying an outrageous amount for the fabric, or be stuck unable to start a new one when I want because I have no extra money that month. I think it will be fun when I have to go to my stash and pick out fabric for a new quilt. Make the quilt fit the fabric- its like a puzzle. Virg

Glassquilt 07-01-2011 06:57 AM

I started out only buying what I needed for the quilt I was working on. That worked well until I had the brilliant idea of making a queen sized tumbling block with every diamond a different fabric. I have a lot of FQs.

gramarraine 07-01-2011 07:42 AM

As has been said before, to each his own. I have a stash, and my mother had a stash. I organized my fabric last fall and I pretty much know what I have. My husband encourages me to buy when fabric is on sale and buy some extra if the price is good. We never know when we might need to make a quilt for a gift or just to be creative. I also live 50 miles away from the fabric stores so it is good to have something to use when I want it.

PurplePassion 07-01-2011 07:49 AM

Originally Posted by Lori S
I stash for many reasons, one is when inspiration strikes , I can act on it without having to go to the store. I find it distracting sometimes to have to go and search out ... I am much more likely to finish a project if I can start when I really want .
I stash because over the years often when I see a fabulous fabric ... it will probably be gone when I finally figure out what I will do with it. So for me the process is different its fabric first .. Figuring out the project for the fabric is second.
Additionally I do not want to always pay full price .. so when I see a piece I know will have use on sale I buy it.

Me Too.

SparkMonkey 07-01-2011 07:50 AM

This is what I love about this board--SO many different approaches, and not one attitude about "you should do it my way because of [reason]." Just honest, friendly sharing and discussion, and everyone has perfectly good reasons for why they do or do not do something.

I did take advantage of the big Independence Day sale at Joann this morning, but all I got was a big rotary mat and the fixings for 2 lap quilts--one for my living room, and one to try my hand at selling. This should be enough to keep me busy for months to come, and they're ready when I am. :)

serenitybygrace 07-01-2011 07:54 AM

I probably knew long ago that I would make at least one quilt someday, therefore, I had a small stash before I even started to make a quilt. I have bought lots of fabric since then, mostly on sale or fabrics I really, really liked. I bought theme fabrics for kids quilts and then patriotic fabrics. I have bought bundles from garage sales, e-bay, etc. I am working from my stash now. I may need fabrics for backings or perhaps need something specific for a quilt. I want to use up my stash now. I am glad I have it but it takes up too much storage room. I also have a huge stash of yarn, a stash of crochet and tatting thread and of course books for all of the above. Will I use all of this up before I go home to be with the Lord?? Who knows!

Meme2six 07-01-2011 08:09 AM

I have a fair sized stash. I will be retiring in a couple of years and won't be financially able to purchase much. I don't smoke, drink or overspend anywhere else, so I forgive myself if I see a piece of fabric that I love and buy it even if I don't have an immediate plan for it. I have slowed way down on buying these days, though, until I use up some of my current stash.

Wunder-Mar 07-01-2011 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by Lori S
I stash for many reasons, one is when inspiration strikes , I can act on it without having to go to the store. I find it distracting sometimes to have to go and search out ... I am much more likely to finish a project if I can start when I really want .
I stash because over the years often when I see a fabulous fabric ... it will probably be gone when I finally figure out what I will do with it. So for me the process is different its fabric first .. Figuring out the project for the fabric is second.
Additionally I do not want to always pay full price .. so when I see a piece I know will have use on sale I buy it.

I use my stash for much more than quilting - it's for charity goods (pillowcases, ouch pouches, totes, stuffed bears, backpacks, etc.), clothing and toys for my grandchildren, doll quilts for my granddaughters and quilt show "auctions," small quilts for the ABC Project and N.I.C.U "residents" kitchen and table accessories for gifts/secret swaps, sewing notions, for swapping/bartering with friends and ANY kind of fundraising events that go on around me. I make and give - it hones my skills, justifies my "play time," keeps my heart open and a smile on my face - my stash works very hard for me and my community on many, many levels.

Farm Quilter 07-01-2011 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by SparkMonkey
What are your reasons for stashing or not?

I mostly stash blender material that I find on sale. I know I can use it any time and save my $$$ to buy that just-gotta-have-it focus material for the quilt I am planning right now. If I find that a blender isn't getting used for the front of a quilt, I can use it as a backing!

ging10ging 07-01-2011 08:56 AM

When I buy I usually have a plan but if I happen to see something I like I will if I have enough $$ buy something to make something out of it whether I do it or not is something else. I am the same with yarn but usually buy for a project and end up with extra to take back to the store but never do because I'll use it for something. Some days I look at something at home and don't like it but tomorrow I will like it go figure. Sue

MS quilter 07-01-2011 08:57 AM

I STASH in a big way, but sometimes it is not my fault. If someone offers me free fabric, I have to take it, don't I? It would hurt their feelings if I did not take it. Other times, it is such a good buy or I do have a project in mind, I just can't resist.

Joselake 07-01-2011 08:58 AM

Im not a stasher either. I have a little bit fabric laying around but I don't have shelves and shelves of material. I buy it as I need it.

ButtermilkMama 07-01-2011 09:29 AM

i am not a stasher either. Cannot afford to be!!!!

f rogers 07-01-2011 09:41 AM

I have some fabric but does it qualify as a stash. I have lots of scraps. one yard or smaller. I just sorted my fabric and made it more accessible...Usesd those comic book boards. i have about three hundred pieces that are two yards or more. I will buy a piece now and than but try not too. I get a look that says I shouldn't buy any more.

lovelyl 07-01-2011 09:45 AM

I have a small stash. I am getting ready to retire in December, and the way prices are going up, I decided to start a small stash of neutrals and a few (6-8) pieces of 3 yard prints that I love. I bought them all on sale. I do not live close to a quilt store so after retirement, I can use my stash instead of buying new at higher prices and using up gas! I know it won't last long, but until retirement I will buy what I can on sale when I see it.
Any scraps that I have I immediately cut into the largest strip, square or triangle that I can and store them in shoe boxes (with hot pink lids, of course!) for scrappy quilts and applique projects.
So, I normally do not buy material unless it is for a project, but am working on a small retirement stash!

wraez 07-01-2011 09:48 AM

I confess I am a fabricoholic, plain and simple. I have way more fabric than I can possibly use in my lifetime and yet I am constantly tempted to buy more cuz of new prints etc. I refrain the best I can.

I see nothing wrong with purchasing only what you need for a project. You are saving lots of money and space by doing it that way. you are the 'smart' quilter, LOL

callie 07-01-2011 10:07 AM

I think people either do or don't have a material stash to fit their life style & personality. Whether you do or not still makes each of you a quilter. I have bought material for a quilt or quilts in the past and have found myself using it in other quilts because the material fit. It was also wonderful to get into my stash and make 2 baby quilts recently because at the time I didn't have the extra to go out and buy it - was grateful to have material on hand. I also made a quilt for my brother (my avitar)out of mostly scraps left over from other stuff, including old sheets that I had backed quilts with years ago. Think I bought 2 colors of less than a yard each. By the way, I tend to over buy yardage because there is nothing more frustrating than not having enough fabric for a quilt and/or fabric amount was figured way tooo close or not properly, or miscutting something & always figure any extra will go in some other quilt or project. Have learned not to throw away even 1" strips or smaller - they make great mini-quilts or strip quilts. Quilters are quilters - stash or not!

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