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CajunQuilter2 07-01-2011 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by GirlieWhirlie
I use to be able to say I only buy fabric for a certain project but that was long ago in a land far away.....

hehehe, yea me too, that far away land no longer exists for me now that I have soooo much stash.

sweetana3 07-01-2011 10:14 AM

My husband calls me an adopter. I find something I really love (and gorgeous fabric qualifies) and then I just want to hoard it and touch it and love it. It is incredibly hard to cut it up and use it.

Emotionally I feel that then it is lost and can never be found again. I know intellectually that this is crazy but it is what it is.

So I have to really try hard not to shop and increase the stash even more.

IBQLTN 07-01-2011 10:45 AM

What are your reasons for stashing or not?

I'm not a stasher ... I'm a fabric historian/librarian. That way I don't ever have to use it! LOL

SueSew 07-01-2011 10:46 AM

Interesting to hear you all share your viewpoints! We all do what works for how we quilt - hobby or pro, occasional or constant, artsy or practical, newbie or old-timer. No rules, no police!

I love textiles, period, quiltable or not! And I did buy a fabric line (Robyn Pandolph Scarborough Fair) sigh...because it was so beautiful that I couldn't resist. I peek at it in the drawer where it waits my hopefully growing ability to do something worthy of it, just for my daughter, because it is totally her.

But I don't stash yet - I try to balance my current enthusiasm for quilting to my current ability to commit to and to complete a project. Either that or I would be overwhelmed with guilt/quilt fabric which would weigh on me every time I thought about it wasting away in my closet when the money could have gone for something else we needed. LOL

MargeD 07-01-2011 11:40 AM

To stash or not to stash, that is the question. I began with a humble stash, fabric for making clothes for myself and daughter, for Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, crafts for craft fairs, both for myself and my church. When I would go to stores that are now no longer in business or who have stopped selling fabric - even Sears sold fabric back in the day. Mostly I bought when fabrics were on sale, especially neutrals and backings for making lap quilts and baby quilts. When I was working, I bought fabric when it spoke to me or jumped into my cart. Now my husband is disabled, I can't work because of various health issues and quilting is my only outlet and sanity. I had to purge a lot of my stash when we moved to an apt., and it was extremely difficult. I make a lot of crafts, and hope to make quilted items to sell at craft fairs this fall. I just finished a family reunion quilt, and didn't have to purchase any new fabric to make it, as it came from my stash. That was a good feeling for me. As long as I can stash fabric, I will.

IBQUILTIN 07-01-2011 11:41 AM

I am sure that my sewing room would be tidier and my shelves neater if I didn't stash, but I'm a stsher and will probably never change.

GladGrams 07-01-2011 12:19 PM

I stash because in Norway the price for a fat quarter can be more than the price of a yard of fabric from the USA.

lue 07-01-2011 12:33 PM

Well I'm a stasher--though not as much as some of the posts I've seen, I'm not one to talk. Much of mine comes from Goodwill (just got back with several beautiful bed sheets to use as quilt linings) and thrift stores. But I do make the runs to my LQS and Hancock's, especially when they have a SALE (my favorite 4-letter word). I LOVE looking at & touching the fabrics, planning what I'll combine and how. But seriously, if I make a quilt a day (impossible) for the next 5 years, I think I'll still have stash. SparkMonkey, you are a much smarter person than I!

desertrose 07-01-2011 12:33 PM

I started with only a few scraps when I decided I had to change my focus of craft, due to arthritis in my hands and wrists. I decided that I wanted to focus on making Quilts4Kids. I'm on social security so I had to get creative about procuring fabrics. I joined two yahoo groups freecycle and a local one and advertised the I was ISO scraps/remnants of cotton fabbrics for the charity. I have received fabrics from yard sales, fabric angels and goodwill finds. I finally have enough fabric selections to make scraps, athletic, toddler and girly theme quilts. It's taken me 6 months of collecting buying some theme fabrics and trimming scraps into useful sizes. Once this starts my minimal stash will dwindle fast and I will had to strart again providing the prices of batting and backing fabrics holds. I currently use flannel sheets, blankets and cotton sheets for backing when available as well as muslin backings. Whatever fits the bill when needed. I've even had quilt angels send me scraps from our QB. Bless you all. :D

desertrose 07-01-2011 12:34 PM

I started with only a few scraps when I decided I had to change my focus of craft, due to arthritis in my hands and wrists. I decided that I wanted to focus on making Quilts4Kids. I'm on social security so I had to get creative about procuring fabrics. I joined two yahoo groups freecycle and a local one and advertised the I was ISO scraps/remnants of cotton fabbrics for the charity. I have received fabrics from yard sales, fabric angels and goodwill finds. I finally have enough fabric selections to make scraps, athletic, toddler and girly theme quilts. It's taken me 6 months of collecting buying some theme fabrics and trimming scraps into useful sizes. Once this starts my minimal stash will dwindle fast and I will had to strart again providing the prices of batting and backing fabrics holds. I currently use flannel sheets, blankets and cotton sheets for backing when available as well as muslin backings. Whatever fits the bill when needed. I've even had quilt angels send me scraps from our QB. Bless you all. :D

MadQuilter 07-01-2011 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by SparkMonkey
but I feel like I'm in the minority in that I am not a "stasher."

Oh lucky you! I wish I had the wherewithall to do that but for me, alas, it is too late. I have the stash-accumulation disease and the stash to go with it.

I think I have an addictive personality in regards to fabric and for a long time I went through the "OMG I GOTTA HAVE IT" phase. Pat was surprised the first time I bought 1/4 yard. He thought fabric could only be purchased in full yard increments.

Then my sewing room bulged at the seams and the joy of having turned into an annoyance of sorting and keeping.

Now, I only add very little to the stash particularly if I don't have a color to go with the latest group project. Or a few little bundles from Maui. Other than that, I HAVE to use what I got.

dotski 07-01-2011 12:40 PM

i have a stash enough. enough to get me started and all i may need is one more to mske it work. i mostly like scrappy's anyway. i did buy farbic twice just because and it's still here on the shelf not cut. so no impulse buying for me i buy what i need and that is not very much.

nonika 07-01-2011 01:11 PM

having loved fabrica and sewing a great deal , i grew a good sized stash because i worked in a fabric dept for ten years. it all payed off well, because i am stillsewing and also qiulting now. i am so glad i had it too, becaus within two years time all stores that carried fabrics here are no longer selling fabrics. bummer for me and now if i have gas money , i go east or west a minimum of 70 miles to buy fabric. i am hoping this town will start up something here for us sewers and quilters.

LindaaJR 07-01-2011 01:57 PM

I was not going to be a stasher, but this week our local Goodwill had a huge amount of fabric donated to them. A lady bought basket loads for 2 days. I went in the trhid day and bought 2 basket loads. It was priced 50 cents a piece to $2.00 for bundles. Some pieces were fat quarters and some were 3-5 yards. The bundles had large yard pieces and fat quarters. I got some plain colors which Iwould never buy unless I needed them for a project and lots and lots of prints. Some Moda was in the group. I would say put together yardage wise I go at least 100 yards for around $50 if tha tmuch money. So now I am a stasher. Take care.

MargeD 07-01-2011 02:09 PM

What a wonderful thing you are doing. Quilters can be very generous people. When purging my fabric before moving, a lot of the fabric went to a group called "Quiilted Covers", an organization that made quilts for children in need and especially those in hospitals. I know that my fabric was going to be used for a good cause and it felt good for me to "share my stash".

Sandra in Minnesota 07-01-2011 02:24 PM

I am not a stasher, either. Matter of fact, I am out of white thread and waiting for a 50% off sale.

GwenH 07-01-2011 04:15 PM

I used to be one of those that bought fabric just because I liked it, but now I have so much fabric that I try not to buy it unless I have a plan or a quilt that I really want to make.... and besides that I just don't have the room to keep it anymore, my totes are all full and I'm running out of room... need to get quilting!!

yesyoucan 07-01-2011 05:12 PM

I kind of wish I only bought for what I needed it for because I would not have the problem of (hiding it) oops I mean stashing it,from the old hubbykins.

quilting librarian 07-01-2011 05:21 PM

[quote=Jim's Gem]I have a stash simply because I love buying, touching and gazing at beautiful fabrics!! I just can't resist. I don't spend my $$ on booze, cigs, clothes, jewelry or "going out" I pretty much only buy fabrics and quilting supplies.

I, too, love looking at, touching, and buying fabric, and since I quit smoking, (15 years now!) it is my reward for hanging in there! I don't buy much at LQS prices - but I do buy at quilt shows. This is the one thing I spend money on; no booze, cigarettes, jewelry, etc. A lot of my stash has come from frequenting the thrift stores.

buttons 07-01-2011 07:27 PM

Saw where you are close to Minot. Were you in the flooded area? I have a lot fabric and in May I went to Texas to my niece's and her mother, my DSIL was a quilter and she died in January of this year and my DB died in February so we went through her fabric and repacked it and I came home with 70 lbs.
Most of it was 3 to 4 yards or more a piece.

Dee 07-01-2011 08:33 PM

Like they say-different strokes for different folks. You have to do what makes you happy. I feel happy for fabric to look at and pet.

jollyquilting 07-01-2011 08:37 PM

I am addicted to everything, including fabric. I haven't bought much lately but I do have a big 'STASH' LOL

nnewman 07-01-2011 08:47 PM

Because I really enjoy the"hunt" to put together a collection of fabrics I like at a price I can afford; and creating a quilt from what I already have. It is one of the most creative parts of the process for me!

audsgirl 07-01-2011 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
I have a stash simply because I love buying, touching and gazing at beautiful fabrics!! I just can't resist. I don't spend my $$ on booze, cigs, clothes, jewelry or "going out" I pretty much only buy fabrics and quilting supplies

It is wonderful, however, to be able to go into my room, open my cabinets and just pull fabrics that strike my fancy that day and whip up a quilt. I have done this dozens of times!!! Especially if you are tired and can't get out shopping but you just want to create and sew.

I'm with you, Gayle. Unfortunately, I'm now so overwhelmed with fabric, I feel like more of a fabric collector. But sometimes it's irresistible!

jpthequilter 07-02-2011 06:48 AM

Now that I have reached the age of "elderly", I also have reached the point where I love to "shop" in my stash!
Because I have picked the fabric, and have favorite color families, my choices pretty much go together in harmony.
And since summertime weather is so hot here, I keep cool and go barefoot, into my closet, and enjoy my own private little store!
By this time....you have figured out that you don't have to be "elderly" to do this! LOL!

lheizen 07-02-2011 10:39 AM


Pam S 07-02-2011 10:42 AM

I never set out to accumulate a stash. It just happened. Sometimes I buy a piece of fabric with a project in mind but change my mind before I get to it. So into the cupboard it goes. Or sometimes I buy 3 yards thinking it will be a main focus fabric and then only use 1 yard as an accent fabric so into the cupboard again. Or sometimes I buy 1 fabric I like and can never find anything that goes well with it, so into the cupboard. Or somebody gifts me with a piece they no longer want - I can't turn down any fabric that might be useful and I can't bear to get rid of any fabric either. So somehow it just keeps growing even though I don't know how it all got there. If you can resist building a stash, you've got more willpower than I"ll ever have!

candi 07-02-2011 10:49 AM

I am stasher but very selective at that..I stash batiks and blenders and some beautiful large florals, all of which I love and will use. I starting buying some materials for stashing when I realized that I wanted the freedom of creativity it provides me! I don't have more than 100 yards in my stash which includes some "kits" I put together for future projects, FQs and yardage. So compared to many, not a large stash, but sufficient for me. Since I have had my stash, I made many quilts entirely using fabrics from it and almost all started with fabrics I got from my stash then took it to he LQS to add coordinates. My fabrics are color coordinated in clear plastic drawers and just looking at them inspires me! Never been a materialistic person, but I Love my stash :-P

skowron5 07-02-2011 10:52 AM

I have a pretty good stash and it seems like everytime I go to make a quilt there is nothing there I can use so I go buy what I need for that quilt.

I am trying to only purchase that way due to space and the economy and I do like better fabric.

Windsong 07-02-2011 04:07 PM

I usually buy fabric for a specific quilt when I'm ready to start that quilt. I don't have much of a stash since I am a widow living on SS income. I love fabric and use to be able to buy when I wanted to or saw something that I really liked, but not anymore.


JSNOMORE 07-02-2011 04:30 PM

Iused to have a pretty good size stash but like you I found i wasn't using a lot of it. Also I have found my tastes have changed and so know I only keep solids and tone on tone and 1930/s

madamekelly 07-02-2011 05:09 PM

Lately I have acquired way too much fabric. I am officially DONE buying fabric, at least until it all fits into the space I have, neatly. I think it may be time to de-stash some of it since I now have more then I will ever use.

mpeters1200 07-03-2011 09:17 AM

I have a tiny apartment and with a hubby, 3 kids and all their crap, there isn't much left for me. I rarely buy fabric that the person and pattern aren't already picked out. I only work on 2 or 3 at a time to prevent UFO's. I figure if I don't have enough room for fabric, I certainly don't have room for stuff becoming a UFO!

I save my coffee can throughout the year for change. I hit about 3 big sales at Joann's each time. I bought all the batting I'll need for the year at their Presidents day sale in February. I went and bought some solids of the bolt and beautiful FQ's yesterday for some smaller projects I'll be finishing before Christmas.

I am finding that the great things I've received from people on the board, I actually have a super tiny stash now. My scraps are what take up a ton of room in the closet!

DonnaFreak 07-03-2011 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by SparkMonkey

What are your reasons for stashing or not?

My stash is tiny compared to some here, but I'm just getting started! LOL! I have 2 plastic tubs full, a tote bag full of fabrics I've selected for particular projects, and a small plastic 3-drawer chest with children's fabrics in it. I DO plan to add to it, but the reason I have as much as I do is because I found a sale I couldn't pass up. My local Wal-Mart had LOADS of fabric marked down to $1.00/yd. last month, and I bought 100 yards! I'm very happy with the small stash I have, and have already dipped into it to supplement the quilt I'm working on now. I don't know what I'll do with all of it yet, but I love every single piece I bought and have no doubt that it WILL be used. I even found a small shelf for $2.00 at a yard sale, and a very small chest of drawers (14" X 26" ) for $10.00 at the Salvation Army store and bought them both in anticipation of needing them for more fabric! :c)


dollycaswell 07-03-2011 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
I have a stash simply because I love buying, touching and gazing at beautiful fabrics!! I just can't resist. I don't spend my $$ on booze, cigs, clothes, jewelry or "going out" I pretty much only buy fabrics and quilting supplies

It is wonderful, however, to be able to go into my room, open my cabinets and just pull fabrics that strike my fancy that day and whip up a quilt. I have done this dozens of times!!! Especially if you are tired and can't get out shopping but you just want to create and sew.

I'm with you, Jim's Gem. Also, when my husband was sick several years ago and then when he went home to the Lord, fabric and quilting and sewing and planning quilts was my drug of choice!! Honestly, it was. I didn't drink or carouse, or smoke or any of those other expensive habits, but I did and do buy fabric. I have some that I remember EXACTLY where I was and what was going on with him at that time, and it's almost soothing to me now to pull it off the shelf and hold it and remember. I finished a quilt that was for our bed, and he had watched me plan it, cut it out, and start it before he passed away. It's on my bed and EVERY time I look at it I remember him sitting in the chair in my sewing room while I sewed and encouraging me and just being with me.

I try not to be stupid with my purchases, and do feel like I'm accomplishing something beautiful in my life. I LIKE the color, the feel, the calculations, planning, cutting, sewing, etc etc of it all. I do missionary work about 1/2 of each year and can't sew then, so I REALLY enjoy it when I get home and back to my quilting.

Not everyone has the inclination to accumulate fabric. I don't collect salt and pepper shakers either, but I know some people who do. I don't eat out very often, but some people do, I don't do Starbucks every day, but some people do. We all do what's important to us, with what we've been given. Life is short, do what's right, love God and love others and then enjoy what's been given to you.

aliaslaceygreen 07-03-2011 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by gaigai

Originally Posted by SparkMonkey
What are your reasons for stashing or not?

Because I like a fabric and may use it, if not immediately, then in the future, when it would not be available. A lot of times I see a fabric I would like for a project, only to find it came out more than a year ago and is no longer available.

And because I can. Someday I may not be able to afford to buy the fabric I want. I can now, so why not?

:thumbup: :thumbup:
Yep, and because I have NO self control, and like pretty things, lol!!!

The biggest thing to me is this, however.
I am not a fan of matchy-match fabric. I love discovering that fabric I've kept for years suddenly becomes even more precious with a new piece I just bought. Since they didn't both exist at the same time, if I didn't have it already, they'd never get to be happy together!
(thats my story and I'm sticking to it!)

MissBarbQuilts 07-03-2011 06:38 PM

I stash because I learned long ago that if I see something I really like, someone else will really like it, too, and if I wait it will be gone.

annesthreads 07-04-2011 01:35 AM

Originally Posted by Murphy
I find I feel shameful if I have a plethora of something and others are going without. I am a practical type of person and I need to use it to create something useful for myself or someone else. That is just me (smile).

This is much how I feel (though I'd never describe myself as practical!). When I started quilting, the friend who taught me encouraged me to start stash building and for a while I did. Then I gradually realised that I felt very uncomfortable with buying fabric without a purpose in mind and just stashing it, so I stopped, and now buy as I go along. Cost was also an issue - I just couldn't afford to have money tied up in fabric that wasn't being used. However- I have to admit that the small stash I'd already accumulated does come in very useful sometimes and saves me having to put a project aside until I can get to a shop or have fabric posted to me..

JeanneZ 07-04-2011 07:08 AM

I'm just a stash a holic. For everything. I find that when I am ready to make a quilt none of the fabric I have are what I want to work with for this quilt. So I buy more. I have come to the thought that I might not be able to use it all SO what I have kinda decided is to make a bunch of strip quilts out of what I have. Log cabin. rail fence, 9 patch,. maybe cut it all or most into 3 inch or 2 1/2 inch strips putting it into bags of light and dark and possible adding a very narrow black or white edge to the some for a strip quilt, pulling out blind and sewing it all togather into the different types of patterns for quilts. Sounds like a good plan now if I can just follow through,

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