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M.I.Late 08-14-2019 10:58 PM

I am big on no drinks next to fabric. I will put water or coffee in the window sill behind me, but there's no fabric near it. I share space with my family, so everything is allowed where I sew. The only thing really Not allowed in there - is someone looking for scissors.

just janet 08-15-2019 04:10 AM

No food, drink or bare feet.

Aurora 08-15-2019 04:19 AM

I am with Peckish, I always have a stash of dark chocolate in my sewing room. I also usually have my daily glass of Cabernet and a cup of coffee. To date there have been no accidents; perhaps because there is no room in there to knock anything over. However, now that I have let the cat out of the bag, I will probably spill something.

MaryR 08-15-2019 04:27 AM

​No eating or drinking g while sewing. But I do use the dining room table because of light. Just have to make sure table is throughly clean!

susie reardon 08-15-2019 05:40 AM

My sewing room is open to anyone who wants to enter....I get lonely in there.

gramma nancy 08-15-2019 08:58 AM

No real restrictions. The dogs are trained to stay on the first floor and the sewing studio (DH's designation) is on the second floor. I eat and drink in there and am almost always in my bare feet -- though the floor is vinyl, not carpet, so any pin/needle that falls is visible and immediately retrieved.

Mitty 08-15-2019 09:10 AM

Anyone who is going to criticize the mess is not invited!

Austinite 08-15-2019 09:53 AM

I sew in my living room (by choice) so pretty much anything goes, I like being in the daily household fray! However, I have only fishies and snails so I don't have to worry about animals. It's not uncommon for me to stop my project so that kids and teens can make a pillow or a small blanket or purse or something, I love it. Quilt police are not allowed but that's a given right? ;)

Fabric Galore 08-15-2019 10:42 AM

Nothing is banned except the daily news on TV or radio. I quilt to have fun and relax and I don't like the negative atmosphere. I have 2 large dogs and they love to sleep in my sewing studio when I am using my sewing machine. I think the hum of the motor lulls them to sleep.

The Quilted Cottage 08-15-2019 05:26 PM

What a great question! I had to think hard to come up with something. Smoking would be the #1 "not allowed", but that pertains to my whole house and car. Maybe anyone or thing with dirty, smelly hands or paws. :D

My cats visit when I'm in the sewing room but rarely when I'm not. They like to watch me sew. They never bother anything. Hardwood floors so anything dropped is easily seen and picked up. TV is usually on Youtube so I can watch/hear quilt videos, like MSQC.

I do eat in my sewing room occasionally. More in the winter because it's upstairs and warmer. But I never have my quilting/sewing project near the food. And I will sometimes keep some Vitamin "C" (chocolate!) nearby, cuz ya know we quilters have to keep up our strength for those marathon quilting sessions. :D

BSKTLOFR-QUILTER 08-15-2019 06:34 PM

Hubby if he's on a trash hunting mission. I'm the only one allowed to empty the trash can in the sewing room in case something has fallen into it. I check through it but he wouldn't before emptying. You need to stay hydrated so drink container has to have a lid with straw in it.

Teen 08-15-2019 06:51 PM

No little munchkins unless held by parent or understands "do not touch cuz it could hurt you"..space is far from child-proof....

Moira in N.E. England 08-16-2019 04:34 AM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8289981)
No little munchkins unless held by parent or understands "do not touch cuz it could hurt you"..space is far from child-proof....

I have a phobia about my rotary cutter. We often have grandkids here and I know they sometimes wander into my sewing room when they go to the bathroom. Although they are old enough to understand that needles and pins can hurt I’m terrified they get hold of my cutter.

For this reason every time I use it I put it on the highest shelf in the room. Even if I’m going to be using it a number of times I will put it there when I finish that particular cut.

Hopefully by the time they’re old enough to reach it I’ll have stopped worrying about them and it!

stitch678 08-16-2019 05:19 AM

My hubby when he wants to use laundry room sink ( same room) for cleaning paint brushes!

IrishgalfromNJ 08-16-2019 09:35 AM

My sewing room is in my living room. Cats are definitely allowed. The only things not allowed are drinks that might spill and food.

Irishrose2 08-16-2019 02:30 PM

I have a recently acquired cat and no door on my family room where I sew. So far, she hasn't shown any interest in the pins - my children did have a cat ho liked to put pins in her mouth, so I've been watching. Maybe these long pins aren't as appealing. No one is allowed in my real sewing room - it's too messy, but anyone can visit the current one.

Mousie 08-16-2019 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by marilynr (Post 8289171)
I have always had cats & until my latest one, Waddles, none wanted in my sewing room. But Waddles loves to come
in & lay on my ironing board or wherever she can find a comfy place. However, I can no longer allow her my sewing
room because 2 weeks ago she developed an abscess in her front paw, which is being treated with antibiotics &
soaking her paw !! The vet says she punctured her paw with something & the only thing I can think of, since she is
an indoor cat, is she hurt herself in my sewing room. So sorry this happened & I miss having her with me.

maybe you could do what I'm going to do: learn to sew with glue instead of pins :).

Mousie 08-16-2019 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Onebyone (Post 8289324)
I don't have any friends are family members that smoke so I never think about having someone wanting to smoking in my house but it would be a number one rule if a smoker came to my house.

I didn't think of it either as we have signs posted and all family members know that my
dh is on oxygen.
If it didn't bother him it would make me sick. I get a whiff of smoke and my head immediately
tightens up like it has bands around it!
I suppose there are other things like the quilt police that I didn't think of.
I really hope those having drinks near their machines will reconsider putting them further
I thought I was being careful around our computer and got away with it for years but
eventually you will spill.
I ruined a laptop :eek:.
It's like a lot believe they will never cut themselves with a rotary cutter and then they do.
I never thought I would stick my finger in a sharp appliance like an immersion blender,
but one night at 9:30 p.m. I did and thought I had removed my finger.
I got six stitches and three months later a surgery.
Never say never.

Mousie 08-16-2019 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Fabric Galore (Post 8289842)
Nothing is banned except the daily news on TV or radio. I quilt to have fun and relax and I don't like the negative atmosphere. I have 2 large dogs and they love to sleep in my sewing studio when I am using my sewing machine. I think the hum of the motor lulls them to sleep.

it's great to hear someone else say they have to get away from the news and blather!!!
My dh is one of those that watches it ad nauseum and our house is so small I insisted we
insulate our computer room better (it seriously needed it), and now I can shut the door.

JanBech 08-19-2019 02:57 PM

Anyone looking for a pair of scissors is not allowed in my sewing room!

romanojg 08-20-2019 09:56 AM

Just my cat, because she climbs on everything. She's learned over the years not to go there. She also doesn't go into my bedroom. I have to get up and go to work in the mornings and hate having cat hair all over me. My grandkids know to only go in there when I'm in there. That's it. I don't eat while I'm sewing. If I have a drink its on a side table out of the way.

Reader1 08-23-2019 06:43 PM

I keep my morning coffee on the other side of the room (and end up drinking it cold.) Other than that the only food or beverage I have is water in a capped bottle. I would not allow the Quilt Police...but unfortunately they live inside my head.

hobbykat1955 08-24-2019 03:26 AM

No restrictions...Mr. Boo (cat) finds his way up sometime during the day and falls asleep in a spot on the rug w/sun. Got to have my afternoon snack and tea.

Railroadersbrat 08-25-2019 12:14 AM

My Quilting Room Rules

I'm in charge

No changing of my radio station if I'm listening to it, must have my classic rock and roll. Refer to rule #1 if you don't like it. Same goes if I've got classical music on or if I'm playing a CD.

If I'm listening to YouTube while I'm working, don't ask me to stop what I'm doing to look at a ten minute video of dogs or cats doing crazy stuff. Text me the link, I'll look at it later.

Leave all scissors, rotary cutters and box cutters alone. There's one pair of general use household scissors and a box cutter in the kitchen. If any of my scissors, rotary cutters or box cutters make it out of my quilting room, there will be a reckoning, LOL. (Only exception is if I hand off a pair of scissors to my fiance and tell him to go sharpen them.)

I can talk if I'm at the sewing machine, but if I'm at my cutting mat and I've got scissors or a rotary cutter in my hand and I'm not saying a word, be quiet, it means I'm measuring twice and cutting once. If I cut wrong, there will be a reckoning, LOL.

If coffee is made, it's required to bring me a fresh cup. Same goes for tea, especially if it's Earl Grey, I need my London Fog, thank you. Ice cold Pepsi, even better. No snacks that leaves dust, like Cheetos, Doritos, etc.

I have a very old, beat up and falling apart comforter in the floor for my dogs, they're allowed in with me as long as they keep themselves there. If I stumble over them twice or they suddenly drop my chair down because their head bumps the height control, they're banished until the next day.

If you want to come in and visit, that's fine, realize that long lags in the conversation is me trying to concentrate, I'll get to you when I'm to a point that I can. Don't be surprised if I have to ask what we were talking about in the first place.

Last but not least, if the ironing board is up, it means I'm seriously hip-deep in what I'm doing. Don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself at the ironing board with the iron in your hand. You came in to visit, that's fine, I might just put you to work ironing fabric, opening seams or pressing blocks.

Peckish 08-25-2019 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by Railroadersbrat (Post 8293559)
No snacks that leaves dust, like Cheetos, Doritos, etc.

I use a set of small tongs :D :D

Moira in N.E. England 08-26-2019 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by Peckish (Post 8293866)
I use a set of small tongs :D :D

Now that shows integrity!

garysgal 08-28-2019 07:08 PM

I really don't ban anyone or thing from my sewing room. Any liquids have a cap on them. I don't have any pets (allergic) and my husband passed away, My two youngest grand daughters like to come and "sew" with me and that's ok. Other than that, I guess I'm pretty boring.

Railroadersbrat 08-29-2019 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by Peckish (Post 8293866)
I use a set of small tongs :D :D

Oh now that's just brilliant, :D:D:thumbup:

mindless 08-29-2019 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by grannie cheechee (Post 8289013)
My DH. He gave away FW, and he picked up a rotary cutter that I didn't know how to change the blade yet.

No Way!
Is he still breathing?

Trixie77484 08-29-2019 11:21 AM

I sew/quilt completely for my own enjoyment so anything I want goes in my sewing room. If I were sewing items to sell I would probably take certain precautions like keeping my drink away from certain areas but I would still have my drink in the room.

sydneybean 08-29-2019 04:10 PM

No snacks that leaves dust, like Cheetos, Doritos, etc.

Originally Posted by Peckish (Post 8293866)
I use a set of small tongs :D :D

I eat Cheetos with chopsticks :)

Teen 08-29-2019 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by Railroadersbrat (Post 8293559)
My Quilting Room Rules

I'm in charge

No changing of my radio station if I'm listening to it, must have my classic rock and roll. Refer to rule #1 if you don't like it. Same goes if I've got classical music on or if I'm playing a CD.

If I'm listening to YouTube while I'm working, don't ask me to stop what I'm doing to look at a ten minute video of dogs or cats doing crazy stuff. Text me the link, I'll look at it later.

Leave all scissors, rotary cutters and box cutters alone. There's one pair of general use household scissors and a box cutter in the kitchen. If any of my scissors, rotary cutters or box cutters make it out of my quilting room, there will be a reckoning, LOL. (Only exception is if I hand off a pair of scissors to my fiance and tell him to go sharpen them.)

I can talk if I'm at the sewing machine, but if I'm at my cutting mat and I've got scissors or a rotary cutter in my hand and I'm not saying a word, be quiet, it means I'm measuring twice and cutting once. If I cut wrong, there will be a reckoning, LOL.

If coffee is made, it's required to bring me a fresh cup. Same goes for tea, especially if it's Earl Grey, I need my London Fog, thank you. Ice cold Pepsi, even better. No snacks that leaves dust, like Cheetos, Doritos, etc.

I have a very old, beat up and falling apart comforter in the floor for my dogs, they're allowed in with me as long as they keep themselves there. If I stumble over them twice or they suddenly drop my chair down because their head bumps the height control, they're banished until the next day.

If you want to come in and visit, that's fine, realize that long lags in the conversation is me trying to concentrate, I'll get to you when I'm to a point that I can. Don't be surprised if I have to ask what we were talking about in the first place.

Last but not least, if the ironing board is up, it means I'm seriously hip-deep in what I'm doing. Don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself at the ironing board with the iron in your hand. You came in to visit, that's fine, I might just put you to work ironing fabric, opening seams or pressing blocks.

Hilarious!! I forgot my rule about no talking while I'm measuring and cutting! Lol...

pw_quiltworks 08-29-2019 05:51 PM

Just our Miss Molly kitty. I sell my quilts and cannot have her in here. I would love to have her here but the cat hair is just too much. She is in love with hubby so that works.

Macybaby 08-30-2019 04:32 AM

I'm seriously thinking of changing some of they "who is allowed" after I walked into my sewing area this morning and the cats had pulled some fabric off the design wall. I had it draped over the top specifically to keep it from getting wrinkles, and I found 6 pieces of it wadded up in the middle of the floor. Not sure how they even reached it to pull them down!

Peckish 08-30-2019 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by sydneybean (Post 8295464)
I eat Cheetos with chopsticks :)

I would starve if I had to resort to chopsticks :D

CurliQ 08-30-2019 05:57 PM

A bad attitude. It permeates.

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