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patdesign 08-15-2010 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by Rhonda
Crumb quilting is a Crazy Quilt technique. I call my version Confusion. It is a form of quilting that has been handed down through the generations. We have just found a way to make the crazy patch without a backing to sew the pieces to.

Yes it is worth it. It is an art form that I enjoy. It isn't all about going green but it is an expression of creativity first and foremost. Each one of the blocks are unique and the finished project has a charm that can't be duplicated.

They are easy to make. You just lay two pieces of fabric together face to face and sew together. Trim a straight edge and add another swatch of fabric. It is a free form don't have to measure exersize that is fun to do! When you are done just cut a square out of the fabric you just created and use it for whatever you are making.

It is so easy I taught a 9 yr old to do it and she made a pillow out of hers and won a ribbon at the local fair.
I also used it for my twin grandsons first foray into quilting. They are 6. They loved it and it was so easy for them to do.

I see that you have postings quite often, I didn't know what crumb quilting was till I opened this thread, I would have probably blissfully just pieced the pieces without a backing anyway, but what do you do, and if you use a backing then what do you use?
:) :)

julybaby8 08-15-2010 06:01 AM

I really like your quilt. Who would guess that it was just bits. :)

CarrieAnne 08-15-2010 06:11 AM

Aw, great quilts you guys!!!!!!!!! Guess I should be saving my itty bitty pieces!

wendsy 08-15-2010 07:17 AM

I know that beautiful things can come from others "trash", it's just not something I do. I think artists are the most creatively minded people (I consider quilting to be an art). I just don't have it in me to really sit down and shift through the crumbs-although I have noticed I have been saving more scraps than before. I've also been known to dig out crumbs from the trash to complete blocks-when it's the only fabric pieces-I've been known to be creative and frugal.
I see quilting, crafts and art all the same way-you take it or leave it, but never judge someone else's craft by your standards( I don't always understand abstracts) Smile at the gifts you have!

bmkaz 08-15-2010 07:19 AM

Thread is cheaper than fabric :)

nadeen gizzarelli 08-15-2010 08:16 AM

That quilt is just beautiful. I have only made a few practice blocks with my crumbs and I'm not convinced, but that quilt may have just inspired me to try again.

Emma S 08-15-2010 08:22 AM

Mlaceruby, how incredible! It's hard to imagine that great quilt being in the garbage can. If that's a waste of thread, I'm all for it. Makes me give by scraps another look.

catrancher 08-15-2010 08:33 AM

I use those tiny pieces in paper piecing. Almost nothing is too small for that. I'm not up for sewing them together to make blocks though.

Mousie 08-15-2010 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by Rebecca VLQ
Well, if I paid for the whole yard, I'm gonna USE the whole yard! Or, pretty close to it. I'd say smaller than a 1" square it's gonna get lost in the fuzz bag. And as for the wasted thread...I've found if I wanna sew, but don't have a project in mind sewing crumbs-strings-scraps feeds the need without doing too much damage. :D

lol...this is the way I feel. Practically nothing goes to waste at the MouseHouse! If it's too small to wrap my mousie paws around it will go into the 'stuffing bin' and will be added to scraps of batting etc. and cut threads to stuff pillows.
Don't forget, if you use Rhonda's methods, you can use up so mighty small scraps :thumbup:

pieces 08-15-2010 09:56 AM

This is a new topic for me. I am not familar with 'crumbs'.
Why are these not just considered scraps? It must have something to do with all the 'new' terms relating our fabric to food. LOL
Since the pieces are small scraps I suppose there is no concern about bias edges stretching? Or bias edges on the outside of a block? Learn something new here everyday. :)

purplefiend 08-15-2010 10:09 AM

I use 1 1/2" strips for my log cabin blocks; my very favorite type of scrap quilt.
You can see them on this page of my webshots.


Eddie 08-15-2010 10:12 AM

There's a woman in my guild that uses strips to create blocks in a circular pattern and the finished width of the strips are only about 1/16th of an inch wide. Yes, that's 1/16th of an inch. So the strips she uses are about 1/2 in wide and then she cuts down the seam allowance to reduce bulk as well. She calls the scraps "Kibbles and Bits" that she uses. Nothing is too small for her.

DebraK 08-15-2010 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by Janice Maroni
love the scrappy look!

love that car with those quilts! (your avatar)

Kellie G 08-15-2010 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by mlaceruby
But they are fun!
and I make some very nice things with them!

That is a very nice quilt, never thought of crumbs in a pinwheel, neat idea!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

kacie 08-15-2010 12:14 PM

My scraps and crumbs cost the same $7-10 a yard as the big pieces, and that makes it hard to dump them. When I get too many or realize that I'll never get to them, I offer them here for free. In 5 minutes you get more takers than you could possibly imagine. I'm always surprised that a scrap or crumb quilt doesn't seem to make the pile of little pieces go down very much.

katiebear1 08-15-2010 12:45 PM

Well I have a bin of crumbs if anyone wants them. They are actually fairly large ( like 2x3 etc) but could be cut down for those people who like to drive themselves crazy with all those itsy pieces:)

Derla 08-15-2010 12:53 PM

Now, I'm inspired to start saving my "crumbs". I had heard of them before, but had them pictured as being much smaller and wondered how one would work with them.

ksea 08-15-2010 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by mlaceruby
But they are fun!
and I make some very nice things with them!

Thank you for sharing this pic, I didn't have a very good idea what y'all were talking about. It sounds like fun but not for me, maybe I will start saving my scraps and crumbs and will send them to someone here.

Craftygirl 08-15-2010 03:30 PM

Hi. This is my first post. I've been quilting for ever but have never heard of "crumbs". It sounds awesome. Can I have more details please. I am from Perth in Western Australia.

Rhonda 08-15-2010 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by Craftygirl
Hi. This is my first post. I've been quilting for ever but have never heard of "crumbs". It sounds awesome. Can I have more details please. I am from Perth in Western Australia.

Go to the top of the page and find the search link above. Click on that. Then type in Crumbs and you will get alot of threads that will give you all sorts of information.

There are tutorials on how to make crumb blocks. My version I call confusion. You can search for that also if you like.

Craftygirl 08-15-2010 03:54 PM

Thanks heaps. That tute was fantastic. I knew there was a reason I keep EVERYTHING. Now I just need to learn to navigate around this site and all that spare time I don't have will be take care of.

cr12cats 08-15-2010 05:22 PM

love the pictures.The quilts are pretty, I can't wait to do a pin wheel now. But I challenge myself to finish what I am doing at the time before I can move on, So I don't have UFOS I don't get back to cause I lose interest then. I save everything. I don't have enough for a crumb yet but they are collecting up fast. Right noe I am sewing 1 1/2 x 2 inch scraps for a scrappy quilt. I am trying the brown bag method. I also save thread So I can make thread bowls, but I don't waste much with using feeders so that is going to take a while to collect.

prezzy 08-15-2010 05:50 PM

Love the pin wheel. I will have to start one of them.

bjnicholson 08-15-2010 05:58 PM

Very nice, Michele. I can't wait until I get enought scraps/crumbs to do my own!

Babaquilts 08-15-2010 06:03 PM

I've never heard the term "crumbs" before. After reading for a while, I realized I have lots of them, mostly pieces from trimming half-square triangles. Toddlers love the play with them. My one grand-niece throws them up over her head to watch them fall around her. Pure enjoyment. She even puts them back in their containers. I have about 8 but don't always give them all to her at once. Maybe I'll make a quilt out of them for her. Glad I joined this site. I am learning continusly.

bjnicholson 08-15-2010 06:04 PM

MegsAnn: That is fantastic!

irenecarter 08-15-2010 06:44 PM

Beautiful crumb quilt. I love it. You just gave me an idea!

Theresa 08-15-2010 07:01 PM

Crumbs are just fun! I agree with those of you who mentioned using every scrap (and getting your moneys worth)!

The easy thing about a crumb block is that it can be easily done when you are tired and don't want to/can't concentrate...at least this is the case with the crumb wall hanging I made! I plan to do more.

wildyard 08-15-2010 07:12 PM

Wow MegsAnn, your squares are incredible!!

lclang 08-15-2010 07:37 PM

If ou are concerned about how much thread it takes to make crumb blocks, use up the odd scraps left on your bobbins, small amounts left on spools. They need to be used up too and color just doesn't matter since all the thread is on the back. Love crumb blocks!

Theresa 08-15-2010 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by lclang
If ou are concerned about how much thread it takes to make crumb blocks, use up the odd scraps left on your bobbins, small amounts left on spools. They need to be used up too and color just doesn't matter since all the thread is on the back. Love crumb blocks!


lclang 08-15-2010 07:44 PM

If ou are concerned about how much thread it takes to make crumb blocks, use up the odd scraps left on your bobbins, small amounts left on spools. They need to be used up too and color just doesn't matter since all the thread is on the back. Love crumb blocks!

trif 08-15-2010 07:50 PM

Great idea, I may give these crumbs a chance after all. Some of the pics shared are very pretty.

Rhonda 08-15-2010 08:45 PM

8 Attachment(s)
Here are some of my Confusion ( my version of crumbs) pictures

In the last hotpad you can tell my seams are not all straight but in this it doesn't matter if they are straight or not. As long as you can iron it flat with out any overlapping it is good! It is very forgiving and there is no math other than deciding how big you want to make it. It is fun and addicting!

Checkbook cover

Some Valentine hearts I did with Confusion( my version of crumbs)

a few more hearts

2 1/2" finished squares used as mini quilts


Hot pad

Hot pad

Mini quilt 4" by 6"

Pat G 08-15-2010 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by trif
Okay this is a where I draw the line, using crumbs. I believe in going green and using up scraps, but seriously, a Crumb? Doesn't it cost more in thread than to just purchase 1/4 yard of fabric? And how on earth can anyone sew those itsy pieces together without using tons of thread. Is it really cost effective? Or do you crumb users enjoy the challenge? Share with me your rationale, cause I just don't get it.

I saw a show on the internet just a few days ago showing how to use crumbs. She used a dbl. sided fusible. Removed the paper on one side, pressed it to the backing, then removed the release paper from the other side. She then placed crumbs & pieces of any size all over the fusible. Make sure all areas are covered before pressing it all down. (you might want to use a pressing sheet). Then she did free motion stitching all over it to hold pcs. in place. If little bits fall off then, just let them go. This was not done for a quilt obviously but to use as fabric for bags or other sm. projects.

Annya 08-16-2010 01:34 AM

You would waste more thread if you had to keep unpicking your sewing so I think having "Crumbs" as you call them at the end if you sewing to prevent "snagging" is a good way to use up those little wasted pieces. I do it most of the time.

Annya 08-16-2010 01:41 AM

that is definitely a good way to use up unwanted small pieces of fabric to make some thing worth while. It does not matter if you are using more thread because the end proves that it is worth the effort and time to make them. Well Done All of you :thumbup:

lizzy 08-16-2010 02:31 AM

o.k., I thought I was keeping up with a lot of you but what is a crumb quilt? :shock:

MegsAnn 08-16-2010 02:50 AM

Originally Posted by lizzy
o.k., I thought I was keeping up with a lot of you but what is a crumb quilt? :shock:

It's a quilt that uses teeny tiny scraps.

mrspete 08-16-2010 03:39 AM

Love it and learning is so valuable. I've learned lots here.


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