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mylela1776 08-16-2010 03:57 AM

There are some beautiful quilts made out of 1 1/2 sq.in.
It is the same amount of tlhread as if you will sew anything else.

lclang 08-16-2010 04:29 AM

I like to cut small squares (about 4 inches) of some fabric that I don't think is good enough, or pretty enough for the top of a quilt. That is my background. I use the sew and flip method to use up my crumbs and cover them. Makes really cute doll quilts, potholders, book covers, change purses, candle mats, etc. etc. The two layers gives enough body for lots of things where you like a little extra body.

sewmuchmore 08-16-2010 05:26 AM

Originally Posted by bmkaz
Thread is cheaper than fabric :)


julybaby8 08-16-2010 06:01 AM

Your blocks look good. I've made one crumb block to try the method out. I made it 6 inches. Somebody gave me a small bag of scraps so I used them to try this out.

julybaby8 08-16-2010 06:08 AM

Hi mlaceruby
How do you make your squares, do you make scappy squares and then cut them? I've been quilting a while, but still learning. :)

mlaceruby 08-16-2010 06:13 AM

yes just keep adding crumbs then cut to your desired block size

julybaby8 08-16-2010 06:16 AM

Originally Posted by mlaceruby
yes just keep adding crumbs then cut to your desired block size

Thanks for your help. Love your quilt.

lillybeck 08-16-2010 06:20 AM

This is beautiful. I have done a scrappy quilt like this so it is just a smaller version. This is something I will try. Thanks

SandyinZ4 08-16-2010 06:45 AM

This is a fabulous thread topic. I have several bags of scraps and I really need to get busy and try this. Oh dear...guess it will just have to go at the end of the list. Loved all the pictures and they really helped inspire me. Thanks everyone!

greaterexp 08-16-2010 09:26 AM

What great folks you are to take the time to post some pictures showing your terrific work! I'm very excited to dig into a "crumb" quilt soon after seeing the results! Thanks!

Cyn 08-16-2010 09:55 AM

This is beautiful!

SewSewGal 08-16-2010 10:15 AM

I cut all my scraps of fabric into 2 inch blocks or 5 inchblocks or what ever i can get out of them and store like sizes together. When the box is full I will make a quilt for charity

Theresa 08-16-2010 11:49 AM

If you google 'crumb quilts' you'll get more great ideas.

rainbowquilt 08-16-2010 04:20 PM

i would be scared to death to use that small of fabric! i really just now mastering the 3 x 3 squares.

Butterflyblue 08-16-2010 06:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are some blocks I've done with crumbs. As you can see, some of my "crumbs" are pretty big. Just depends on how patient I feel on a given day.

The square in a square blocks are actually done crazy quilt style, on a foundation of ugly fabric, but you could do it with crumbs.

The blue block was made after I made a miniature sampler with blue and white, and wanted to get rid of most of the small bits that were leftover.

RagdollRosey 08-16-2010 06:41 PM

I've got a crumb quilt as shown going myself, but I also have a box of stings from squaring up blocks that I keep for pillow stuffing. It makes a very firm pillow and is great for making a neck pillow.Instead of a thread bag I throw that over the fence where there are a lot of trees with birds nesting.

Butterflyblue 08-16-2010 06:45 PM

I save all my strings in a big plastic container that used to hold pretzels. I actually use my strings more often than I use crumbs. I really enjoy string piecing. But somehow, my strings accumulate at a much faster rate than I can use them. I think they actually breed in there or something. When I make something with strings, it barely makes a dent.

ETA - by strings, I mean the strips 1" or wider. Okay, maybe 3/4" or wider.

Dee 08-16-2010 07:46 PM

I don't throw a decent small scrap away, as it may come in use one day.

cimarron 08-16-2010 07:50 PM

What is a crumb square? I've never seen this before, or did not know what it was at the time. Sorry...I don't understand.

trif 08-16-2010 09:30 PM

Now that actually sounds kinda fun! I might try that, I didn't know they made double sided fusible, but what a cute bag it would make. Thanks for the idea.

moosegirl 08-17-2010 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by MegsAnn
Here's a pic for you guys of my crumbs quilt in progress. Each block is 4 inches.

Once a month I empty my scrap box and sew every crumb & scrap randomly into hunks of yardage-pieces are under 6" odd shapes to be later used in a template shape for crazy quilting or reverse applique. This is a great project to do while watching TV or even letting the kids sew. You can create some colorful works of art that are completly orginal. Don't throw it away, use it. Moosegirl

omak 08-17-2010 06:33 AM

Originally Posted by ckcowl
since the crumbs are sewn into blocks, then into quilts where is the waste? you talk about wasted thread...i don't understand, no matter what size pieces we sew together it takes thread, i don't think i'm wasting any by sewing pieces of fabric together, i am simply using it for what it was made for. thread is only wasted if it is thrown in the garbage.

DITTOES! <wave>

omak 08-17-2010 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by Butterflyblue
Here are some blocks I've done with crumbs. As you can see, some of my "crumbs" are pretty big. Just depends on how patient I feel on a given day.

The square in a square blocks are actually done crazy quilt style, on a foundation of ugly fabric, but you could do it with crumbs.

The blue block was made after I made a miniature sampler with blue and white, and wanted to get rid of most of the small bits that were leftover.

Good job, Butterflyblue!
And, the samples you included added to the truth of what you were sharing.
As far as ugly fabric, (which is a good thing to use) I use really old thin sheets and curtains and shirts ... whatever would never stand alone in a quilt but absolutely works for foundation/string piecing.
And, another thing about ugly fabric. I have to go with Quiltville.com - - Bonnie Hunter. If it is still ugly, you just haven't cut it small enough ;-)
and, I have found that scraps change when exposed to air. As long as I never open the container, they are neatly stored and confined. but as SOON as I start sewing them together - - it's the air, I am sure! LOL <wave>

Derla 08-17-2010 06:58 AM

I've just decided that I'm doing the crumb (or is it string)quilting and didn't even know it. I'm sewing strips together (1 1/2 in. strips) and when I get it sewn together, it comes out to 1 inch squares. String piecing?

Derla 08-17-2010 07:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm going to try to post a photo of my block.

Just comparing an 18 in. block to the 9 inch one

Joyce 08-17-2010 07:11 AM

I really thought crumb quilts were just so not for me.
But then, I looked at some that you all have done, they are beautiful. You've made me a believer.
I have some large square see-thru plastic containers that animal crackers came in from Sam's club, I started dropping what I would call "crumbs" into these just because they looked pretty.
I guess I must have been thinking crumb quilts in my sub-conscious.

Theresa 08-17-2010 07:20 AM

Originally Posted by Derla
I'm going to try to post a photo of my block.

Beautiful work on your crumb block! Don't think I would have the patience tho!!!

wildyard 08-17-2010 08:12 AM

Derla, your block is lovely!! Great job.

lclang 08-17-2010 12:06 PM

I like to combine crumb blocks with mahcine embroidery blocks or fussy cutting other fabrics. I have an embroidery that says, "When life gives you scraps, make quilts!" I put that in the center of a row of the crumb blocks and it turned out really cute. Also like to make baby quilts out of the bright colored crumbs and then fussy cut some nursery print for the alternate blocks. Looks like you worked like crazy to put it all together and they are really pretty and budget friendly too.

Annya 08-17-2010 01:31 PM

Derla, That is sure a great way to use up scraps. It or they look great well done. I would like to try it but have too many others to do first. By that time I will need to do something with those last little bits.

zz-pd 08-17-2010 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Rhonda
I do miniatures so I can use anything down to a 3/4" size scrap. So don't throw your scraps away let someone else have them that will use them!!

I am with you Rhonda, I even use smaller pieces for applique. So please don't throw anything away, there are a lot of us that would take them off your hands. I can't afford postage, but alot of the ladies can. God bless.

omak 08-17-2010 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by trif
What beautiful pinwheels, ok so I now understand how you can be addicted, I'm just not sure I can manage using material smaller than an inch. But it sounds like it would be worth trying. So I will save my crumbs and give it a try. I will let you know if you end up with a new crumb addict or a crumb donator. I'm making a paper piece project now which is generating numerous crumbs. That's what got me thinking and yes I have been saving all those crazy "little" pieces. I'd love to see another crumb quilt if anyone can post a pic. The pinwheels were so cute.

Type in scrap quilts (in search) and you will find lots of them.
This is the thread I started with a picture right at the top. Not hard to use tiny pieces when they actually started out as part of something bigger. <wave>

omak 08-17-2010 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by MegsAnn
Here's a pic for you guys of my crumbs quilt in progress. Each block is 4 inches.

MARVELOUS! So bright and cheery! <wave>

omak 08-17-2010 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Derla
I'm going to try to post a photo of my block.

How fun! <wave>

Suse 08-17-2010 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by quiltinghere
I'm winding down from making 5" crumb blocks now.
They are addicting - I don't know HOW to stop...there's so much more fabric scraps in my bins! LOL

My Blocks vary in the sizes of the pieces they contain. Some 5" blocks have lots of little pieces (I must have been really creative) and others only have 5 wider pieces (must have been tired).

I've kept the pieces that are too small for me in another bin. I have other things to work on now :)

They sure are addicting! I have a whole stack of crumb blocks that I have to use and I'm sure I will make more.


Suse 08-17-2010 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by mlaceruby
But they are fun!
and I make some very nice things with them!

Mlaceruby, that 's a great idea! I can do something like that with my crumbs! Now, I'm excited about what to do with my crumb blocks. Thank you for posting your pictures. 8-)

fosseldaughter 08-17-2010 08:39 PM

I like to make a some crumb blocks from each quilt I make. Haven't made enough yet for a quilt, but it will be very scrappy when I get enough, and I like scrappy !

Annz 08-19-2010 02:21 PM

I love some of the pictures I have seen but I've never tried it.

DebraK 08-20-2010 06:47 AM

This is what I do when I don't have a particular project in mind. I spread a bunch of crumbs on a piece of scrap batting, add a large scrap of fabric to the back, and practice my free motion quilting with partial spools of thread. I cut out circles, applique some fussy cut flowers, and zigzag the edges. Ouila! Coasters.


SandyinZ4 08-20-2010 06:58 AM

Oh my goodness! What a cool idea and not so intimidating as the huge bags of scraps lurking in the closet. I thank you for sharing this idea and the picture which really helps!

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