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lisalovesquilting 03-09-2011 06:31 AM

I really don't know what to do with this request. I have spent a week trying to come up with something and have gotten nowhere. I was thinking pastels or small prints wouldn't be so in-your-face, I don't understand the D9P enough to try it. Maybe I will search some more on that idea as well. Thanks for the input!

The D9P would be great with white as the middle square of the 9P. I made one recently for my FIL and it was really quite easy. Also like the idea of a log cabin (someone else suggested).

fatquarters 03-09-2011 06:49 AM

I recently had a request for orange and blue, just orange and blue! I was thinking maybe hunters star, there are some really beautiful ones.

joyce888 03-09-2011 06:50 AM

I love purple and orange together. But white as a background sounds like it would make the purple and orange too stark. I would suggest using a pale purple as the background (I think a pale orange would be too hard to find). Using the pale shade would also soften the colors. I also think using the one-color batiks would be perfect.

glaiklam 03-09-2011 07:09 AM

what is a D9P and a DWR

Up North 03-09-2011 07:12 AM

D9P Disappearing 9 patch
DWR Double Wedding Ring

gmcsewer 03-09-2011 07:16 AM

The first time I saw these two colors together was in a fall flower arrangement. Both colors were sort of greyed and of course then the green leaves and little bit of gold. It will be beautiful if you find the right fabrics.

jillaine 03-09-2011 07:50 AM

Go to http://images.google.com

In the search box, enter:

quilt purple orange

and you'll find a variety of images that a) will give you ideas and b) demonstrate different ways to use orange and purple together such that you may actually become a convert (or at least enjoy the quilt you'll make)

I mean, how fun is this:


or this:


(I could go on and on...)


conniebrooks 03-09-2011 07:51 AM

I love the colors shown here for you to look at. That would be beautiful. Just thinkin'

cafegold2 03-09-2011 08:04 AM

Clemson is in SC.

Chris Kieffer 03-09-2011 08:18 AM

Those are also the Phoenix Suns colors.

CoriAmD 03-09-2011 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by katier825
Here's one I did. The pattern is Lucky Stars by Atkinson Designs. Very easy pattern!

Katier825 - beautiful quilt!

QuiltNama 03-09-2011 08:42 AM

A log cabin would also work very nice with those colors. Then you could choose any layout (zigzag, barn raising, etc.) that appeals to you.

milp04 03-09-2011 08:53 AM

I would definately ask the customer more questions?

I would find out the purpose of the quilt? Does it have to any thing to do with school colors, etc? I would come up with several different patterns that you could easily get done and ask her which one she prefers. I would even have her help to select the fabric.

Purple and orange...I too was thinking fall leaves colors. There are great batiks that work well for this. I was also in agreement with someone who mentioned the Day and Night pattern. There are several pictures of others who have made this quilt pattern that are posted.

If you're like me the decision process is always the hardest as I start and plan a project. The reason is that I like too many different colors and patterns.

Good luck and keep us posted with pictures with your progress.

Pam M

Linda - K. 03-09-2011 09:41 AM

Have you talked to the person about using softer colors--lavendar and peach maybe? Still in the purple/orange family but easier on the eye--in my opinion anyway!

mrsk 03-09-2011 11:20 AM

I too was caught up in a simmilar delemma. I asked my just engaged niece what her & her fiance's favorite colors are(expecting 1 from each) & instead got 2 colors from each person! So I am now in the process of making a blue, orange, red, and purple quilt! NOT colors I would have ever put together on my own! I decided to go with one of Ditter's QAYG strip quilts with a black cener down each block diagonally. It is turning out beautifully. Quite bold but I chose to use very saturated versions of each color with other variations along side. I'm at work right now or I'd post a pic. Maybe I can post one after I get home to show you.

KathyKat 03-09-2011 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by katier825
Here's one I did. The pattern is Lucky Stars by Atkinson Designs. Very easy pattern!

I love this quilt!

vickimc 03-09-2011 12:49 PM

these are perfect Clemson University colors. YEA!!! go Tigers LOL

Kas 03-09-2011 12:54 PM

Originally Posted by Renee110
my grandmothers quilt is purple and orange and I love it! Those colors are fabulous together! Here is a pic of her quilt...

Oh! I just love that! She had a great sense of color! If she is still alive, tell her I said so.

Tweety2911 03-09-2011 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by adyldrop
i like the idea of shades with batiks....there are some beautiful "blender" looking batiks in all colors. I'd say to look into that. With a kona cotton white...Mmmmmm sunset....


janjer 03-09-2011 02:28 PM

Wow, shades of purple and orange would make a beautiful bargello quilt if you ran colors kind of diagonally from light purples to dark then, somewhere around mid way across the quilt top, begin with the shades of orange and go to the opposite corner. Maybe some of the Jo Morton cinnamons would work in with the orange colors. Or maybe just do a sampler and use bleached muslin for the 'white' areas.
Katier825 has a pretty Lucky Stars quilt idea, too.
Maybe if you think 'shades' of purple and 'shades' of orange and the colors won't sound so wild. Good luck whatever you choose. Please, post a photo when it is finished.

davis2se 03-09-2011 02:50 PM

do an Eleanor Burns Day & Night.
They work best with 3 colors.

sewmorethings 03-09-2011 03:31 PM

I saw a picture of a Hunters Star on here yesterday or a couple days back done in purple and white. It was gorgeous, that pattern might look good with the orange and purple.

dljennings 03-09-2011 04:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by PJisChaos
Ugh! These are 2 colors I am really not fond of together but a request has been made of me to make a Purple & Orange quilt. I have no idea what I am gonna do to pull this off! She stated that if I *must* use a 3rd color to use only white. Sooo... any of ya good people out there have any ideas of a pattern to use for this request?
I was thinking DWR might work, as each ring could be shades of purple on one and shades of orange for the other and then a w-o-w for the melons and centers. Would this work, ya think? I really think it's only gonna "work" if the colors were seperated like that instead of together like in a rail fence. I don't wanna use sashing to keep em apart either. I have searched here and all over the net but can't find purple and orange together in a quilt without black(halloween) or just the 2 of them. I suggested a green or yellow based of the color wheel and she said nope, just white but only if you must. gah!! help..???

my oldest & best friend made me this ... the name of the quilt is "orange & purple go with everything"

a close up of the fmq around the border

hangin in my room... only wall big enough with no direct sun!

adnil458 03-09-2011 04:13 PM

Day & Night Quilt, use batiks to soften with 2, 3 or 4 fabrics. It will be beautiful!

wraez 03-09-2011 04:22 PM

katier ... that quilt is gorgeous!

jitkaau 03-09-2011 05:30 PM

I like those colours together - the form what is called a 'discord'. If you tend to like complementary or monochromatic colours I suppose it might take a little adjusting. I don't think the colours matter to any particular block.

BobbiSue 03-09-2011 05:51 PM

I love star patterns and this one is beautiful. I'm not a fan of orange but I like the pastels of most every shade in the rainbow.

katesnanna 03-09-2011 06:10 PM

Thanks! I have made several in different color combinations and have loved them all! Here's a link:


Fabulous quilts. My favorite is the bright one but they are all beautiful.

MarySews 03-09-2011 06:28 PM

Did she say it had to be a particular shade of either color? Light orange with deep purple or a print with both might just work and still please you while working on it.

islandboundquilting 03-09-2011 06:43 PM

I made a purple and orange qult a few years ago, it turned out to be one of my favorite quilts. The pattern I used was a mystery, and I don't have the pattern any more, but those two colors are actually great together. Good luck!!

Becky13 03-09-2011 06:54 PM

I have done a purple and orange quilt using the Spectacular Scraps book - essentially it's all triangles and you go with the colors and don't pay attention to the values. It turned out great!

butterflies5518 03-09-2011 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by katier825

Originally Posted by eparys

Originally Posted by katier825
Here's one I did. The pattern is Lucky Stars by Atkinson Designs. Very easy pattern!

katier825 - I am not a fan of these colors usually - but I love your quilt!! :thumbup:

Thanks! I have made several in different color combinations and have loved them all! Here's a link:


I remember your quilts and at the beginning of this post, thought in shades of solids, I am such a newbie never even thought of the variations thereof - how amazing creativity can be, thanks all for sharing.

ksbar 03-09-2011 08:02 PM

How about ocean waves--it'd look spectacular with all the varieties of purple and orange

BettyB 03-09-2011 08:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by PJisChaos
Ugh! These are 2 colors I am really not fond of together but a request has been made of me to make a Purple & Orange quilt. I have no idea what I am gonna do to pull this off! She stated that if I *must* use a 3rd color to use only white. Sooo... any of ya good people out there have any ideas of a pattern to use for this request?
I was thinking DWR might work, as each ring could be shades of purple on one and shades of orange for the other and then a w-o-w for the melons and centers. Would this work, ya think? I really think it's only gonna "work" if the colors were seperated like that instead of together like in a rail fence. I don't wanna use sashing to keep em apart either. I have searched here and all over the net but can't find purple and orange together in a quilt without black(halloween) or just the 2 of them. I suggested a green or yellow based of the color wheel and she said nope, just white but only if you must. gah!! help..???

Here is one that I made several years ago for a woman that also loved purple and orange. The pattern was called A Starry Delight.

Gerbie 03-09-2011 08:35 PM

Why not make the 3d pinwheels, with white as the background color and the other two for the pinwheels.

connie d 03-09-2011 08:40 PM

I think a pinwheel might be lovely. Purple and orange on white I think would look very nice.

Stitchit123 03-09-2011 08:56 PM

I done one it had purple with orange flowers and reversed orange with purple flowers in a Tumbling Spool and it was real pretty but it took a long time finding the right pattern to go with the fabrics.Its been 10 yrs but its just as brite as the day I mailed it to my SIL--when ever I get a brain fart I head to the library and check out a slew of quilt books

danece 03-09-2011 10:02 PM

If you are able to use different shade of the chosen colors try something less complicated, these are strong colors, but they can be toned down by mixing the tonal quality in the fabrics, have fun and try not to get to stressed out, most young people enjoy brilliant color
pallets :D

Janquiltz 03-09-2011 10:16 PM

I can visualize a quilt done in shades of purple and shades of orange - but my guess is because your customer said only white if adding a third color that she may not be happy with anything except a solid purple and solid orange and solid white (if necessary). You could do a triple Irish Chain using white for the background, orange for the center of the chain and purple for the outsides. Concur with Cowpie2 that a pinwheel pattern would also work well, as would someone's earlier suggestion of a DNP. Guess what pattern you use will depend on how big she wants it, how soon she wants it, and how much time you want to spend on making it. Be interesting to see what you come up with.

PJisChaos 03-09-2011 11:40 PM

Wow, so many ideas, thanks a million ya'll!! I am leaning more towards a log cabin variation I seen in a mag or another one that looks really neat I found in a mag also. Once I get some fabrics to start with, I don't carry these colors in my stash usually, I will post my progress. I did find in my stash a white that has 1/2" lines of orange and a greyish-black randomly spread on it to use for her 3rd color, if necessary though. Yay! I am gonna go with some batiks as suggested. Funny, I always thought they were a tie-dye type of fabric line never realized they were batiks. LoL!!

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