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jljack 08-05-2011 10:00 AM

Wow!! How do you work in there??

Shelbie 08-05-2011 10:05 AM

My DH and I never shop for anything together including vehicles. I can't imagine him in a fabric store and I've only seen him in a grocery store a couple of times and we were picking up groceries for his mom. My guy just doesn't shop unless forced or I just can't pick it out such as a suit for his sister's wedding.

carmen garcia 08-05-2011 10:06 AM

My husband usually goes with me.

luvTooQuilt 08-05-2011 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by Suzi
When you need help organizing this room - call me. I can help you whittle down the amount you have and you'll never miss what I remove .......... ;o)

Me too!! ;)

bjeriann 08-05-2011 10:53 AM

My DH is great about going into LQS. When we go up to Illinois we drive right by Hancocks of Padicah. He always wants to stop in to look around. I asked him why once and he said because he knows it makes me happy. He doesn't care how much I spend. But I try to keep it very reasonable. He said he knows I will make something pretty for someone. I love that guy.

marymc 08-05-2011 02:35 PM

My husband will certainly stop if we are out of town and see a quilt shop. I try to be quick so he doesn't get tired of it. He waits in the car or walks off to find something interesting. I think most of the husbands are not intolerant but we all have busy schedules and we all get bored in a store that we are not interestd in. Most spouses will be patient if the other spouse doesn't abuse the situation.

Cybrarian 08-05-2011 02:47 PM

No, he only goes with me if I have to just pick up something quick and we're out for another reason, or we're picking out fabric for something in the house. He would be bored and I'd rather spend our time together doing something we both enjoy. Likewise he doesn't take me with him tool or carpenter supplies shopping. I'm fortunate to be married to a supreme carpenter who can build a house from drawing the plans to pouring the driveway. He was a building trades teacher before he became an administrator. He is the best of husbands for many, many reasons. I am very blessed!

Scrappy Gram 08-06-2011 02:52 AM

Oh my - how do you get anything done in that room?

Morningcoffeegal 08-06-2011 02:58 AM

Originally Posted by skothing
I asked my husband to stay in the car while I went into the LQS. He asked why was I going to long, no I just want to pick up my BOM and leave. I have too much now in fabric. If he comes with me, I buy way to much. Honey, do you like this?

I need time to think how and which person I would use it for .

So for my pocketbook sakes I try not to take him.

Thanks for posting everytime my sweetie says anything about my obsession I am going to show him your pic if you don't mind! LOL Mine is all in bins and theres even a few laundry baskets and OK a few boxes, it is starting to take over the spare bedroom & yes part of the basement, andddddddddd what ever you do don't look under my beds! They are all in plastic Zip bags & organized! LOL And believe it or not I do know whats there & where! Thats the anal part of me! LOL

Question have you every bought the same fabric twice? LOL I did that with a pair of shoes! LOL

Morningcoffeegal 08-06-2011 03:06 AM

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh about my sweetie shopping with me.........well he takes me, waits in the car and people watches while I am in the store. When I come out he will say did you manage to buy them out yet? LOL Or when we go somewhere he will say "Is there somewhere else you want to go to" .......knowing full well its a fabric store or quilt shop! LOL When I say where he replies "Oh didn't you hear they closed"! LOL Sometimes he says ................"They are hiring!" What a corker but I WUV him! I don't tell him my next project idea anymore because he is a stickler for getting me to get something done he doesn't realize I'm a multi tasker and there is a method to my madness! LOL I always have 3-5 projects at once going! LOL

pastorpatricia 08-06-2011 03:13 AM

mine sits in the car and waits for me, we have an agreement, he can take as long as he likes at the hardware type stores and I can take my time at fabric stores.

pollyjvan9 08-06-2011 03:25 AM

I'm a widow so don't have a husband to worry about but the grandkids stay with me a lot and they only go with me when I WANT to be in a hurry!

pollyjvan9 08-06-2011 03:26 AM

I'm a widow so don't have a husband to worry about but the grandkids stay with me a lot and they only go with me when I WANT to be in a hurry! PS: I hate to say this, but that looks like a hoarders room.

mcdaniel023 08-06-2011 03:37 AM

I don't care if my hubby goes with me. He does make his opinion known sometimes. That is really ugly or Can you use this? They have this on sale, etc. He usually strikes up a conversation with someone.

tmg 08-06-2011 03:50 AM

NO! I don't like shopping with hubby for anything. I do like to take my daughter with me.

elseebee 08-06-2011 03:51 AM

MY DH has a great eye for colors and patterns! I went to my LQS looking for one more fabric to add a narrow border. DH immediately came over with a bolt that the saleslady and I just smiled at and laid on the table. After pulling a dozen other bolts and laying them out, she leaned over and whispered to me, "I hate to admit this..." Yup, DH's was the best in the shop for what I needed! So, he always goes with me and he's very generous about me buying fabric. (After all, I don't complain about all his electronic toys!) :lol:

talkn58 08-06-2011 03:56 AM

Now get your hubby to help you organize your area. Then it won't look like a cotton mill exploded!!!

MonnaL 08-06-2011 04:06 AM

My hubby goes with me much of the time. Even better, on the second Saturday of the month, #1 daughter and I go to our LQS about 25 minutes away for Saturday Sampler. Supposed to be a 15-20 minute thing, but you all know how that is :)

DH and SIL will either stay downstairs and look, or go get a cuppa coffee in the quaint little town. They both have a great eye, and both love quilts. But sometimes DH is VERY opinionated. He is quick to turn his nose up at something that doesn't appeal to him. But then again, he picked out my next big project - all 30s repros. It's a complicated one, all curves. He helped me pick out all the fat quarters. Little does he know he's not going to get to use it when it's finished. LOL

glorcour 08-06-2011 04:16 AM

I used to buy fabrics because they were on sale or someday I would use them. Now I buy ONLY what I NEED. There are lots of scrappies coming out of my house. I buy batting, borders if necessary, and piece together a lot of backings. The stash seems to expand every time I use from it. Go figure!

BTW - my husband never comes with and I never hide anything. Quilting keeps me "off the streets and out of the pubs" gggggg

ksea 08-06-2011 04:19 AM

My hubby goes with me or he goes for me or I go by myself, it just depends.

Phannie1 08-06-2011 04:31 AM

My husband comes with me. I am lucky, his older sister was a sewer and made him go to fabric stores with her when he was a youth. He know what I am talking about when I need thread or elastic. He knows I like finding "penguin" fabric for our granddaughter. He points out the sport fabrics for our grandson. He will give an opinion on colors or patterns when I ask. He has good taste and I value that.

He is my best friend and I love shopping with him.

Now my sewing room... he likes order in his life and that includes my space. We had a closet fitted for shelves from top to bottom so to store my fabrics behind closed doors. Just my sewing machine, design wall and current projects are in plain site.

grannie cheechee 08-06-2011 04:35 AM

If it is in town shopping DH doesn't go with me. Just hands me the money. If we are traveling he will go with me. We were babysitting with a 5 mo. old, and I wanted to go to this Quilt shop out of town. DH drove, came in with us, and the shop had a rocking chair. You should have seen the people in the shop watching him rocking, and feeding the baby a bottle.

ka9sdn 08-06-2011 04:36 AM

My DH enjoys find a fabric and saying "what can you do with this?" He is a joy.

shmram 08-06-2011 04:42 AM

I always take my DH along......he buys MORE fabric then I do and is always asking if I need one thing or another for my quilting projects! He is a keeper!!!!

Terri5 08-06-2011 04:43 AM

Yes, hubby goes with me and he never minds at all waiting on me. He is more patient than I expect him to be. Sometimes I feel bad for him, as it seems to take me longer than expected. He is great at helping if I need him. When I had my candle business for 10 yrs he was wonderful at going for supplies for me if I was too busy to even leave the shop. I just made my list and he would go. I could not ask for a better helper. He also loves craft shows as much as I do so I have it made!!!

Quilt-Till-U-Wilt 08-06-2011 04:44 AM

No, because he's color blind and no help at all. He'll take me to Lancaster while I shop for fabric because he gets to eat at a buffet.

decky 08-06-2011 04:46 AM

My husband will some times go with me. He knows where every bathroom is in the quilt shops that I visit!!

bri1977 08-06-2011 04:48 AM

DH has never been. It's not that he doesn't care about my sewing, but Visiting a fabric store would bore him to tears....much the way visiting a music supply store bores me to tears ;)

eparys 08-06-2011 04:49 AM

My friend backed out of the trip to Keepsake Tent Sale - I was bummed out - but DH said he would go with me - He went in to the tent with me to "hold" my bag and kept saying _"this is nice . . OH - look at that ...Couldn't you use this as a backing? This might go with that other fabric!"

Yup I too have too much fabric but cane home with even more that day!

michelehuston 08-06-2011 04:50 AM

Not a chance that I would ever take him with me!!

2manyprojects 08-06-2011 05:02 AM

I take mine whenever I can, he has a great eye for color combos!

LindaDeeter 08-06-2011 05:08 AM

Love my DH, but prefer to fabric shop alone! I can think and make better decisions when I don't have someone waiting for me! When he does "travel" with me to a fabric store, he takes something to read in the car! :)

Arleners 08-06-2011 05:55 AM

I don't take him if I can help it. He is one of those stoic starers. He crosses his arms and gets a glazed look. If I ask him about some fabric, I have to get his attention first. Then he just shrugs and smiles and says - Whatever you like honey.

I just leave him home to watch baseball.

bonnyh 08-06-2011 05:58 AM

Heard a good one the other day - 'shopping with your husband is like fishing with the game warden'. Funny, but I don't find it true. He drives, I shop.

mtngrl 08-06-2011 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by Mickey1

Originally Posted by sueisallaboutquilts
Not unless we're out of town. He may browse a bit and then leave but he never rushes me :)

Same here, but I always feel guilty leaving him in the car waiting. He says it's no problem, but I still don't feel like I can "browse" knowing he is waiting.

I agree.

celwood 08-06-2011 06:02 AM

I can't drive to bad leg so my husband has to take me to the LQS. When we arrive his first words are "are you going to be longer than 5 minutes?". He does not mind my spending money is the waiting that gets to him. :-D

LindaM49 08-06-2011 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by Quilt-Till-U-Wilt
No, because he's color blind and no help at all. He'll take me to Lancaster while I shop for fabric because he gets to eat at a buffet.

Would that be Shady Maple? We live just about an hour from there but we go there a lot...especially their grocery store.

Another great place to eat is the buffet at Yoder's in New Holland. They have a nice grocery store there too. The best broasted chicken I have ever ate. I've been know to eat 8 pieces at lunch time. lol And their breakfast buffet is awesome too. And another great breakfast buffet is Diener's on Route 30 beside Dutch Haven. I've been known to drive to Dutch Haven just to pick up shoo-fly pies. The best wet bottom shoo-fly pies. I have their recipe...from a book I bought there many years ago. But trying to cut it down from like 40 pies to 2...it just doesn't turn out quite right. lol

dotski 08-06-2011 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by skothing
I asked my husband to stay in the car while I went into the LQS. He asked why was I going to long, no I just want to pick up my BOM and leave. I have too much now in fabric. If he comes with me, I buy way to much. Honey, do you like this?

I need time to think how and which person I would use it for .

So for my pocketbook sakes I try not to take him.

i didn't know tornado's went inside too !!! call me i'll help you !!!r u in there !!!!lol

grandjan 08-06-2011 06:09 AM

Not for routine shopping but if he goes to a quilt show with me, he "helps" me shop and he's great fun to be with so that's okay. I don't buy fabric these days unless I need it for something specific though. I have quite a lot accumulated, although it's on shelves and sorted by color so perhaps easier to figure out whether I already have what I need.

Moon Holiday 08-06-2011 06:10 AM

I love buying fabric with my DH because of his art background and has wonderful taste.

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