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beckyw 12-19-2009 04:39 PM

I'm not stressed out because what gets done gets done. I didn't promise anything to anybody. Sometime I get it done and sometimes I buy something. I went to a piano bar this afternoon and this morning my sister and law was over helping my son learn piano. Just have a fun filled holiday everybody.

Panther Creek Quilting 12-19-2009 05:47 PM

I never promise anyone anything either! I know myself to well. The only problem is that with me being a SAHM, funds are always tight and making things is a have to this year. I am sure some of you are in the boat with me. Make them or not have anything.

Panther Creek Quilting 12-19-2009 05:49 PM

fatnsassy - would you be willing to share your casserole carrier pattern or where you found it. What a great idea for SIL's.

judithb 12-19-2009 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by Panther Creek Quilting
I never promise anyone anything either! I know myself to well. The only problem is that with me being a SAHM, funds are always tight and making things is a have to this year. I am sure some of you are in the boat with me. Make them or not have anything.

What is SAHM?
Both of us are retired and I really understand your comment. thank God for good sales and a good size stash to fall back on when I want to quilt!

Iluv2quilt 12-19-2009 06:55 PM

Well, I have three table runners in the works. I've already sent my children all I can make and get it there in time for the day. I just bought some pink ribbon survivor fabric for my DM and my SIL. I'm making a wall hanging for each of them.

Yesterday, I just bound one runner, today, I couldn't even get into my sewing room to sew. Tomorrow is another day, wish me luck!!

betlinsmom 12-19-2009 06:59 PM

I still have a lap quilt to do I have wrapped one gift only I have made 8 handbags and 10 stockings I have 2 baby quilts to quilt i made 6 cat head pin cushions and 2 aprons the house is decorated but not the tree I have 9 batches of cookies to bake and I made a monster batch of fudge I work Mon thru Wed this week will bake and cook thurs and Thurs nite will go to my moms on Fri and have Cmnas with our kids in January when I must have 4 doll outfits and 2 doll quilts ready the n I will finish my dresden plate quilt and hope I dont freeze first

janRN 12-19-2009 07:12 PM

I finished everything Friday morning. If I never see red & green fabric again I'll be a happy girl. Everyone is getting handmade gifts this year except grandkids. I made 6 table runners, 4 toppers, and 2 wall hangings. My house is decorated (I didn't clean--just decorated over the dust and I'll use candles and keep the lights low LOL). I hope everyone gets done what needs to be and can sit back and enjoy Christmas in what ever way they chose. Joy to all!!

cjc 12-19-2009 07:32 PM

I have completely finished 2 lap quilts for the little girls down the road, I have one more to finish..I am quilting it now. I have the top finished for a very large throw for a Christmas/house warming for some good friends...it's not looking for that one to be finished. I have the fabric for another but that isn't even cut. I don't know what happened to November and December..last I knew it was Halloween. And did I mention that my mother asked me last Saturday to make a Mini Miranda (bag by Lazy Girl) for her to give as a gift...I finished that yesterday. I should be sewing now.

mcdaniel023 12-19-2009 07:33 PM

Two quilts to finish. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!Cookies and candy to make. It's gonna be close.

judithb 12-19-2009 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by betlinsmom
I still have a lap quilt to do I have wrapped one gift only I have made 8 handbags and 10 stockings I have 2 baby quilts to quilt i made 6 cat head pin cushions and 2 aprons the house is decorated but not the tree I have 9 batches of cookies to bake and I made a monster batch of fudge I work Mon thru Wed this week will bake and cook thurs and Thurs nite will go to my moms on Fri and have Cmnas with our kids in January when I must have 4 doll outfits and 2 doll quilts ready the n I will finish my dresden plate quilt and hope I dont freeze first

OMG! Cat head pincushions!! What is the pattern name and company? This is a must have pattern! Please share!!

betlinsmom 12-19-2009 07:44 PM

Pattern is from a coloring page that I made up to suit myself no idea where it came from originally I will post pics of them asap also handbags are my own idea... all my family love cats and a bunch of us sew and quilt soooooo However either mccalls or simplicity markets a sewing machine cover and cat head pin cushion pattern...most any cat head picture can be adapted for this purpose I made a round gusset for the bottom and tucked a snack size zip loc bag of aquarium marbles in the bottom center before hand stitching them closed so it will stand up even when I poke pins in it as I hurry sewing

tucky46 12-19-2009 07:49 PM

thank you

judithb 12-19-2009 07:49 PM

Thanks i will look for the pattern for the machine cover. I need one anyway! Looking forward to seeing your art work.

Panther Creek Quilting 12-19-2009 07:56 PM

SAHM = Stay At Home Mom

judithb 12-19-2009 08:04 PM

Lucky you! Thanks for the reply. There are a few of the abbreviations i just can't seem to get. Slowly but surely.

beckyw 12-20-2009 02:15 AM

Part of my problem is I made somethings for myself pincushion with scrap bag and sewing machine cover. Up at four in the morning to get things done.

grma33 12-20-2009 03:08 AM

Wow lots of us working on last min.
I`m finishing a runner with Nemo to go under the fish tank grandkids are getting.

Edie 12-20-2009 04:20 AM

After reading all the messages in this section, it seems to be there is no stress. Everyone is having a good time working up to the last minute with the Christmas gifts. I still have a few to get (note, I did not say sew - that is all done). But now, I relish going to Target or one of the malls and listen to the caroling as I try and pick out a "I don't know what to get her" gift. It is fun, it is joyous. It is preparation for the feast of the Birth of Christ. We can stress ourselves off after New Years, wipe the slate clean and start all over again. I love Christmas. I love the ringing of the bells, I love to be decorating the tree and thinking already what I am going to make for whom next year.

With that I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year, lots of stash and good sales. It's not stress - it is grabbing the season and making every second count - as fun!!!!! And most importantly, Remember the Reason for the Season. Edie

Bevanger 12-20-2009 07:26 AM

I didn't get to make anything this year BUT starting now for next year

ByThePiece 12-20-2009 07:35 AM

Good Morning from Birmingham. I don't know where to begin to look for how to make a flannel shirt into a tunic but could you point me in the right direction?
Also is there an abbreviation page? I'm thinking maybe DH is dear husband and DD? dear daughter? If so, you are blessed, I have neither.
I am grateful for what I have and hope everyone will look at all the plusses and none of the negatives at this special time of year.

Grandma Cindy 12-20-2009 08:00 AM

Yesterday, I finished the binding on a large throw for my Dad. I am in the middle of a binding on a Christmas D9P for a dear neighbor. Her mother died this year and they both made crochet blankets when my 19 year old was born. Then I have the flannel pieces cut out for a sister's toddler grandson, a rag quilt. They live in Tampa and the fabric has great kiddie pirates on it. I think I should now step away from the computer! May you all have the strength to continue through the night and may the gremlins stay away from your sewing machines. Happy Holidays...

pvquilter 12-20-2009 09:12 AM

Stressed out too. I have one more quilt to bind and make a fleece blanket. I made 7 quilts for gifts, 7 quilted tote bags, and 2 fleece blankets. I say I am not doing this to myself every ear, but it happens. Can't wait till after the holidays to work on some swaps I am doing. Oh yes I have a label to put on Nov. Dec. doll quilt.

Damkina 12-20-2009 09:37 AM

I'm just about onto my last bit... just got to bind a 90x90 quilt log cabin quilt for my eldest sister. I'm so glad that I'm finished at work for the holidays, so I can have a full day at it tomorrow and see how far I can get.

Also, she's coming to our house for Christmas dinner, so she's opening her prezzy here... I don't have to deliver it, so I've got right till Christmas morning.

Oh, just remembered... the label too.

betlinsmom 12-20-2009 11:30 AM

You are soooooo right !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sewing quilting and crafting is what I do to DE stress!!!!! Lock me in my sewing room Please! And Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year and Jesus is what makes life good. I start working on Christmas earlier every year so that now I just roll all year with it and I couldnt be happier!! Merry Christmas to all you guys and may you never run out of Christmas love Christmas fabric and Christmas joy!!

Tink's Mom 12-20-2009 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by judithb

Originally Posted by Tink's Mom
I still need to FM a wallhanging for Mom...need to start baking...almost done wrapping...need to get 1 more thing for #2 son(got to be even)...decided to make a fleece blanket for my Uncle(this morning), now need to go get fleece. Oh, and I need to clean house...............

And how many cups of coffee did you have this am!!

Not Enough! LOL

aliaslaceygreen 12-20-2009 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Panther Creek Quilting
Okay so I was sitting here taking a break after quilting for every avaible hour today. And thinking to myself, I am sure I am not the only one!

Without even the time to READ all these replies, I am greatful to see I am not alone in this boat!!!

I have one oversized lap quilt 1/3 of the way bound.
I have one oversized T-shirt quilt that needs to have one side of binding un-sewn, and re-sewn, and then that needs to be tied.

Both need laundering. I have no more days off till Christmas, and I work RETAIL!!!!( Not to mention the other holiday projects I am working on.....)

Good luck everyone!

Jim's Gem 12-20-2009 07:32 PM

Well, thursday I decided that I would make aprons for my 3 daughters, my sons current girlfriend and his ex girlfriend (who is like a daughter) I got 2 done Friday, got 3 done Saturday, then decided to make myself one and since my Husbands family is going to be here for Christmas I think that i am going to make 3 more for my MIL, SIL and BIL's wife. I have 3 half done, with 2 more to even cut out. I think I need to get sewing.

I'm also thinking of making some hot pads as well with the scraps.
Crazy, I know!!

Ilovemydogs 12-21-2009 07:30 AM

I was working on a I Spy quilt for my niece but main sewing machine had to be repaired so I used back up machine, BIG MISTAKE!! The seams weren't working, I was rushing to get it finished. Long story short, I will be giving it to her in February with some adjustments to it.

Now I am making some fabric covered journals for my sister in laws and fabric kleenex holders.

ByThePiece 12-21-2009 07:33 AM

I love your dogs, too. I have 9 rescued cats and they embroider my life. Celebrate!

Quilt Mom 12-21-2009 08:03 AM

I'm not stressing about my quilting - I know it won't get done. My DD gave me a project (full size bed) on the17th and thought I could finish by the 25th!

So I started, but am concentrating on getting the house clean for company, rather than quilting non-stop.

I'm nearly done with a lap quilt for my DH - hand quilting it.

Those are my current priorities...

Grandma Cindy 12-21-2009 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
Well, thursday I decided that I would make aprons for my 3 daughters, my sons current girlfriend and his ex girlfriend (who is like a daughter) I got 2 done Friday, got 3 done Saturday, then decided to make myself one and since my Husbands family is going to be here for Christmas I think that i am going to make 3 more for my MIL, SIL and BIL's wife. I have 3 half done, with 2 more to even cut out. I think I need to get sewing.

I'm also thinking of making some hot pads as well with the scraps.
Crazy, I know!!

Wow, what a cool picture that would be, everyone together with their aprons on! Great work...

craftiladi 12-21-2009 09:37 AM

"Sewing under a deadline at Christmas seems to be the norm for me. I do it to myself and then swear it'll never happen again"
Elizabeth...oh my true words...lol So wish I would have seen this thread a couple weeks ago might have given me the strenght to work harder. I just kept procastinating then I came down w/ a cold that kept coming & going. Happy to say I finally finished the last quilt last night. I am a very proud Nana and make sure all my kids/GK's have a homemade quilts from me. Well my oldest GD had my 1st GGD 11/2008 then gave me twins 9/09 so that was 3 quilts that needed to be made by Christmas. no problem. Then my oldest daughter called crying because she lost a bunch of her stuff from a storage unit including quilts I had made for her and my 3th GD so that was 2 more quilts that I added to the list. Then boyfriend said it sure would be nice if I could make quilts for his 3 lil GK's...ya surrrreee no problem...ya right....lol My oldest GD had already requested that I finish a blk and white quilt that I started ages ago for her. So a total of 9 assorted size quilts are finished and ready for shipping. Yes due to cost of shipping & being on limited funds they might be a tad late but they will get them and thats whats important.
I promised myself I will not do this to myself next yr. ya ya ya!!!
Here's a toast that you get all you want done and not stress over what you don't get done.
Happy Holidays!!!

Jim's Gem 12-21-2009 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by Grandma Cindy

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
Well, thursday I decided that I would make aprons for my 3 daughters, my sons current girlfriend and his ex girlfriend (who is like a daughter) I got 2 done Friday, got 3 done Saturday, then decided to make myself one and since my Husbands family is going to be here for Christmas I think that i am going to make 3 more for my MIL, SIL and BIL's wife. I have 3 half done, with 2 more to even cut out. I think I need to get sewing.

I'm also thinking of making some hot pads as well with the scraps.
Crazy, I know!!

Of course that's IF I get them all done. Finished the 3 half done last night and got the last 2, well maybe a 3rd, cut out. Will have to wait to sew on it until later tonight, my daughters and Son's girl will be here baking Christmas cookies this afternoon. If I had them all done I could present them now.... but...

Wow, what a cool picture that would be, everyone together with their aprons on! Great work...

craftiladi 12-21-2009 10:04 AM

Edie so sorry to hear about your store closing. I love living in a small town but one huge adjustment has been traveling to purchase fabric. We have wal-mart and most of the time that works-if they ever disconiute the fabric dept I will scream. We also have Ace hardware that carries fabric but very pricey. So now I have learned to just make a day of going to the next big town to shop for my addictions-I treat myself to lunch and just enjoy the day. Some of my family lives in las vegas which is 3 hrs away and I never can go for a visit w/o stopping in Hancocks. Those of us w/ fabric addictions do find creative ways to feed the addictions. he he

Mamagus 12-21-2009 10:19 AM

I made quilts for two nephews this year: I finished Noah's guitar quilt this weekend and I have Frank's "Canada" quilt done too. Paul has to wait for his cosy winter weight quilt until after the holidays.

It is strange... I keep thinking I should be in the sewing room ... BUT I AM DONE for 2009!!!!

magnolia 12-21-2009 10:28 AM

I am finished with my big items. But I still have to quilt and bind four table runners; make a set of oven mitts, a pillow, and two fleece sweaters for my dogs (a chihuahua and a boston terrier). And I might make a small fleece blanket for my cat so that she will stop laying on the projects that I am working on.

craftiladi 12-21-2009 10:43 AM

Magnolia let me know if making kitty her own quilt works...it hasn't for me so far...lol
Its taken a couple hrs for it to sink in that I am done w/ the sewing projects...now to start on the baking that I will be taking w/ me on my trip on thursday.
I did get the outdr decor up, very lil inside as its just me here this yr. The cards all got out on time, yes even remembered the mail man.
Had to cancel the hair & nail appointments..oh well there is always next week to look beautiful..lol

Bev 12-21-2009 04:24 PM

I have ONE LABEL left to put on and I'll be finished!! I never thought I'd see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow -- on to the housecleaning and baking of pies. Boy am I tired! 8-)

Tink's Mom 12-21-2009 07:55 PM

Today's update: Mom's wallhanging-DONE...shopping-Done...bought Uncle blanket(he wouldn't appreciate a handmade one anyhow)...did most of grocery shopping...have 2 types of cookies made.....

judithb 12-21-2009 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Tink's Mom
Today's update: Mom's wallhanging-DONE...shopping-Done...bought Uncle blanket(he wouldn't appreciate a handmade one anyhow)...did most of grocery shopping...have 2 types of cookies made.....

I gave in and bought gift cards and got cash for others. I did make several quilts too. Now I am through with Christmas until about next summer.
Happy holidays to your and the forum group.

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