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Boscobd 08-18-2010 08:53 PM

Great thread! Here's my story:

Who taught you how to quilt?
--I’m a self taught quilter although my Mom started teaching me how to sew clothes when I was about 7 (I’m 49 now)

What pattern was the first quilt you made?
--It was called Leap Frog and was a jelly roll quilt

Do you still have your 1st quilt?

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why?
--It’s hard to pick just one; I have many favorites although I am partial to Irish Chain and quilts with stars in them. I don’t know why tho – they just appeal to me. The quilt in my avatar is also one of my favorites. The original pattern used fabrics depicting northern scenes (cabin on a lake, loons, canoes, etc), but I adapted it to reflect the southwest since that’s where I live now.

What do you do with the quilts you make?
--Give to friends and family, Project Linus, Wounded Warrior, and some I keep for me! I’ve sold 2 quilts as well.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection?
--My first quilt (Leap Frog) that I made about 4 years ago

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops?
--American Sewing Guild; I have attended a couple of workshops

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair?

Have you encouraged others to try quilting?

Why do you quilt?
--Creative outlet now that I live in AZ and I don’t garden as much as when I lived in NY. Also, the social aspect. I have made several “quilting buddies”.

janedee 08-18-2010 09:54 PM

I went to classes
Friendship Star and I still have it
My favourite has to be the first king size - all applique taken from the book 'Circles of the East' by Kumiko Sudo
Nearlly all that I make is for friends and family
My oldest quilt is my first one (about 10 years ago)
I do belong to a guild and take the occasional workshop
I entered the above circles of the east into Internation quilt show in Birmingham and must say received some very nice comments
My Mum of 86 is in the process of making her first quilt
and lastly I quilt because I love being creative and it gives me 'me' time

quilter41 08-19-2010 02:55 AM

[quote=Millstream Mom]There are so many wonderful quilters out there that I thought I'd play "Tell Me About...." I'm sure there are some fascinating quilting stories!

Who taught you how to quilt? I took a class

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Log Cabin

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? All my Thimbleberry

What do you do with the quilts you make? Give them away or use them

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? MY DH Grandmother's

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? Yes

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? Yes

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Yes

Why do you quilt? Have sewn since I was 10

JillianMarie 08-19-2010 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by Millstream Mom
There are so many wonderful quilters out there that I thought I'd play "Tell Me About...." I'm sure there are some fascinating quilting stories!

Who taught you how to quilt?

What pattern was the first quilt you made?

Do you still have your 1st quilt?

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why?

What do you do with the quilts you make?

What is the oldest quilt in your collection?

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops?

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair?

Have you encouraged others to try quilting?

Why do you quilt?

I am self taught. My Grama Fran was my inspiration, still is, even though she has been gone for over 30 years.
I made up the pattern with four patch.
I still have the quilt.
My favorite quilt, is always the last one I made, because I am still so attached to it.
I keep some...but give most of them to family and friends.
My baby quilt is the oldest...43 years old. Every child in my family has slept on or under it.
No guilds, I have never been to a workshop...a little intimidated.
Never entered one in a show/fair.
Yes, I encourage anyone that will listen!
So many reasons!! to make it simple...it makes me feel good!

mimiknoxtaylor 08-19-2010 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by Millstream Mom
There are so many wonderful quilters out there that I thought I'd play "Tell Me About...." I'm sure there are some fascinating quilting stories!

Who taught you how to quilt? a friends mother when we were 12 years old

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Sunbonnet Sue

Do you still have your 1st quilt? yes

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? not sure I have just "1" favorite

What do you do with the quilts you make? Most all have been given away

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? That I made -43yrs. That I have in my possession-a white on white that was my grandmothers & not sure of the age

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? no

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? yes

Why do you quilt?

Love & the need to pass it on. Plus it's cheaper than a therapist's couch!

paloma 08-19-2010 03:35 AM

hi ,fist quilt was a log cabin that i tied dd lost it in flood. oldest quilt was made for me by GAUNT,78YRS AGO ALSO ONE BY MY MOTHER MADE IN 30THS A YO YO I THINK FROM THE 40THS. ALL MY QUILTS ARE MY FAVORITS. I GIVE THEM AWAY TO FREINDS AND FAMILYI

mpspeedy 08-19-2010 03:50 AM

I am self taught originally. I have taken a few workshops through my guilds. Made my first quilt at 16, 44 years ago. It was 4 inch squares from all of the garment sewing I did. It graced the bed in my first apartment and later my stepsons bed. It may still be in my garage. My husband used it to lie on when he changed the oil in his truck.
Joined my first guild about 13 yrs. later. Joined second guild about 15 years ago. Have made dozens of quilts in every size. Many of them have been gifts or donations. All of my grandchildren and great neices and nephews have received one. I typically give a wallhanging or table runner as a wedding or Christmas gift. I have probably 30 in different sizes that I kept. In the last year I have made more than a hundred Linus quilts. I handquilted probably 100 quilts for other people before the long armers put me out of business. I quilt every monday with the ladies at our local senior center. We have finished three queen sized raffle quilts since I have been going there. I put two tops together for them. I am currently embroiderying all of the names on a quilt a group of us are making for our church's 250 anniversary. My daughter has put in her order for two T shirt quilts as Christmas gifts for she and her husband. I expect her to bring me the shirts next weekend. I machine quilt the Linus quilts but for myself I still handquilt.

Terri Lee 08-19-2010 04:05 AM

Who taught you how to quilt? watched alot of Sewing with Nancy and Quilt in a day - lots of books too!

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Log cabin - still a favorite of mine!

Do you still have your 1st quilt? yes - a little quilt I made for my son

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? I made a memory quilt for my mom and dad - each block had a memory - Navy-marraige-brothers/sisters- grandkids -books and knitting needles a cruise ship - all the things they loved and the four corners had their favorite songs embroidered - "through the years" - "memories" etc - It was my first real attempt at making a big quilt! had more love in it than good quilting!! My Mom cried and we hung it at her funeral at her request because she said it represented her entire life! I was honored and I was so happy it was my most special gift to her before she passed away.

What do you do with the quilts you make? give them away!

What is the oldest quilt in your collection?just 5 years old - made for my little guy.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? no

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair?no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting?yes

Why do you quilt?it relaxes me and it blesses me to make them for others - I just love it!

mrsbushley 08-19-2010 04:10 AM

My mother taught me how to quilt.

My first pattern was just squares sewn together in rows, then the rows sewn together with a border (only quilt I made when I was a child). First quilt I made as an adult was Eleanor Burns Night and Day but with a bargello effect (see my avatar).

My first and only quilt as a child, I don't know what happened to it. My first adult quilt, I gave to my sister for my then unborn nephew at the baby shower.

I don't have a favorite quilt because I love them all.

The quilts I make go to others (family, friends, church). I haven't kept any yet but have a few in the works.

I don't have a collection of quilts but I am fairly sure that the oldest one in my mother's collection is over 100 years old and made by my great grandmother. I will inherit this quilt though I don't wish to any time soon.

I belong to a local guild and they have workshops once or twice a month.

I have not entered a quilt in any show or fair but eventually would like to.

I have found out that a few others at my church also sew/quilt but we have not gotten together on a project

I quilt because it entertains me.

quilt3311 08-19-2010 04:28 AM

Who taught you how to quilt? Inspired by an elderly neighbor, but mostly self taught

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Hand pieced king size lone star (its still not done)

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes and hope to actually finish someday. Made every mistake possible on it, 1/8" seams, sheet for backing etc. etc. Oh yes, cotton poly fabric (all that was available then.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? Applique, just love the variety you can get with applique

What do you do with the quilts you make? Show them, give them to family, donate to fund raisers, keep them

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? Civil war star quilt. Its a made for a four poster bed

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? 2 local, 1 state and 3 national. Yes, take every workshop I can. You always learn something new. If not from the teacher, from one of the other students who ask the right question or comes up with a new way to do something.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? Yes, had one in AQS millennium show, state fair show, local shows

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Yes, have taught quilting for over 30+ years. Many many blame ME for their addictions. grin

Why do you quilt? Because I have to. If I don't touch fabric for a couple weeks I feel like I'm lost. Its my creativity, my reason to get up in the morning. (besides Hubby and kitty that is. Kids and grand kids are all grown up and on their own.

mirabelle 08-19-2010 04:53 AM

What a great thread... here goes
Who taught me how to quilt, I'm self taught, made my first quilt in 1987

What pattern, it was Eleanor Burns Log Cabin Quilt in a Day, it took me 6 weeks and I made it for my son

do I still have my first quilt, sadly no, I think my son loved it to death

Which is my favourite, I have several, a King size Cream Lace which taught me lots of different techniques, a Teddy Bear applique quilt for my first grandchild (still waiting) and my Baltimore Album quilt that took me 10 years to needleturn applique.

What do I do with my quilts, give them to family members

Oldest Quilt - really don't have an old one

Do I belong to a guild or club and attend workshops, yes I belong to 2 groups, I attend an annual retreat with one group who I support by making small quilts for women who have suffered miscarriages or stillbirths, the other group I belong to meet every week and in between quilting, eating, chatting and laughing we make quilts for the childrens ward at our local hospital. I also love attending workshops when I can.

Ever entered a quilt in a show, yes I have, scary at first and I was lucky to win a Blue Ribbon

Have I encouraged others, Yes my daughter started learning patchwork and quilting when she was 8, she is now 27 and thinking of starting a Dear Jane Quilt. I also taught patchwork and quilting classes for many years

Why do I quilt, it makes me happy, my husband always says he knows where to find me I'm always working in the factory (sewing room)

Psychomomquilter 08-19-2010 05:20 AM

Who taught you how to quilt? this group

What pattern was the first quilt you made? nine patch

Do you still have your 1st quilt? no

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? my last one, I improved in my sewing

What do you do with the quilts you make? I haven't made a huge quilt, yet I am learning

What is the oldest quilt in your collection?One from someone that sent me one from the group about a month ago

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? No and thanks for reminding me, need to find one in the area

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? not yet

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? yes

Why do you quilt? fun, really relaxing

lillybeck 08-19-2010 05:30 AM

Who taught you how to quilt? My paternal grandmother

What pattern was the first quilt you made? simple nine patch from scaps and yarn tied

Do you still have your 1st quilt? No

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? They are all favorite

What do you do with the quilts you make? Usually give them away. The big ones are for family and the baby ones are for whoever

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? My sister still has her sons baby quilt from over 46 years ago.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? No

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? No

Have you encouraged others to try quilting?Yes
Why do you quilt? I love to take color and create something from it. It has always amazed me that you can take a blank piece of cloth and make something beautiful just like an artist and his paintings.

Derla 08-19-2010 05:48 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Who taught you how to quilt?
I'm pretty much self taught. I came from a quilting family and can remember sitting at the quilting frame with Mom's friends at their club meetings and doing some hand quilting. I had an appointment for a lesson at Joanne Fabrics when I decided to get serious about it, but when I went to my class, the person teaching (the manager at the time) was so much interested in the salesman who was there that I was not even acknowledged so I went home and did it on my own.

What pattern was the first quilt you made?My first quilt was a Double Irish Chain

Do you still have your 1st quilt?No - that was given to our eldest son.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why?My favorite was a sampler - it was hand quilted and I gave that to our 2nd son and his wife. But the one in my collection that I treasure was made for me by my mother-in-law. She did it as she was losing her sight from her diabetes and the work is not good, but it means a lot to me.

What do you do with the quilts you make?I have made and given quilts to our 6 children, 16 grandchildren and 4 gr grand children and am now getting a stash of them made for future members of the family.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection?The oldest that I have was made about 1928 by my fraternal grandmother as a wedding present for my parents.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? No - I hate going to meetings!

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? No

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Yes

Why do you quilt? It is my creative outlet.

My first quilt

Oldest quilt in my collection

summerstorm 08-19-2010 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by Millstream Mom
There are so many wonderful quilters out there that I thought I'd play "Tell Me About...." I'm sure there are some fascinating quilting stories!

Who taught you how to quilt? Took a class, I could not follow the books this was 1991 or so.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Rail fence

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes, on the guest bed right now.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? I am working on a hunter's star with 30's fabric, almost done. Currently my favorite.

What do you do with the quilts you make? I am slow so there is always someone in line.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? The rail fence, the only queen size I will ever quilt by hand.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? Yes to both, if I had more money I would attend more workshops.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? Not yet.

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Of course.

Why do you quilt?

Due to health issues I no longer am able to paint or do beading. I must have a creative outlet or I feel stiffled.

I love this board.

Blessings to all,


mhansen6 08-19-2010 06:17 AM

I have always sewn. I used to make all my girls clothes. Over the years they stopped wanting the clothes mom made so I switched to quilting. I went to the Sisters Quilt Show one year and I was hooked. I took a class at my LQS and have been quilting ever since.
My first full quilt was a stack and wack that my daughter has. My favorite quilt was the one I just gave my nephew for his wedding present. It was crossed stitched iris that my mother did before she passed away. I took the blocks and quilted them into a huge king sized quilt. My nephew cried when he saw the quilt, because he could remember his Grandma cross-stitching the block. It meant alot to him.
I have several quilts that my Grandmother made back in the 40's that I inherited when my mother passed away.
I don't belong to a quild, because I work full time and they meet during the day. But a friend of mine and I go to quilt classes together whenever we get a chance. I also go to a quilting retreat twice a year put on my Tater Patch Quilts in Merrill, OR at the Box R Ranch. This year I am making Raggedy Ann and Andy quilts for the Quilts for Kids.
My husband and I go to the Sisters Quilt Show every year. We both enjoy the works of art.
I quilt because it gives me the chance to sew. I love to sew. Sewing is an artistic outlet for me and I love it. I can't wait to retire to quilt all the time.

catrancher 08-19-2010 06:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Who taught you how to quilt? My grandmother taught me to love it, Lorraine G. at our local community college taught me how. And I'm a lot self-taught.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Nine Patch and Rail.

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes, it hangs in my sewing room.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? Oh I couldn't possibly name a favorite. I'm partial to the "Winning Hand" that I made for my son. His is called "Salsa" (see below)

What do you do with the quilts you make? Most are gifts, some go to charity, some stay here, one is on my bed, two are in our family room to wrap up in, two are on a quilt rack, and all the cat quilts hang in the stairwell.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? Two that my grandmother made that are around 70 years old. I had some older ones, but I donated them to a museum.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? Yes, I belong to a guild, No I don't attend workshops.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? No, but maybe next year.

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? No. Everyone I know says it looks too tedious. My best friend says that all those little pieces make her itch.

Why do you quilt? Because I love the color and the order, and the feeling of gratification that comes from giving them away and showing them off.

My son's quilt, "Salsa"

sewnew 08-19-2010 07:00 AM

Well I haven't quilted yet. I'm hoping to start my first one soon. That's why I joined, I'm hoping to get lotsa help and encouragement. Someday I hope to be able to answer all these question. It sound like such fun. I love to sew, knit, crochet, quilting seems like such a exciting new way to express your individuality. All suggestion are welcomed.

bmorawitz 08-19-2010 07:04 AM

I am a self taught quilter - (I started out making clothes years ago) - My first quilt was a green log cabin and it was donated to science...I have taken a paper piecing class and worked part time at a quilt shop. I gave a couple to the food pantry for a raffle - and do others for family and some stay at home.. I sew to get away from computers and work it is my time... to meditate and enjoy life.

jrider 08-19-2010 07:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Who taught you how to quilt? I taught myself--I have sewn for many years and have so many fabric scraps that I thought I would just put them to use.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Stars and Bars

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes--Im a a new quilter and just finished the top a few weeks ago.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why?

What do you do with the quilts you make? I haven't decided yet-- I will keep them until I find a home for them.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? I have quilts done my my childrens great- grandmother

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? no

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? yes

Why do you quilt? I quilt because it occupies my time and I love the accomplishment of the finished product

jrider 08-19-2010 07:18 AM

WOW--That is so beautiful!!! The colors are so bright---

Derla 08-19-2010 08:29 AM

I love seeing the picture of your quilts. It gives me ideas for color combinations and patterns. Keep them coming!!!

Pattiannie 08-19-2010 08:57 AM

There are so many wonderful quilters out there that I thought I'd play "Tell Me About...." I'm sure there are some fascinating quilting stories!

Who taught you how to quilt? I learned to sew in Home Ec. Class and my mother helped me with Garment sewing;learned the quilting thing on my own but Mom is also a quilter so I have resources to go to.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Half-Square Triangle in flannels

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? Non-matching block patterns and others too.

What do you do with the quilts you make? I give some away to chilren/grandchildren/relatives and donate some for fundraising; others I keep for personal use. Really haven't made that many.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? Made in 1998

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? Yes I belong to 2 guilds and try to find resonable priced workshops that fit into my work schedule.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? Yes

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Yes

Why do you quilt? It took some time to become comfortable with quilting. I was scared I cut or sew something wrong and mess up the patter and material.

klgreene 08-19-2010 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by Millstream Mom
There are so many wonderful quilters out there that I thought I'd play "Tell Me About...." I'm sure there are some fascinating quilting stories!

Who taught you how to quilt? I took a class to learn to hand quilt.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? It was a round muslin pillow with lots of feather quilting.

Do you still have your 1st quilt? I just threw it away. I was ripped to shreads because I used it for 30 years.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? I have to many, each were made for my kids and my homes.

What do you do with the quilts you make? I made quilts for my kids when they were still at home, now I'm making for them and myself and grandchildren.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? 30+ years

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? Disabled, can't get around much.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? No

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Yes, and still working on my sister-in-law

Why do you quilt? Because I love all the colors and I love to be creative, and it keeps me really busy.

grandme26 08-19-2010 10:53 AM

Who taught you how to quilt? I took a class at Stretch and Sew many years ago to make a log cabin quilt

What pattern was the first quilt you made? log cabin

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes, it is my bedspread on my king size bed

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? so far it is the log cabin. I made 5 for Christmas that year.

What do you do with the quilts you make? Give them away as gifts etc.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? The log cabin I have as a bedspread on my king size bed. 25 yrs old

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? yes to both

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? yes

Why do you quilt? I enjoy seeing what comes out of all the little pieces that are cut to make one block and then how the blocks are arranged

kristen0112 08-19-2010 11:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Who taught you how to quilt? Self taught. - I watched a lot of quilting and craft shows in the early 90s when my girls were young. I have always loved quilts so I got hooked. I would go to shows and think I could do this. So I did. I still to this day have never taken an actual class.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? - It was a Christmas table runner. The block was a diamond star that was made in red fabric and then had green fabric around the points to look like leaves. It was kind of a hard pattern for a first quilting project.

Do you still have your 1st quilt? - No they were given away as Christmas presents along with home made pear butter, and seedless blackberry jam in a gift basket. I made 3 of them one for my mom, for my MIL and my step mom.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? - That's hard. I think it's my avatar or the one I made for my dad's 70th birthday

What do you do with the quilts you make? - I give them as gifts or use them on my bed.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? - One that was made by a great grandma or aunt. I don't have the history just know that it was made by someone on my mom's side of the family. Probably in the early 30s

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? I am planning on joining a guild this month Mid Vally Quilt Guild.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? - No, but my dad wanted me to enter his quilt in the fair.

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Yes.

Why do you quilt? I like to create. It's a challenge. I like challenges.

What a great idea for a thread - thanks.

My Dad's 70th BIrthday quilt

Mary M 08-19-2010 12:39 PM

I am mostly self taught. A friend gave me some basics and I am still learning. I am sure I will never learn all there is to know aout quilting in this life time.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? I don't remember the name of it. Was a lap quilt.

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yes

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? Don't have a favorite...I think it is still to be made.

What do you do with the quilts you make? Give some away, hang some on walls, some are folded away.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? My MIL gave me an unfinished quilt that she made. I may finish it someday.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? I have gone to one and plan on joining a group this fall.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Not yet.

Why do you quilt? I quilt because I enjoy it and hope to learn a lot from it. I believe that is what we are here on earth to do....learn all we can. I don't know of a better way to fill the hours of being alone. I think being creative keeps the mind young and useful. Mary M

joey 08-19-2010 01:16 PM

Who taught you how to quilt? A friend from work.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? logcabin

Do you still have your 1st quilt?..yes...it is a table runner on which my flat screen TV sits with various other items.

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? I made Christmas quilts for my daughter and step daughter...they were really pretty.

What do you do with the quilts you make? I have made many, many baby quilts for newborns, family and friends.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? I made a full size bed quilt for my husband, but ended up giving it to one of his daughters...at her house...but that is the oldest full size quilt I made

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? I have attend workshops in the past before going trucking with my husband. When I retire I will have more time for this.

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? In fact yes. I have a friend that I will be getting her started on the basics the next time we are home. I tried with my daughter but she prefers cross stitch and beading.

Why do you quilt? It is relaxing to me and I love the outcome when it is all done even if is not perfect (which most of the time mine are not perfect) :-D :-D :-D

StitchinJoy 08-19-2010 01:55 PM

Inteseting to see how we all got into this magnificent obsession. I taught myself how to quilt in 1969, by looking at antique quilts in the Newark Museum, Newark NJ.

The first quilt I made was a crazy quilt of loads of different sewing scraps I had in the closet and decided to "use up/" I started out with 2 bags of scraps; now I have 2 rooms of fabric. My 1st dog was burried in that quilt.

I don't have a favorite but I have many that I love. I love that one in my avatar.

Most of my quilts go to charity: Project Linus, Camp Erin, Quilts of Valor. Mnay are made for my family and friends. But we have several quilts for each bed in our house, and some seasonal quilts thrown over the backs of sofa, chairs, rocker.... On our bed is the oldest quilt in my collection, one that I had pieced and quilted by hand and finished in 1989.

I belong to Newtown Quilters guild, and I attend workshops and classes at Machine Quilters Expo, Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, and local quilt shops. Once I entered a quilt in a quilt contest sponsored by the Allentown Museum, Quilters Newsletter and P&B Textiles. My quilt won. I was stunned.

I love hooking others on quilting. I teach workshops for my guild and local shop, and give quilting lessons in my home.

I quilt for the sheer joy of it.

Millstream Mom 08-19-2010 03:05 PM

I love reading all the responses! It's the closest I can get to having fellow quilters sitting in the kitchen, chatting over a cup of coffee!

Jeri M 08-19-2010 03:24 PM

Who taught you how to quilt? My mom taught me to sew and my sister taught me to quilt

What pattern was the first quilt you made? Medallion - quite the quilt for a beginner - but I did it!

Do you still have your 1st quilt? I gave it to a very good friend

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? I made one for my boss - I found the picture on the web and my sister and I built the pattern on Excel. It was black and white - beautiful

What do you do with the quilts you make? Give them as gifts except my the one in my avatar picture - that one is mine!

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? been quilting for 2 years

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? no

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? yes

Why do you quilt? My sister quilts and I wanted to spend more time together - so I asked her to teach me

grandma Janice 08-19-2010 04:12 PM

I taught myself. The 1st quilt was maple leaves which I gave to my DD years ago.My favorite I think is my Family tree quilt that hangs in my dinning room. The oldest I have is a double wedding ring top, that mom made back in 1916. I quilted it about 15 0r 20 years ago. I have never belonged to a guild, nor have I taken any workshop classes. I have never entered my quilts anywhere. I gave most of my quilts to family members for gifts, made some for the homeless, and I still have many that I display in my home. Quilting is my way of expressing creativity It has become very important to me.

judi_lynne 08-19-2010 04:37 PM

Dresden Plate Queen Size!!! Who knew!!! :oops:
It was a gift for my sister, hand-quilted, took me a year!
I believe the Butterfly and Roses I am working on right now is
my favorate
One for my Sister, one for my Grandson, one for a dear friend,
and now one for my daughter...I will eventually get to mine!
The oldest quilt is the one I'm working on!
I do not belong to a Guild
Have not entered one at the fair/quilt show yet
Not as of yet, but I expound it's virtues to the highest!

I have been quilting for about a year and a half now, and wish I had been doing it for years before! It keeps me busy even though I already work full time. I think it's an outlet so I'm not constantly dwelling on life's unwanted circumstances. I love it. I hope I am always able to do it!

Thanks for asking!

wildyard 08-19-2010 05:03 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Who taught you how to quilt? My DSIL started me and I am working on finishing it.

What pattern was the first quilt you made? It was called a Stack 'N Whack, but it's not like the kaleidascope ones called that here

Do you still have your 1st quilt? yes, but I made a bedspread out of it for our guest room

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? The first one, because it's the only one so far... but I'm working on that.

What do you do with the quilts you make? I am gonna put it on the guest bed soon as the master bedroom is finished.

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? I had quilts from my mother but gave those to my adult children, so my oldest quilt is about 4 years old and I made it.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? haven't yet

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? Nope

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? Always, unless I am having the opposite effect by boring them to death. LOL

Why do you quilt? It gives me another artistic outlet; it fits so well within my physical limitations; like cooking, there is a base to follow, but lots of room for improvisation; it lets me belong and hang out here on this board!!

Fancy Nancy 08-19-2010 05:08 PM

Who taught you how to quilt?

What pattern was the first quilt you made?

Do you still have your 1st quilt?

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why?

What do you do with the quilts you make?

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? a great grandmas quilt -- lots of different fabrics quilted together - have 2 of them - nearly falling apart so are not out.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? no - no time b/c take care of 94 old alzheimer afflicted mom and hard to get away for too long at a time

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? trying to get my daughters to learn - i think only my older dau has patience to try tho.

Why do you quilt? for gifts for kids and friends, for fun, sometimes to relax - tho often quilting will stress me! ha ha

AVQuilter 08-19-2010 05:31 PM

This thread is sure interesting!!
A friend showed me the basics and then I took classes...after my 1st sampler...I was hooked. That was 30 years ago. I do not have this sampler as gave away for a gift. But I do have my 2nd one made at another class.
My favorite pattern is still the Ohio Star as I was born in Ohio...always a Buckeye girl!!I keep some quilts for our home but a lot go to family, friends and charity. My oldest is a 9 patch bought at and auction as just a top which I finished...maybe from the 30s.I am in a guild and very active and yes I do take workshops as always something to learn.I have 4 quilts going in our guild quilt show this September.I did teach a few classes to get some newbies started with quilting and they are all still going strong...20 years later.I quilt as there is always something to learn from each pattern and quilting has me smiling all the time. So much fabric and so little time...

Ruby Y Campos 08-19-2010 05:50 PM

WHO TAUGHT ME TO QUILT? I grew up sitting next to my mother quilting. That was the hand quilting part. Did not start piecing until much later. My mother all winter long had quilts in the frame in our living room (no TV in those days)
WHAT PATTERN FIRST QUILT? I started out making a small wall hanging that I still have hanging in my dining room, a white center quilted in cross hatch and circle of feathers (my mother's favorite). Around the center with gray flying geese. I do have a Fan Quilt that my grandmother made we think in the late 1800's or early 1900. She passed away in 1933. It is truly a treasure.
WHAT DO I DO WITH MY QUILTS? I have kept most of the big ones, however I have not made many. I still have many that need quilting and don't have the time to hand quilt them, and can't decide to have the machine quilted. I have been commissioned to do a large wall hanging for a co-worker 8 yrs ago.
GUILD--No, but I have done several block of the month at a couple different LQS and that is how I got my experience in piecing. I have arranged and guided our church to get involved in quilting. We have put 2 quilts as a congregation together, hand quilted and then loaned to members that are grieving, ill or struggling in their life. They are returned, laundered and waiting if someone else needs 'comfort' from the community.
ENTER IN A SHOW-Right now I would never do that, but I do like to go to shows and get ideas of what I would like to try next.
ENCOURAGE OTHERS--Yes, I am always trying to get others involved in quilting.
WHY--Like others have said, therapy. I can get lost and forget the world around me when I am alone in my sewing room.

gblake 08-19-2010 05:59 PM

I took a class making a sampler quilt.
I have made about 6 quilts, and have given them all away to my family.
I love to sew and quilt.
I have never entered mine in a quilt show.
I do belong to a quilting guild.
We are having a quilt show this fall.

fuail 08-19-2010 06:03 PM

Who taught you how to quilt? Me! Mostly from books and trial and error

What pattern was the first quilt you made? a 9-patch baby quilt for #2 (of 7)

Do you still have your 1st quilt? Yep, it was used by all the babies and now resided in "Mom's Baby Memorabilia" box

Which of your quilts is your favorite and why? usually the one I'm currently working on

What do you do with the quilts you make? Mostly made baby quilts for my own, and they were used and loved for years, I've also given quilts to charity. Now I'm making quilts for my grand daughter. I'd like to tart selling some

What is the oldest quilt in your collection? I have 2 quilts from I think the 30's that were in my Grandma's things. I don't know who made them. I also have a box of 9-patch squares from the 40's that my GGma made.

Do you belong to a guild, or attend workshops? Nope - no time!

Have you ever entered a quilt in a quilt-show or fair? no

Have you encouraged others to try quilting? yes, but no success so far!

Why do you quilt? I love the colors and feel of cotton, and this is one of my creative outlets to keep this single homeschooling mom-of-7 sane! I get a thrill when I open my quilting fabrics drawer and see all those yummy fabrics!

skydiver70 08-19-2010 06:09 PM

Who taught me to quilt: My grandmother and Mama.

What pattern was the first quilt I made: Dresden plate. Don't like the colors though, but it was made from scraps that we had back then (mid-1950's). I was a teenager then. I didn't quilt this one but I did piece the entire quilt and Mama quilted it for me.

Do I still have my first quilt: Yes

Which of my quilts is my favorite and why: The Umbrella Girl quilt that my Mama made. She did it probably in the 40's and always said it was her favorite and she would never get rid of it. Around 2004, she said, "Mary I want you to have this quilt" and I said Mama, "you said you would never get rid of it". She said, But I want you to have it because you have been so good to me. She passed away in 2009. What a treasure she gave me. It was great that she gave it to me then, since the first year she was in the nursing home, my sister broke into Mama's house and stole all her quilts that she had made. She had so many beautiful quilts.

What do you do with the quilts you make: I keep some and give some away torelatives who have helped me.

What is the oldest quilt in my collection? Probably one my MIL made in the 30's and a Flower Garden made by my grandmother who lived to be 100 and 2 months. It was probably made in the 30's.

Don't belong to any guild.

I have never entered a quilt in a show or fair, but entered a block in the Wal-Mart quilt contest a few years ago and won first prize at that particular store. They used the blocks from different stores to make a quilt, but I never did see it.

I have tried to encourage my sister to try, but she doesn't want to.

I quilt to help me deal with depression which I have suffered from for many, many years.

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