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Stitch124 03-07-2013 05:14 AM

A TV, a Nook or a Kindle Fire for my sewing room .....????
Ladies --

I've got a choice to make and I need your advice. I'm celebrating my 20th yr service anniversary at my job and for my award gift I can choose from a lot of things from the catalog. I've narrowed it down to a 15" LED HDTV with DVD player built in or a Nook or a Kindle Fire. I plan to use this in my sewing room and don't know which device would be the most useful. I know that the Nook and Kindle Fire are mostly for reading, but I know they also play movies, plus they are portable, so if I was sitting in the easy chair hand quilting or knitting, I could also have the Kindle or Nook close by. Just wondering if either have internet access so if I needed to look up a tutorial on Google I could watch it on the device.

The other is the TV which has a very nice HD LED picture and plays DVD's so I can watch movies or TV anytime, not portable but nice to have.

What do you all think???


alleyoop1 03-07-2013 05:21 AM

The Nook and Kindle Fire have smaller screens than a 15" TV. A TV with a built in DVD player, if one breaks then you have to replace the entire thing.

Check out Amazon for info on Kindle Fire. I've seen it (DD has one) and the picture quality is good. If you have wireless internet at your home, you can get internet and some TV on it - depends on your cable company and package. Also can get free or cheap tv, like HULU. Do some online research before you decide. And enjoy what you do choose!

bunniequilter 03-07-2013 05:23 AM

Hmmm....tough one. Personaly I would take the TV.Wht not draw from a hat and surprise yourself. Btw congrats on your award!

Rose Marie 03-07-2013 05:24 AM

Nook is having problems so Kindle is a better choice.
I would go with the TV but if you dont own a Kindle they are nice to have for all the free books.
Kindle in the sewing room? Its to small to be useful in sewing room.

Joset 03-07-2013 05:40 AM

i would choose the tv

SherriB 03-07-2013 05:49 AM

I would not choose the Nook. We got one for my DD for Christmas in 2011. It never did work well. She hasn't used it in ages. She uses her laptop or Ipod instead. We have 2 Kindle Fires and love them. I enjoy reading and watching TV/movies on mine. DH loves his for reading and playing the apps. I mostly use the kitchen table for my sewing and will prop my Kindle up and watch things on it. We have a wireless internet router that the Kindles use and also have Netflix and Amazon Prime.

If you use Amazon a lot, the Kindle will give you a free trial of Amazon Prime. On many, many items you can get free 2 day shipping. We use it for everything!! And you get free streaming from their video library. Not as much as with Netflix, but worth it just the same.

dakotamaid 03-07-2013 05:50 AM

Ditto on the TV. I have both the nook and kindle and the screens are too small for any viewing of videos. I have a 13 inch old type TV in my sewing room and I'm looking to replace it with a larger. I'm getting older and my eyes need a bigger screen to see details easier. JMHO :)

Jackie Spencer 03-07-2013 05:57 AM

I used to have a TV in my sewing room, and I really miss it. I could watch movies, football, (yes Im a big big football fan, NFL) or anything else I wanted. If I had a choice I would pick the TV.

sharoney 03-07-2013 06:01 AM

I would definitely go with the tv. I have an iPad, which I use all the time, but I never watch movies on it.(typing on it right now) and the amazon movie streaming is great. We use it a lot. Some are free, and some you have to rent, but its instant -

Pat625 03-07-2013 06:07 AM

I love my Kindle Fire..It is versitile and compact...I have a TV in my sewing area, but most times I have it on for the noise when I am home alone...I use my Fire for just about everything!

bigsister63 03-07-2013 06:09 AM

I would vote for a TV w/DVR. Also a lot depends on what you like to do while sewing. Watching tv/movies or do you really like to read when not sewing? I like to listen to books on tape while sewing and not watch much TV still I would choose the TV since the one I have is so old that you have to turn it on and adjust the volume manually . Also I currently do not read many books (listen to them instead) so a Kindle would not be my choice. Also do you already have a TV in your sewing area? Also are you adicted to the internet/emails in that case then the notebook is nice since it is portable. Lucky you to have a great choice.

BellaBoo 03-07-2013 06:21 AM

If you have wireless get the tv and buy a Ruko to stream movies and tv shows. http://www.roku.com/ Hundreds of channels are free and Netflix is $8 month. I watch online videos of quilting shows on my Kindle Fire, dvds on my laptop. I really couldn't choose from the three, I use them all. Kindle Fire needs wireless internet to stream videos or browse the net, same as the computer has to be connected to internet to be able to go online. If you have internet you can have wirleless. Buy a router and hook it up.

Quiltngolfer 03-07-2013 06:26 AM

For the sewing room, I would pick the tv/VCR. The Kindle is nice, but small screen. We have both and I never use the Kindle in the sewing room.

nygal 03-07-2013 06:39 AM

I can't help you with Nook but I have an Ipad that I use all the time in my stuido to listen to radio shows, videos and music.

BellaBoo 03-07-2013 06:54 AM

I scan my quilt patterns and send them to my Kindle Fire. There is a free app from Amazon that when you want to print you can choose to have it sent to the Kindle instead. I keep lots of quilt patterns on my Kindle. Each part can be enlarged as much as I need it to be to read it.

gabeway 03-07-2013 07:31 AM

Go with the 9 inch kindle fire. You can take it with you when you travel plus with an hemisphere cable you can plug it into most flat screen tva and watch videos (quilting of course) anywhere in the house. Plus the screen is big enough to view next to sewing machine. It is great!

JulieR 03-07-2013 07:35 AM

LOVE my Kindle Fire, but I'd pick the TV for a sewing room so you can work hands-free more easily.

IrishNY 03-07-2013 07:38 AM

I can't give you an answer but think that a TV and a nook/kindle have different purposes. I have a TV in my sewing room and use it often. I also have an iPad and a kindle and use both of them, but neither would substitute for the TV. I would choose a Kindle over a Nook but comparing a TV to a Kindle would feel like an apples to oranges comparison. Only you can determine what purpose you have for the award and then choose accordingly. Whatever you chose, enjoy it!

BellaBoo 03-07-2013 07:55 AM

Get the Kindle Fire for the freebie and go buy a small flat screen tv at Walmart. They are on sale online all the time.

pyffer3 03-07-2013 09:47 AM

I have the new nook and I really love it. I go to some of the free movie websites like tubeplus.me and watch tv shows and movies that I miss or forget to record. But, with that being said. I get more use out of the small TV/DVD combo I have in my sewing room. I can watch live TV or recorded stuff on my dish. The TV is so much bigger and not in the way as the nook can sometimes get. Plus, I have to use headphones with my nook to hear it better because the sound only goes so loud.

mpspeedy2 03-07-2013 10:52 AM

I have a 13" TV in my sewing room and it comes in handy. I got a kindle for Christmas from my hubby and ended up returning it. It was to small and just didn't give me the same satisfaction as a "real" book. The TV is great for when I am doing a lot of pinning, like when I make the "princess Pillowcase dresses" or even pin basting quilt componets etc. I am of the generation that still worships the TV. We got our first one when I was 12 years old.

Painiacs 03-07-2013 11:23 AM

Depends kindle fire good for music and downloads , otherwise tv, watch tv, watch quilting dvds music channels ect.

Canada Kate 03-07-2013 11:29 AM

I have a 40" flat screen in my sewing room and I use it very often when I am in there. When I'm not watching the TV, I'm listening to CBC radio via the internet. My home computer with a 24" screen is also in my sewing room, but I don't use it for watching movies or tv, I use the TV for that. Also have a Kindle and concurr with other posters that the screen is too small. I recommend going with the TV.

Dragonomine 03-07-2013 11:40 AM

I'd go with the TV.

BellaBoo 03-07-2013 01:04 PM

I'm getting a lot of pms where to find the Send to Kindle app. It's at Amazon. All Kindle apps are at Amazon. Type in Send to Kindle app in the search window.

Nanny's dollface 03-07-2013 01:18 PM

I would recommend the TV with DVD. I have one in my sewing room that I use to watch videos ( movies and quilting videos) . I have a kindle fire, which I use to read e books - love the small size.

berryberry 03-07-2013 01:48 PM

I have a kindle fire and I love it. It has internet access if you want to google something. It's also great for reading books and listening to music. I keep it in my purse and have used it in my kitchen to access recipes and make a grocery list.
I would use it to watch a program if I was somewhere like a plane, train or bus, but I'm a big screen person. I have a 40" tv for programs. A 15" tv would not cut it for me, either. If I'm going to watch a program I prefer a bigger screen if at all possible.

sewmary 03-07-2013 01:49 PM

TV in sewing room. IPad for propping next to cutting table or sewing machine or ironing board for those You Tube videos.

Go with the Fire. You can pick up a flat screen smaller TV very reasonably now

Charming 03-07-2013 02:43 PM

I would go with the Kindle because you can use it everywhere and besides if you pick the TV then you have to watch TV and not quilt O-O...to much distraction for me unless you only use the music channels while you sew....then you go back and get that on the kindle and plus much more.....I love kindle

WTxRed 03-07-2013 02:47 PM

I have a Nook Color that I've had for a couple of years and LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I have it connected to my wireless network so can do mostly whatever I want on it! My suggestion would be to really evaluate the use of the device and go from there! Congrats on your 20 years :)

Rosyhf 03-07-2013 02:47 PM

I have a kindle fire hd. I love it. It will read to you while you sew. you can watch Netflix on it and it's brilliant color. I haven't even checked out all the stuff it can do.

x7lillies 03-07-2013 03:03 PM

I would go for the TV, I think. LED TVs are very nice, bright, and they have a good dynamic range (black is very black, white is nice and bright). They're also low-power and don't have to charge. I don't think I'd use the internet enough to warrant having a smaller device that has to charge. And, while they can play movies, you can't play a DVD on them. You'd have to get the movies on there electronically (newer DVDs usually come with an electronic copy or two) or pay for them again through amazon (I think you can access Netflix on them, but I'm not sure). At any rate, I vote TV :)

The nook might not have a browser to look things up on, it depends on the model I think. The Kindle Fire definitely has internet access, though you need to have wi-fi in your house to use it (unless you get a data plan for it, which might cost extra money depending on what you can get from the catalog). The Kindle will be best for browsing if you want to look up a tutorial.

trennag 03-07-2013 03:43 PM

I have a kindle fire and love it!! I use it for music or patterns when I am quilting. I also use it when I'm just relaxing.

coopah 03-07-2013 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by bunniequilter (Post 5910810)
Hmmm....tough one. Personaly I would take the TV.Wht not draw from a hat and surprise yourself. Btw congrats on your award!

That's a good idea from Bunnie. After you draw, you'll know whether you really want that item or the other one. :-)

Pam B 03-07-2013 04:20 PM

I love my Nook but never use it in my sewing room! I prefer a tv with DVD. Mine is hooked up to our satellite so I can watch tv or listen to music...whatever I am in the mood for at the time. Congrats on the award...pick something you would not ordinarily buy for yourself.

Dolphyngyrl 03-07-2013 07:38 PM

I like the kindle fire but not for the sewing room, for the sewing room i would go with the tv

Silver Needle 03-08-2013 01:32 AM

I'd do as someone suggested and get the kindle fire (if it has lots of memory) and buy myself a cheap TV from Walmart. I have an iPad and its never far from me. I use it all the time: calendar, calculator, Internet access more apps than you can count.

luvstoquilt301 03-08-2013 04:08 AM

Here is a totally different perspective. I use an IPOD and listen to podcasts. I cannot watch anything and pay attention to my quilting. You can listen to podcasts through Itunes on many different devices.

sheliab12 03-08-2013 04:21 AM

I have a nook and love it. They go on line and you could look things up. However I think the TV would be better for Sewing room especially if it play DVDs. The nooks is mainly for reading and playing games and it is very portable you could do email or whatever but you have to have WiFi for that. Just my opinion.

germanquilter 03-08-2013 04:43 AM

I would price the Kindle Fire and TV and see which would be the better deal. I do think that a TV would be better for the sewing room but I also have a Kindle Fire that I love but I do not watch movies on it. So I think that it comes down to what you would use the device for. I have my computer in the sewing room with a 17 inch monitor and I use it to stream shows via netflix. I also listen to books on tape via those little playalongs you can lend at a library.

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