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Raggiemom 09-12-2014 03:08 AM

Virtual Quilt Weekend--9/12 to 9/14 Edition
Welcome to Virtual Quilt Weekend. If you're new to the idea, we "virtually" quilt together this weekend and post pictures and share what we're working on this weekend. I will be working on some Christmas presents today. Tomorrow I will be at a Sew-In and will work on some Kids Komforts quilts. So I have a lot to get done this weekend and better get started! :)

tapper 09-12-2014 03:33 AM

Hi Heather.
I will be working on some scrappy 25-patch blocks(10"squares). I had planned to do a pattern called Film at Five.


Started that but then I changed my mind since I didn't want to deal with making all those strips.

I started bordering the blocks with a black 2.5" wide strip. Not sure where I'll go from there. I have 20 blocks so today I will try to get the black borders done.

Only have a camera phone and pics always look washed out but may post a pic on Sunday.
Hopefully, others will join us for the VQ weekend.

ManiacQuilter2 09-12-2014 05:03 AM

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I am trying to finish up the placemats that are going to be given out in our local area for people who are on Meals on Wheels with their Christmas meal.

Boston1954 09-12-2014 05:05 AM

I just started a Halloween wall hanging. Count me in.

IrishgalfromNJ 09-12-2014 05:24 AM

I'm sewing but not quilting this weekend. I'm making headrest covers for my new car. hehehehe

PenniF 09-12-2014 06:36 AM

Hi Heather !! Please count me in - i have a quilt that i have been trying to quilt for a month on my DSM....it's a queens size - and i have torn out the quilting half a dozen times. It is SO heavy and i am having so much trouble with my thumbs (surgery after first of the year) that it hurts to work on it. However - i figured out an easier and pattern appropriate quilt pattern that i think will do it for sure this time. The virtual weekend will really give me the push to get it done.

>>>Maniac - love your place mats ... they are SO cheerful !!!! What a sweet idea.

AllyStitches 09-12-2014 06:44 AM

I'm in!! I took the day off today and I was planning on spending some time on the Halloween quilt. I am really hoping to have it off the rack by the end of the weekend. I have a couple of other obligations-- party for work tomorrow and a bike ride Sunday, but I'll pop in and out. Love Virtual Quilting Weekends! Thanks Raggiemom!!!

Maniac, I love your placemats. What a thoughtful thing to do. :-)

Nammie to 7 09-12-2014 06:46 AM

I'm going to join this one too -- I'm working on my 3rd mock cathedral denim quilt. I'm trying to use up all the old jeans that have been stored in various places around the house! Thanks for hosting the party!

donac 09-12-2014 06:47 AM

I am in. I have to make some party favors for the pillowcase sew in we are having next week. I will be making some potholders and needlecases to give out to people who help us. I am starting tonight. Tomorrow I have to help paint some shelves at my mother's house and hopefully dh doesn't need me on Sunday to mow his dad's lawn.

I can't wait.

Sewnoma 09-12-2014 06:56 AM

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I need to finish this:

(This was actually just my first layout; I have since gotten rid of the dark blocks on the corners and made all the neutrals match, but you get the general idea.)

I have this center all sewn up now but it still needs borders. This is a wedding gift for a wedding that was last month so I really need to get it DONE! I have all of the fabric, just need to cut one more set of borders and get them all attached (there will be 4 borders on the top & bottom; 3 on the sides). I always choke up on borders though; I get ruffles even when I measure carefully and use tons of pins, sigh. Oh well, the recipients will honestly never notice, I just need to DO it and get it done so I can move on to something else. I love how this quilt is turning out but I'm also sick of it hogging up my design wall. I think this time I'll try starching everything stiff as a board before I put on the borders, maybe that will help with my ruffly issues! (No wonder I like modern quilts...no borders! LOL)

lynnie 09-12-2014 08:38 AM

Sewnoma, love your quilt so far.
Maniac love your placemats.
what a great idea.

tapper 09-12-2014 08:51 AM

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I have 5 blocks bordered with black Then I started looking through my fabrics. I played around and I have these 2 layouts...one is where I may sash with a white strip between the blocks, the other with green strips. Both would have scrappy cornerstones. What's your opinion? ..better with green or white? maybe just join the blocks as they are without sashings?? Or combine a strip of white and a strip of green for sashing?



Raggiemom 09-12-2014 09:18 AM

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tapper, both the white and the green work. The white pops out more but I like the way the green blends with your blocks. You could always do half the blocks in white and half in green for more variety.

I'm glad there are several people joining me already. This morning I've been making 45 framed blocks for our guild's block exchange. In between that, I've done a couple loads of laundry and made a tuna fish salad. I'm taking an exercise break in a few minutes while I watch "Bold and the Beautiful". Then I'll head back upstairs to work on a couple Christmas presents. Sometime this afternoon I need to get stuff around to take to the Sew-In tomorrow. I pretty much know what I'm taking, I just need to get it together and put in car.

I'll check back in later to see how everyone is doing.

AllyStitches 09-12-2014 11:38 AM

Love seeing all the projects. What I don't love... The quilt on my rack!! I'm just not feeling inspired by it at all. I'm feeling the limitations of the short arm and rack, too. It's so wobbly that I can barely get a straight line, even with a ruler. So I'm taking a break. Taking Parker for a walk, and then I'm going to work on the D9P that I've had cut for myself for a couple of months. I still love those fabrics so that will put me in a better mood.

SewExtremeSeams 09-12-2014 11:45 AM

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Well, I have a load of dishes to get in the DW, laundry in the WM and some dried fruit to bag up for the freezer.... THEN, I can start cutting out quilty things for sewing. Can't wait to get to my machine. Here are the little mug rugs I finished this past week to raise money for missionary work. I am planning to make at least 10 more this weekend. My head is popping with all sorts of ideas. Better go get that DW loaded...

Raggiemom 09-12-2014 12:01 PM

SewExtraSeams, your mug rugs are beautiful.

quilt addict 09-12-2014 01:32 PM

I would like to join but I think it is going to be tooo hot to sew much. I don't have AC and it is supposed to be 100 this weekend. I am thinking of taking either my applique work or just cut some strips at the library which will be a cool zone.

Maniac - those are very nice place mats.
Sewnoma - look forward to seeing the borders. You've done a great job on the center.

tapper 09-12-2014 01:46 PM

I like to see what everyone is doing.....such lovely projects.
DH dropped into my sewing area and announced that he had to go into town to get something and wanted some company.
We stopped at the LQS and I checked for batting...need 2 lots for 2 full-size quilt tops.
They didn't have it last time I was there and it was the same story today.
They did have some high-loft batting but I don't want to use that because it's too difficult to quilt on my small domestic machine.
Tomorrow, I hope to get back at my scrappy blocks.

Rebecca_S 09-12-2014 02:09 PM

I'll be working on binding a lap quilt for a friend and sewing a bunch of storm-at-sea sashing pieces. Probably alternating as I go along.

QuiltingVagabond 09-12-2014 02:14 PM

No VQW for me, this is my weekend to work :( And I have 2 projects calling "Finish me, finish meeee" LOL

charsuewilson 09-12-2014 02:21 PM

I'll join you. I'm making some H-blocks for a block exchange and quilting a postage stamp quilt for a gift.

AngeliaNR 09-12-2014 02:24 PM

Quilted and bound a UFO today--I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. Will work on my coin quilt and maybe finish tying my stepson' s wagga tomorrow. I got my son's quilt sandwiched yesterday--how did it get so big? :) I might start quilting it Sunday--it's going to take a lot of wrestling!

QuiltingHaven 09-12-2014 02:25 PM

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I have 5 quilts that I have made from the "Cut to the Quick" pattern and I am at the progress of pinning, sandwiching and creating binding, sewing it on and then hand sewing the binding. Here is picture #1 - hope to get this one finished this evening and then get #2 going tomorrow. I made the binding for the other 3 today and pinned #3. Will finish pinning the sandwiches and pinning on the binding of the other 2. They all are about 54" x 68". Whew.

PenniF 09-12-2014 02:26 PM

Donac....do you have a pattern to share for the needle cases - or a photo? Would love to see how you're doing them.
Working on my quilt - keep having to take breaks to rest my hands. Lots of great things being talked about here !!

Raggiemom 09-12-2014 03:36 PM

Well, I'm done for the night. I finished 2 presents this afternoon. A chalkboard thing for my 5 year old niece and a cupcake purse for her also. And I did an autumn panel wall hanging for us. Everything is packed for the Sew-In tomorrow. I have several tops to work on; hopefully I'll get a couple pieced at least. They're pretty simple patterns. I'll pop in in the am before I leave to see what everyone has been up to.

quilt addict--I wouldn't want to quilt in 100 degree weather either!

retiredteacher09 09-12-2014 03:40 PM

I am sorting through a donation of fabric and arts/crafts supplies so I can deliver it tomorrow to a charity. I'm having lots of fun looking at and feeling the different prints/textures. I hope to get some sewing done on Sunday.


AllyStitches 09-12-2014 03:42 PM

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Tapper, I really like the green sashing, it really makes the block I think. The white is nice too-- I think the green just feels warmer to me.

Sewnoma-- can't wait to see your finished quilt, I love the blue and brown.

SewExtremeSeams-- those mugrugs are great!

QuiltingHaven, Love what you've done there! Esp the striped border.

So, here's what I've been up to today:


This is the Halloween quilt. I'm having a really hard time with it. It's WAY too busy for my taste-- how was this lost on me when I decided to use all of these fabrics together?!? I had planned on more quilting for the chevrons but have since decided to just SITD. Which I'm terrible at. And it's not making me love this quilt more! The thing is, my son helped me lay out the blocks. Otherwise I would just pull it off the frame and move on. I just love the feeling I had when he surprised me by wanting to help. So I'll finish it and hopefully that's what I'll remember about this one. :-P I have another whole top that I made with the remainder of the fabrics that didn't find a place in this one. Definitely waiting til next year to quilt that one.

Here's the D9P. I have so many other projects to finish before Christmas, I really have no business working on this but I needed something I could enjoy for a few minutes.


Heading out now to run errands. Not sure if I'll make it back to the sewing room this evening.

Bree123 09-12-2014 03:47 PM

Sweet! I'm finishing up a simple quilt for a client, but then hope to make some good progress on my flowers & ladybugs quilt. Plus, I've had my niece's quilt finished for a bit, but they're finally coming up north this weekend & I get to deliver it to her (she just turned one!). :) photos to follow

Bree123 09-12-2014 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingHaven (Post 6885830)
I have 5 quilts that I have made from the "Cut to the Quick" pattern an

Oh wow! I think I must have this one for my bed. I really like the fabrics you picked for both quilts.

tapper 09-12-2014 04:24 PM

Quilting Haven...love your color choices, especially the white dotted background.
AllyStitches.. I like your Halloween quilt although I know what you mean by it being too busy.
I did a similar type for my nephew...using a sports theme.
I didn't like piecing and joining the blocks but it was one of my favorites once the quilting was done on it.

SewExtremeSeams 09-12-2014 05:06 PM

Allystitches, LOVE the background fabric on your Halloween quilt!

Mdegenhart 09-12-2014 06:07 PM

I'm going to a pineapple quilt class tomorrow.

quiltingbuddy 09-12-2014 07:37 PM

Oh I just love all your projects! I'm putting on binding for a guild project that will go to hospice. Then I need to get cutting for my son's quilt, he's coming home for Christmas and I want it finished for him. I also hope to start another fabric pinwheel garland for another Christmas gift. These are so cute! Check it out on Frozenknickers.blogspot.com under tutorials.

pennycandy 09-13-2014 12:41 AM

I'll be binding this weekend. It will be machine stitched to the front. I'll hand sew it onto the back while watching the Breaking Bad binge on Sunday night. I need to create some covers for arms of my computer chair. String piecing with some of my scrapes would work well.

tapper 09-13-2014 02:26 AM

I couldn't sleep this morning so I am up way too early. I will get the chores/errands out of the way and then head to the sewing machine. Hope we all have a productive day.

hsweany 09-13-2014 02:49 AM

I'm in! Hope to finish quilting a log cabin for my sister.

Raggiemom 09-13-2014 04:14 AM

I see there are a few other early birds up this morning!

hsweany, have fun on the log cabin, I've only done one of those and really should do another.

pennycandy, binding=almost done! I like it when I get to that stage.

tapper, hope you get your chores done quickly so you can start having fun.

quiltingbuddy, I plan to make some of those garlands one of these days. Are they easy?

I'm off to the Sew-In in a few minutes so won't be back on the board until after 4 sometime. Happy Quilting!

SewExtremeSeams 09-13-2014 05:40 AM

Guess I'm not the only early bird either. Aww, didn't get to my sewing machine yesterday but did get lots of other things accomplished. After my Bible study this morning I am heading straight to the machine!!!!

PenniF 09-13-2014 12:04 PM

Just checking in - put aside the queen size quilting to work on a couple of small projects for my QB Secret Santa this year - Terri hasn't officially started sign-ups yet - but i know i'll be joining and want to get a head start.

Lots of inspiration here!!!

tapper 09-13-2014 12:24 PM

Got all 20 blocks bordered with the black...... that's good, considering I was interrupted a dozen times.
Tried a half white/half green combo strip for sashing...it's ok but may use Heather's suggestion and do half of the blocks with green sashings and the other half with white sashings...not sure yet...will see how it goes.
That's it for me for today.
Will check back tomorrow.

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