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Iceblossom 09-05-2020 07:37 AM

Thanks for the birthday wishes, didn't do too much of note after the border and taking the round to the post office. Today has very little planned as well, other than dinner later hopefully some computer gaming and sewing time as much as may be fun... Tomorrow I plan on sewing but I should double-check on if the Hubby has made plans I don't know about.

Next week my grandbundle will be a year old! Oh my goodness, they grow up so fast. Haven't held him since Christmas because of the Covid stuff but there will be a small outdoor family party at the other grandmother's house and we will be there.

quiltingshorttimer 09-05-2020 08:19 AM

thanks for hosting! Looking forward to this quilt weekend--even planned the mowing and trimming chores (DH still not doing his part due to knee replacement and now cancer treatments) and got up early today to deal with pup and do my laundry--2nd of 2 loads (luckily after it agitated) my 22 yrs old washer totally died. So have spent the morning dragging basket of soapy clothes to driveway and hosing out soap, hanging them on clothes line (yeah! sunny and 90's here today so at least will dry!) and then dipping out a large, full tub of water. And our local appliance store is closed due to Labor Day. So after I eat breakfast,lunch whatever and dry off I'll be heading to sewing room!

Railroadersbrat 09-05-2020 08:50 AM

Checking in, hoping everyone's holiday weekend is going good!

De-spidering is not fun, constantly taking the time to pull out one thing, shake it, check the floor, clean it, put that away and then repeat has been tedious but happy to report, we haven't found anymore....so far. I don't think my dogs know what to do with me right now, they lay or sit on the floor near me and just watch with the most puzzled look on their faces...it's sweet and comical at the same time.

I did manage to get some time in my quilting room late last night, I steam cleaned all of my wool mats (have three) and they're all sparkly clean and smell fresh, cleaned off my desk, reorganized my tool organizer and considering making a new one, cleaned up and oiled my sewing machine so she's squeaky clean and quiet now (she's actually been quiet since I got her back from my sewing machine guy, but she developed a quiet little tic that I had to track down and oil), cleaned out my iron with some vinegar and wiped the sole plate down with a Magic Eraser (thanks ladies for that tip, it works great!) and switched out all my blades in my rotary cutters, so I'm ready to go for my sister's quilt. Also tore down my old design wall, no spiders hiding behind it and I'll put the new one up when I start to quilt again.

I won't get much done the rest of the weekend, a friend of ours not far from us found out that her roof was damaged during some storms that blew through earlier last week and my fiance is there to fix it for her. Luckily, it's a metal roof and he's really good at that, but it will take some time since he's going to inspect her entire roof and make sure she's good for fall and winter. So going to let the rest of the weekend move along and see what crops up, but will be in my quilting room, at the very least.

GingerK 09-05-2020 09:02 AM

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I am thrilled with what I got accomplished yesterday. DD and SIL's top is finished, pressed, and 'resting' on the spare bed. DD has a queen pedestal bed with drawers underneath, so this has a 20 inch overhang. I will double check with DD to make sure it is enough. I could always put 3 inch piano key borders on the sides if she decides it isn't wide enough. This one used up a 'few' scraps. :rolleyes: Thanks for looking.

Iceblossom 09-05-2020 10:13 AM

Wow! Ginger I hope you are as impressed with yourself as I am. That's fantastic. Just taking a coffee break here and nothing to report.

petthefabric 09-05-2020 12:26 PM

Finished the BOTW! But not going to LQS. A man's coming to give an estimate for some landscaping work. Also, there's a wild fire E-SE of here. The wind is coming this way, so the smoke cloud is too. Currently it's pretty high but dense enough to block the sun. I need another project, so I'll look around, there's sure to be something.

QuiltingVagabond 09-05-2020 01:43 PM

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I've gotten sidetracked today a bit, cleaning out the numerous toy bins that my youngest granddaughter has outgrown. But I have made 3 blocks/triangles for Jane so far. But as usual, I can't get all the photos to load. sigh....

Quiltah Mama 09-05-2020 02:42 PM

Just checking in......wow.
Aashlwy333, nice blocks and lay out, I really like your colorful choices. I got to do the beach last week with the grands and my daughter, there is just something about being at the beach. 😍😁
Happy birthday Iceblossom, hope it's a good one.
Gingerk, like the string quilt.
I finished the cords for the table runners, and got one stitched. Will be back at it tomorrow afternoon.
i tend to do these in batches, cut out the strips and figure out the layout, then I'll sew them into their one long strip, then make the cords, then comes the rug or table runners. I find it easier when my sewing machine is set up for one step to do a bunch of that step, then reset up for the next step and so on. I'll be checking back in tomorrow, happy sewing, sorting, cleaning, or playing with EQ8.....


Quiltah Mama 09-05-2020 02:45 PM

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Sorry I forgot to add pictures.

QuiltingVagabond 09-05-2020 03:28 PM

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Ginger, I just love string blocks, yours is great! QM, nice work! Well here's one more of my Jane blocks.

QuiltingVagabond 09-05-2020 03:30 PM

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And maybe here's the 3rd block? The first time I cropped the image before reducing the size, I don't know if that is why I sometimes cannot get a pic to post?

fktsewing 09-05-2020 03:34 PM

Thanks Raggiemom---first time on this! Just finished having our house sided --moving stuff for the new windows
for next month. Very stressful--have 2 baby/kid quilts to finish--hoping to get to that on MOnday. Trying hard to
get back into sewing/quilting.

Railroadersbrat 09-05-2020 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingVagabond (Post 8415758)
And maybe here's the 3rd block? The first time I cropped the image before reducing the size, I don't know if that is why I sometimes cannot get a pic to post?

There is something so sweet, charming and even elegant about a quilt made in blues and white, I just love that combination so much. Your quilt is going to be stunning!

When I post pictures, I always crop first, then reduce the size before I post, so that shouldn't be the reason why you can't post pictures. My only suggestion is make sure it says on the window that it's been uploaded and you see it listed before you close the window. When they changed up the boards, I had a similar issue but discovered I was rushing through it too fast.

Raggiemom 09-05-2020 04:30 PM

fktsewing, welcome. I’m glad you’re joining us.

I’m glad no more spiders were found!

Dang—107 is hot!

Today was a good day. Picked up my stuff at shop and visited with friend for a bit. I finished one hangin sleeve and started a second one. I did pull out the heat n bond lite to hopefully inspire me to start tracing appliqué shapes tomorrow. A friend of mine offered to let me buy her Janome 9400, upgraded to 9450 for $1500. I’m kind of tempted!

tropit 09-05-2020 05:25 PM

Got the fan on and Joni Mitchell playing...so nice to be sewing and listening to her. I'm about half way done with my elf pillow top. He's really kind of a cute Santa. That's OK. I like him. It's still pretty smokey in, "Big Town," but it's not as bad here, closer to the coast. It too dang hot to cook, so I bought some prepared salads for dinner. No cooking for me tonight. Yeah!!!!

~ C

Sync 09-05-2020 07:16 PM

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I managed to get a bit of sewing done today. First I worked on the hand quilting of hubby’s quilt. Getting closer to finishing that. I also finished my Sept. Cotton Cuts mystery clue 2 and some leader/ender blocks.

Julienm1 09-06-2020 02:18 AM

Busy making quilts for sister who donated her kidney to her sister! Amazing, huh? Pattern may be called Crossroads. I forget and I've made it several times. Fast, easy and best of all scrap friendly. Finished one top yesterday and busy cutting scraps for second quilt. One sister already home but other sister who received kidney will be in a little longer. Found this pic on Pintrest. https://external-content.duckduckgo....%26h%3D160&f=1

WMUTeach 09-06-2020 04:11 AM

Love your Number # 2 block, Quilting Vagabond. I know it is the fabric that drew me in but the variation of a simple traditional block adds new twist.

Jordan 09-06-2020 07:49 AM

Everyone's blocks and quilts are gorgeous. Ginger--I love your string quilt. That is a great way to use up scraps and finish with a beautiful quilt. I didn't even get to sew yesterday but hopefully I can get into the sewing room and sew some

tropit 09-06-2020 07:51 AM

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So, here's my Santa Elf, so far. He still needs a good pressing and squaring up. He's a little wobbly looking because hes laid out on my bed. He will also get some borders all around. I'm almost out of background fabric, so I had to take in the seams where the arrows are to be able to use what fabric I had left.

Iceblossom 09-06-2020 10:09 AM

Lovely work all! I'm sewing slacking today but gaming with the hubby and having a good time.

For those having problems posting pictures, I don't have a phone I use an old school digital camera and my pictures are pretty much always too large. When we talk about size/large it is the file size and not the generated image we are concerned with. When I go in and edit a picture to crop the image, sometimes my file comes out larger than when I started... I go to this site
And use their defaults. Two clicks, one to downsize and one to upload so we can download here.

juliasb 09-06-2020 11:00 AM

The race is on. I have all 4 sides sewn on my quilt of the binding. I just started had stitching down the binding and am shooting to have it finished by tomorrow. I got a bit side tracked yesterday with the grand opening of a New LQS about 20 miles from here and it was exciting. I was proud of myself that I did not buy and fabric! I did my a set of rulers for my DSM. I can't wait to use them. So with that break taking the entire morning by the time I got home I was exhausted so it was time to just rest. After Church this morning I got busy on the last two sides of the binding So now I am sewing things down. It should be done some time tomorrow or Tuesday if all goes well. So I may not finish it totally with the VQW but I am giving it a healthy try

thimblebug6000 09-06-2020 03:23 PM

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Spent the day hand appliquing the 2nd panda block...bottom right is the one from today.

retiredteacher09 09-06-2020 04:05 PM

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fktsewing: Welcome!

tropit: Cute Santa Elf.

thimblebug6000: Those pandas are adorable.

Thanks quilters for posting your progress.

I finished the top called Harmony by GE Design. It was the first time I chose a dark background for a quilt top.

The top is 70.5” by 81” and, for now, will go into the Church quilter’s pile to be finished when we can meet again.

quiltingshorttimer 09-06-2020 04:31 PM

Wow--you have all been so busy--even if it's not quilting but "spider hunting" (don't blame you for freaking on that!). Feeling like a bit of a slacker--spent a large part of today finishing a Michael Connelly book that was very good, Fairwarning. Yesterday I did get facings sewn onto 2 modern quilts--one is ready to do the stitching on the back and as soon as I get off QB I'll stitch that down by hand while watching the Windsor's on CNN. Did get a friend's little baby quilt loaded on the LA this afternoon--it was one where the quilting pattern is on the panel of cross stitch work so pretty easy to do--just a lot of stops/starts. Want to finish that tomorrow and maybe start cutting out another quilt that's been waiting!.

giquilt 09-06-2020 04:59 PM

Pandas look great❣️

giquilt 09-06-2020 05:15 PM

I finished Week 5 of Quilter’s Cottage by Lori Holt. I had the background cut but had to cut fence today. U[img]blob:https://www.quiltingboard.com/5e5f53f9-19db-4247-a885-6d8650a5d253[/img]

beckyw 09-06-2020 05:54 PM

I was working on a Manx log cabin block. Has anybody done one. Also made a fabric envelope. Working on my fabric stash. It seems like is getting bigger. I would like to make a manx log cabin quilt from my scraps.

sewbizgirl 09-06-2020 07:07 PM

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I've been working on this for a week... my round on a Round Robin quilt. I did the pinwheel round, the last one added. Isn't this going to be a cute quilt? Reminds me of a game board.

Railroadersbrat 09-06-2020 08:51 PM

Nothing much accomplished today, other than the usual Sunday afternoon dusting and now Sunday night dishes. Found another brown recluse earlier, luckily it was already dead but the way I see it, the more we find, the safer we all are. I found a few wolf spiders but left them alone, those are the good guys in the spider world, they eat mites, roaches, flies and other spiders. I yelled at them and told them to start pulling their weight or they'd get kicked out, too, they do eat brown recluse and I'm thinking the dead one I found, one of the wolf spiders took care of, but there were two live ones in the house, so they're falling down on the job.

Thinking I'm finally going to get my sister's fabrics hand washed tonight, after the dishes and then relax.

When is the next VQW? Did I miss the dates on that?

Irishrose2 09-06-2020 10:45 PM

It's fun to see everyone's progress.
Sadly, I just discovered I have a block trimmed 1/4" too small and no fabric to redo it. I think I have to try to put in a sliver of fabric even though it will look strange. To take up the adjoining block so they'll fit would make the quilt out of square. I have yards of every other fabric in the quilt, but only slivers of the red lines on white.

WMUTeach 09-07-2020 03:01 AM

Up Date on my progress this Virtual Quilting Weekend . . . . .
1. Finish the Chemo Pouches for my local hospital
2. Created the pieces for the Ups and Downs quilt
3. Finish the blocks and complete the top for the Ups and Downs quilt
4. Take down the summer decorations in my home and put up the fall decorations.

I finished the blocks for the Ups and Downs quilt and discovered that I needed to make it an 5x5 layout rather than a 4x4. Not a problem, I had plenty of block pieces to create more. Done. Today is sew the blocks together day and decide if it needs sashing day. I may even start cutting the strips for a second quilt. Had lunch with a quilting friend yesterday and now I have another idea for a quilt. Will it ever end? https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/boy.gif I am laughing all the way to my stash!

Rhonda K 09-07-2020 04:08 AM

I love seeing your quilts and progress on your projects. I finally have all the batik fabrics to start a new quilt. Lots of farbics, lots of cutting, and lots of units for one block.

I picked up my machine on Saturday from LQS. It was in for repair so will need to switch out sewing machines today. I am happy to report that a small UFO is done. It's a little wall-hanging but feels good to be done.

sewbizgirl 09-07-2020 05:12 AM

Hope you have a Happy Birthday, Iceblossom! Congrats on hitting the Big Six-Oh.

Raggiemom 09-07-2020 05:25 AM

Next Virtual Quilting Weekend will be October 3-5. Love seeing all the pictures. The pandas and elf are very cute. We did a few things around the house yesterday but I did get half of a hanging sleeve stitched down. Hopefully will finish the other half today and get started on tracing the Candyland applique pieces.

tropit 09-07-2020 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by Irishrose2 (Post 8416048)
It's fun to see everyone's progress.
Sadly, I just discovered I have a block trimmed 1/4" too small and no fabric to redo it. I think I have to try to put in a sliver of fabric even though it will look strange. To take up the adjoining block so they'll fit would make the quilt out of square. I have yards of every other fabric in the quilt, but only slivers of the red lines on white.

Oh no...how about putting a frame around the block using one of the other colors of the quilt? Maybe you could follow through and do that with a few other blocks so it looks like it was part of the design and intentional. What color and print are you missing? Please show a picture. Maybe someone has something very similar they can send you. I'm glad to look through my stash for you.

Yesterday got up to 112 degrees and today it is forecast to be just as hot. It's already about 80 degrees and it's not even 7AM yet. I'm getting an early start. I'm going to cook up some rice and other salad fixings and make lunch and dinner ahead of time. Sewing too...I'm going to jump on it and finish quilting my elf and that's about it. Then, it's just me, the dogs and baseball, in front of the fan.

tropit 09-07-2020 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8415994)
fktsewing: Welcome!

tropit: Cute Santa Elf.

thimblebug6000: Those pandas are adorable.

Thanks quilters for posting your progress.

I finished the top called Harmony by GE Design. It was the first time I chose a dark background for a quilt top.

The top is 70.5” by 81” and, for now, will go into the Church quilter’s pile to be finished when we can meet again.

Love this pattern...it looks like an abstract of a close up of a chain link fence. Very cool!

tropit 09-07-2020 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by thimblebug6000 (Post 8415990)
Spent the day hand appliquing the 2nd panda block...bottom right is the one from today.

Adorable pandas! I love applique, but I don't do it. You're encouraging me to try.

GingerK 09-07-2020 06:35 AM

Irishrose can you reinforce the edges and use a 1/8 inch seam instead of the 1/4 inch seam to sew it to the next block or sashing?

I spent yesterday drafting pieced alphabet letters. I was inspired by the tween quilt that Emeliasnana made for her DGD. (It's over in Pictures. Don't know how to link it. Sorry) My oldest DGD will be 12 in January and really needs a new quilt. My DGD decided that she would like words using the letters of her name instead of exactly like Emeliasnana's quilt. The words will go down the center of the quilt. I am planning to used different scrappy blocks to finish off each row. I have 10 rows of 8 inch blocks to play with--stars with 16 patch centers, log cabin, flying geese...this is going to be so much fun--and probably a lot of work--but she is worth it!

Fabric Galore 09-07-2020 07:32 AM

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I have most of the center of the quilt finished with large stitch hand quilting. Yesterday was a rainy day and it was perfect to stay inside and quilt. I hope to finish the center of the quilt today and then start on the borders. This is the Inman Park quilt that I am making for my DGD.

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