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Lv2sew2011 03-01-2011 07:15 AM

Well, with me being new to quilting, I hope everyone is honest with me, cause Im here to learn and don't mind someone giving me suggestions, other wise how will I learn.

cuppi duke 03-01-2011 07:22 AM

I don't think it's up to us to judge the quality of someone else' work. Why say anything at all other than "very nice". We don't all live by the same standards and maybe they worked hard at it. That's exactly why I won't enter any quilts in a show. What is art to someone might not be to someone else.

ShirlinAZ 03-01-2011 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by ritamaew
I went to a show and there was a simple quilt not sewn too well. I knew this was someone's first attempt and she was happy with it. I told her--Your quilt has a very homey feeling. Like I would like to wrap up in it and read a good book.--I later found out that the quilter has parkinson's disease. What an effort she put forth in making this quilt! Not all quilts are up to Padukah standards but they are all special.

This was my grandmother. I would have been heartbroken for someone to say something derogatory about a quilt she made when she was in her 80s. She did beautiful work until her shaking got really bad. When she was younger she had done beautiful work, and I know it took courage for her to let anyone see her work when her Parkinson's got so bad. Please be kind. We don't always know what a person's challenges are.

Lv2sew2011 03-01-2011 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by polly13

Originally Posted by nanna-up-north
The greatest gift is LOVE..... I try not to forget that. Love goes into every quilt we make...... and sweet, kind words are a good expression of love..... I try to always find something loving to say.....

My quilts will never be of the quality of many I see on this site, but it gives me great pleasure when someone sees something good in them. I am critical enough of my own work so any positive comment warms my heart. I try to remember this when I view the works of others.

Ditto, I hope some day my work will be as good as some of the ones I've seen on this site...

I always say wow, I can't wait to be able to do that...

mswings 03-01-2011 07:43 AM

I tend to emulate Thumper!! If you can't say somethin nice, don't say anything at all!

bizzyquilter 03-01-2011 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by Hosta
and it looks ghastly long uneven stitches pieces don't match colors are so ugly or if you go to a craft show and see someone selling their work and it looks so bad you feel bad for them. I have seen some stuff so awful I am surprised it was let into the show. I usually just say oh that's interesting did it take you long to do?

I have never said a bad word about anyone's quilt or craft project. I have also never seen such a bad quilt, every quilt is made with love and the quilter at the time had a special reason for making it. No one is perfect and every quilter quilts different. :)

catrancher 03-01-2011 07:45 AM

Always something nice--until my quilts are consistently perfect. Only when my quilts are consistently perfect and appeal to the entire world population will I feel privileged enough to say something snotty. A worthy goal, no?

GramaLaura 03-01-2011 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by thepolyparrot

Originally Posted by stewyscrewy
Kind words are the first comment to make.

Amen! And the second and third, too! :)

I totally agree!!

MNM 03-01-2011 07:57 AM

Always be kind. We have a lady in our group who has seams that don't match, her seams on the back of her quilt are all tweaked and sometimes her quilt is not square. She is the sweetest person and so helpful to all. THese things we see as problems do not bother her at all. We have shown her how to match up the seams, iron the seams on the back and she goes on just a before. One thing she does well is her colors she has such an eye it takes you breath away sometimes. She always donates a King size quilt for our festival. We all just smile and say to her well you have done it again with your colors. Great job. And she is only 90 years old. MNM

jump'njudy 03-01-2011 08:23 AM

Yes....I've seen a few examples here, in this board, that I've thought....."OMG....what the heck"...and on the flip-side, I've seen creations that I know that my skill level will never achieve. The comments are so encouraging and sweet that it really gives me a boost,hope in humanity and proves to me that quilters are some of the kindest, loving most supportive people in the world. So what if it's ugly, or not your cup of tea...Someone loves it and has put their heart and soul into creating it. There is too much negativity in the world and people that feel to free to criticize. It's nice to just have a commom comradery of just sewing, no matter what it is and how it turns out. Quilters ROCK....all of us!!!

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