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Jingle 09-06-2011 05:27 PM

I do lots of things on regular weekends and long weekends. I have tried make a quilt in a weekend (I have a book with several in it) and still can't do it. I think it is impossible, at least for me.

QUILTNMO 09-06-2011 06:01 PM

just like quilt in a day sometimes it takes me a day or more just to cut it out

kwhite 09-06-2011 06:02 PM

Quilting is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride!

Dolphyngyrl 09-07-2011 03:54 AM

I think some sew for hours here. I just don't have that kind of attention span to dedicate maybe an hour, 2 at the most if I'm really motivated

pocoellie 09-07-2011 04:44 AM

Don't feel alone, I don't complete anything in a weekend. LOL

merchjag 09-07-2011 04:58 AM

I'm on board too. I have a friend(retired) who can whip out a beautiful quilt in days.I have been working on a memory quilt for 2 months and still don't have it done. In my defense-I work 3 days a week,clean up after and cook for 2 grown men(son and DH) have been running DH to multiple doctors appointments and darn -people are having babies and weddings and birthdays and I keep getting invited and ya know I can't say sorry I can't come. HaHA Oh well ! :oops:

cjaye44 09-07-2011 05:04 AM

I seem to have just one speed these days...SLOW :hunf: :hunf:

sguillot 09-07-2011 05:08 AM

Now that's what I call a productive week-end. I love doing stuff like that. I'm embarrassed to say I spent the better part of the week-end trying to sew a block of the month block that I totally messed up. I went to the quilt shop twice to get more fabric that I messed up and still didn't get it right. I don't know what happened that I just couldn't get it right. The bad part is that it was only half square triangles and I could do those in my sleep but not this time.

Originally Posted by feline fanatic
I so hear you on this! I thought I worked at a reasonable pace but not when I see what some here whip out! I managed to get half of one border hand quilted this weekend. So I handquilted 8" x 45" of quilt.

In my defense I also went to my local farm co-op, picked half bushel of tomatoes which I put up 5 quarts of sauce , 24 Poblano chilis of which I turned into chili rellanos for the freezer, 5 eggplants which became a huge dish of eggplant parm, 2 quarts of pole beans, blanched and in the freezer. And I wonder why I am so dog tired after these long weekends!

sguillot 09-07-2011 05:11 AM

Have any of you made the 1600 mile quilt? I think it would be a quick and fun project to so. Let's all challenge each other to do one and post it except that I don't know how to post pictures but sounds like fun anyway. Any other challenging ideas?

Roberta 09-07-2011 05:11 AM

Maybe we could have a section "What I did this year" because I might have a project I could post :)

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