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sewphie 09-20-2011 04:31 AM

Lucky me is spending the day at my LQS sewing, it's a free sew bring what you want day.Love to get together with like minded friends, we have a great time.

weasier22 09-20-2011 04:39 AM

Well, today is the 20th and I'm going to celebrate my birthday! I'm on vacation and it's started off with a bang...my husband is in the hospital since last night. He had a mild heart attack. But he's okay...they'll be doing test today to find out more.
Thank God for my two children...they are my strength!

So today I'll spend the morning with my daughter and see my son later today. Will go to the hospital to be with my husband.

Enjoy your day today as each day is a special gift!

MarthaT 09-20-2011 04:44 AM

I'm going to love on some babies at the local MOPS meeting so their mommies can connect with other mommies. Run errands in town and then home to hand quilt one of the most fascinating quilts anyone has ever asked me to quilt. Made with 30's reproduction fabrics and a variety of quilt blocks. (Pics will come of the finished product. Just started quilting it last week, so it will be a while.)

EdieClay 09-20-2011 04:45 AM

I'm heading to Crossville, TN, this morning for my quilting class. I am making placemats for friends for Christmas. Also, am binding four quilts (three are also Christmas gifts).

HummerGardenCrafts ... please tell us about your craft house ... I'm thrilled with my craft room.

scrappy2 09-20-2011 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by weasier22
Well, today is the 20th and I'm going to celebrate my birthday! I'm on vacation and it's started off with a bang...my husband is in the hospital since last night. He had a mild heart attack. But he's okay...they'll be doing test today to find out more.
Thank God for my two children...they are my strength!

So today I'll spend the morning with my daughter and see my son later today. Will go to the hospital to be with my husband.

Enjoy your day today as each day is a special gift!

Glad to hear DH is doing ok &
Happy B-Day!

smagruder 09-20-2011 04:51 AM

return fabric I bought a day early and JoAnn's and repurchase it. I asked if I can do that.... they said, they cannot stop me.... so back I go to get almost $13 back.... and spend it on something else there.

Pickle 09-20-2011 04:59 AM

I will be going grocery shopping to head out to the lake to go fishing with my husband. I still haven't decided if that is a good idea or what. LOL

sandy l 09-20-2011 05:03 AM

Finish up looking at QB while SO is makeing breakfast, then head for sewing room to work on a Log Cabin. Plan on spending the day there until supper time.

Lori J 09-20-2011 05:06 AM

I am finishing my friendship block quilt (top only). Due as a UFO at quilt club on Thursday. I never thought I'd ever get it done. It's turning out gorgeous! I will try to post pictures later.

Joeysnana 09-20-2011 05:19 AM

I have to finish removing wallpaper off a bathroom. then I will quilt a Fall wall hanging I machine embroidered. I think I will try using metallica thread. Wish me luck!

Sunflower Girl 09-20-2011 05:31 AM

Unfortunately clean house.

dewie45 09-20-2011 05:40 AM

I get my hair cut today at 1. Need to plan dinner and get whatever meat I'm cooking out of the freezer. Beyond that I seem to be putting off ironing and piecing fabric for a top I finished a couple of weeks ago. Also I made a mini twister from the scraps that needs to be sandwiched, quilted and bound. I'm really terrible at completing projects.

debby wicke 09-20-2011 05:43 AM

I am now having a cup of coffee with Quilter's Message Board...fun, fun
Later on I need to clean up before my cleaning ladies come...stupid.
Most of all I plan to use my day doing what the Lord has asked me...check after my brothers and sisters in God. Have wonderful day.

wvdek 09-20-2011 05:51 AM

Homework (Phlebotomy and Law & Ethics for Medical Careers), school for a meeting about my clinicals, come home, dishes, dinner, sew!

rexie 09-20-2011 06:06 AM

I will be quilting. Three friends are coming over again today and we are hand quilting a quilt to raffle off for my sons fifth grade class to help pay for a trip to Washington DC and New York City. That's a big deal for Kentucky kids.

gmaybee 09-20-2011 06:13 AM

This is already the next day, but I will work at the school until 3:15. Then I plan on cleaning the living room and kitchen when I get home. After that I hope to start on the 16 table runners. They are 120" long and I will be putting the wave stitch on the edge with my serger. A friend hired me to do these for the tables for her daughters wedding reception.

Deborah12687 09-20-2011 06:16 AM

I got my hubby off to work this morning and the rest of the day I am going to be busy cutting fabric and sewing with my new sewing machine.

etheriot 09-20-2011 06:37 AM

Just returned from a weekend at my cousin's home. Her mother was a quilter and was 106 when she passed away last year. She saved everything (zippers, lace from old lingerie, etc.) and I got to go through all her scraps and quilting books. Now I have to sift through what I took and start some baggies to make what I am going to call "Nonnie quilts." Oh, what fun!!!!!!!!!!! Some of the scraps are from dresses my grandmother wore when she was a young woman and from quilts she made. I'm so excited. Will do part of this today in between errands.

Toni-in-Texas 09-20-2011 06:41 AM

I'm going to "try" to get back to work in my fabric closet. I have 5 visiting "grand-dogs" for two week, so it will probably be very cozy in there since four of them like to hover along with my own little pup. We'll see how it goes.

ajohn52 09-20-2011 06:53 AM

Took my dog for her walk, got a cup of coffee and am sitting here reading the board. Then I need to work on a Halloween panel to finish embellishing so I can get it hung for the holiday. Have three table runners waiting to be quilted for Christmas gifts, 3 Christmas wall hangings to embellish and quilt, bind, etc. Also need to put another coat of oil stain on my deck before it gets any colder or wetter. Have lots to do...but I'm retired so it won't all get done today..tee hee

caspharm 09-20-2011 06:57 AM

Read the board, read the paper, finish a diaper bag for a belated shower gift, exercise, and maybe get a hair cut. Not necessarily in that order.

Drew 09-20-2011 07:03 AM

Put chuck roast in crock pot, reading QB, and then to work!

Rosie the "Ripper" 09-20-2011 07:54 AM

Originally Posted by weasier22
Well, today is the 20th and I'm going to celebrate my birthday! I'm on vacation and it's started off with a bang...my husband is in the hospital since last night. He had a mild heart attack. But he's okay...they'll be doing test today to find out more.
Thank God for my two children...they are my strength!

So today I'll spend the morning with my daughter and see my son later today. Will go to the hospital to be with my husband.

Enjoy your day today as each day is a special gift!

Happy Birthday to you. I sure hope your DH turns out OK and gets home soon to celebrate with you. He will be in my prayers.

grandma Janice 09-20-2011 08:02 AM

wash windows, do washing. If there is any time left, I will do some reorganizing in my sewing room.

EagarBeez 09-20-2011 08:54 AM

Laundry, working on log cabin

quiltingb1 09-20-2011 09:13 AM

I have some housework to finish, then this afternoon I am watching my 6 week old grandson for a few hours, then will finish sewing the binding on a wallhanging and maybe get a bit of handquilting done on my civil war quilt.

musicaljan 09-20-2011 09:37 AM

Son broke his hand late last night. Doctor today.

GailG 09-20-2011 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by HummerGardenCrafts
First thing I did was get up and move all of my crafts I've been painting on. I had to move all my stuff because my hubby just got back from Idaho. Had to pick him up yesterday evening. One of the guys got a bull elk. So he will be cutting up elk meat. I know the kids in TN are thrilled. They always get some.

Now since that chore is done, I've been gathering my things up to put in the shop down town. Have all the good ole errands to do. Bank, pharmacy, grocery store.

Then when I come back and get everything put away. I'm headed to my craft house to work a bit. And when it gets later, I'll come back down and work on stuff at the house.

Oh, yes! I forgot. I also have to make some biscuits and fry elk tenerloin. Thought I was going to have hubby home at night. But they changed the shift for him. They are starting a double shift to get the bridge going faster. So put him on night shift. That's means I have to be quiet during the day.

Oh, change of plans already. I don't have to go out until tomorrow. Yea!!!!!!

I get to start on crafts right away.

I'll check back to see what all you are going to do or have done today. I'll let you know what I've gotten done. Lots I hope!!!!!

Perfect! Quiet during the day? Good for hand sewing, pattern drafting, cutting out, etc. Would it work to change your schedule too? I'm up half (or sometimes all) of the night anyway. Don't know if I could sleep very long during the day. I'm good at long naps, but 2 hours is usually the longest. You'll figure something out. good luck.

gramquilter2 09-20-2011 10:27 AM

Quilt if I get off the computer early enough!!

craftynell 09-20-2011 10:34 AM

I'm sewing crafty things. Kitty pincushions for a craft show. They are really cute.

athomenow 09-20-2011 10:36 AM

Made sourdough bread this morning and then cleaned the kitchen. Went to the sewing room and worked on quilting my English flower garden quilt. Yuck! Not going well. Thought about the layout of a D9P that I put together a couple of days ago. Now having a piece of bread with strawberry jam! That's been my day.

GrannieAnnie 09-20-2011 10:48 AM

ironing paper my daughter let me have from her move. It's about the size of newsprint paper and I'm ironing it to save for sketching and for the grandkids to use.

I hate ironing, generally, but I just need to flatten this enough to fold to store.

baglady65 09-20-2011 11:10 AM

Day almost done here......DH took me to Joanns for a few small things and we went and seen a movie! I will be sewing a bag together tonight!

Dix 09-20-2011 11:14 AM

Today is like any other, I do anything I want to. Quilted at church all morning, lunch with dh at our favorite little place, play on the computer and look at this site. Then maybe a short nap and dinner every Tues. with friends at our Fried Onion Hamburger place about 20 miles away. Life is busy and fun

bubbe1659 09-20-2011 11:33 AM

wanted to cut fabric for scrappy back of scrappy front...but as luck would have my back and knees started up again....will see what's doing on the morrow

Farm Quilter 09-20-2011 12:37 PM

I am getting started on the 30 luggage tags I am making for Christmas tags. Went this morning to JoAnn's and got my peltex, plastic and grommets. I've cut out the material and peltex for 15 and 4.5 are pressed and ready for sewing. Needed to sit for a bit so here I am!

teacherbailey 09-20-2011 01:14 PM

I taught 135 6th graders all day, came home, took care of the 5 dogs, ironed photos on hand-dyed shirts for this weekend's 50th birthday party that I'm throwing and then outlined the photos with that slick paint that never feels quite dry, even when it is. Now I get a break to get on here!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Jo M 09-20-2011 01:27 PM

Exercise class, house cleaning, a bit of weeding in the flower beds and a trip to the salon. And, yes before anyone asks, this is my natural hair color. I paid for it so naturally, it's mine. :)

GailG 09-20-2011 01:28 PM

Had planned on a day of cutting and sewing. Was just started and DH called and said he'd be late because the company was sending him on a long run...he'd be back around four. [He is retired, but works a half day at his former company. Today they needed to send him on a run.] Yippee. Won't need to rush. Then the phone rang again....it was the exterminator saying that he'd be here for his annual inspection around 2 or 3. Well -- that is the day I usually clean out the bathroom closet so he can get to the door behind the bathtub, plus I usually do the same to the kitchen cabinet under the sink. So I put away the project and got to cleaning. I had just gotten back to the machine when he knocked. After he left I had to replace things in the closet and the cabinet. I purged as I put back, so now I have a small load for Goodwill.

I'm making a block called Cookies and Cream and I'm not happy with the corners. My blocks are not coming out nicely. I will be cutting off points to seam them together. I tried moving the needle a scant distance to the right, but the corners still leave little for a seam. This is probably a problem for another thread, but I was thinking that perhaps someone could help. I haven't tried the snowball yet (I usually succeed with those, but it's the square in a square that is giving me the dickens. Any ideas?

Edit: Another question -- tell me about a GOOD marking pen or pencil to use on dark fabric. I have several white and silver
markers. I like the little chalk marker with the tiny wheel at the "point" but it doesn't mark close enough to the ruler for me.

cr12cats 09-20-2011 01:45 PM

after being on here going to trace some more redwork blocks on the window before the sun goes down only 16 more squares to go in this set. then i can do the redwork tonight while the new season starts on tv tonight for ncis at 7pm.

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