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gemmyfrog 05-04-2011 04:29 AM

Finishing!! I always feel so proud of myself after a quilt is completed. I love the picking of patterns, I have about a hundred or so I want to do. :D

Wall Warmer 05-04-2011 04:44 AM

All of the above!

Hen3rietta 05-04-2011 04:49 AM

Piecing - hands down!

katykwilt 05-04-2011 04:51 AM

Developing the design and creating the top. Of course, some designs are redesigned as the quilt comes together!

MrsM 05-04-2011 04:52 AM

Seeing that first block put together :D

dilyn 05-04-2011 04:54 AM

Looking at quilt patterns: Love doing this! there are soooo many out there!

Finding and matching fabric: Who doesn't love going fabric shopping even if they are just shopping in their own stash!
Cutting the fabric: There are many changes you can make in the pattern at this point that will make the quilt all your own, and that's fun too....

Making quilt blocks: watching the blocks form a cohesive unit whether it be geometrics or applique is always fun....
Sewing Blocks, Rows and Borders together: The quilt is becoming a thing of beauty! Who doesn't love that???

Quilting: I usually do free motion and I put on some music to get a rhythym going...It's almost like dancing! I certainly love that part!

Binding: The best part of binding is knowing you are almost done! How could you not love knowing you have completed a thing of beauty??

Nope....I can't pick one thing..the whole process is amazing!

gunny148 05-04-2011 04:54 AM

The whole thinggy i love it all

AnnT 05-04-2011 05:08 AM

I enjoy each part of it. Sometimes the hardest part for me is deciding what to do, what pattern to choose and then what fabric to use.

Deborah12687 05-04-2011 05:16 AM

My favorite part is when I put the last stitches in the quilt and I can wrap up in it.

hobbykat1955 05-04-2011 05:19 AM

hand sewing binding...love to sit at night, watch TV and do that

fayza 05-04-2011 05:22 AM

I like every part of the quilt making process. Except for the actual quilting which I have done by someone with a longarm quilting machine. However, I have to be in the mood to do the cutting, and sewing. Somehow I'm ALWAYS in the mood to find or shop for the fabric and pick a pattern to use. LOL :)

Nancy Ingham 05-04-2011 05:44 AM

I love piecing by hand, then sewing the blocks, rows and borders together.

bluadept 05-04-2011 06:01 AM

All but the last 2.

Regena 05-04-2011 06:20 AM

My favorite part is the quilting.

rdorminy 05-04-2011 06:25 AM

I enjoy finding a pattern, hate picking fabric, love, love cutting and sewing the block, hate basting the top, batting and backing, love the actual quilting part but absolutely hate anything to do with the binding.

RamblingRose 05-04-2011 07:03 AM

Just simply looking at my FINISHED quilt! and knowing it is finished. But I can't relax until I start another. That is addiction for you !

margecam52 05-04-2011 07:27 AM

Quilting & binding...actually all of it...from marking out a design to binding...it's all relaxing for me.

Originally Posted by stephaniequeen
What is your favorite part of quilting:

Looking at quilt patterns
Finding and matching fabric
Cutting the fabric
Making quilt blocks
Sewing Blocks, Rows and Borders together

Just curious....Stephaniequeen

lauriequilts 05-04-2011 07:46 AM

I like the whole process from start to finish.

mountainmammo 05-04-2011 08:00 AM

I love picking the pattern and the fabrics to go with it. COLOR turns me on! I can spend hours looking through my stash for just the right fabric designs and color combinations.


babyboomerquilter 05-04-2011 08:08 AM

I love it all!

AngieS 05-04-2011 08:11 AM

So far my favorite is making the blocks and my least favorite is the binding. I have only done the binding a couple of times so its still new to me. I love that binding video though. She uses the glue and it makes so much sense! I am going to try that on my next one. I'm thinking it will go much better than my last quilt.

pollym44 05-04-2011 08:17 AM

Making a top so I can quilt it.

G'ma Kay 05-04-2011 08:24 AM

Dreaming it up!

Nikki and Co. 05-04-2011 09:28 AM

Can't pick just one.........I love the whole process!

Central Ohio Quilter 05-04-2011 09:33 AM

My favorite part is the planning .... picking out the pattern to use and finding the perfect fabrics to use with that pattern .....seeing if I can find the right fabrics in my stash, or if I need to go buy one more or two more fabrics to go with what I already have.

Second favorite part is starting to put my blocks together and starting to see the "big picture."

Love the whole process though.....

juliea9967 05-04-2011 09:37 AM

Cutting the fabric, now that I have the GO cutter. Next is sewing all the pieces together, cause they fit so perfectly.

Chantel41 05-04-2011 09:48 AM

You missed the last step. Showing it off! lol

grandma anna 05-04-2011 09:57 AM

All of the above lol

Anna.425 05-04-2011 10:14 AM

The planning and fabric matching.

Jammin' Jane 05-04-2011 10:18 AM

I like the whole process, but really love choosing the fabric!

New Quilter 05-04-2011 10:42 AM

Making the quilt blocks(as my huge pile will attest) and then looking at patterns :-D

nanquilt 05-04-2011 10:49 AM

I recommend you take a class on making a particular quilt. Once you have finished that quilt, if you cannot start another one on your own, sign up to take another class on making another type of quilt. If after the second quilt, you still fell uncertain about making another quilt on your own, hopefully you have met a friend or two at the previous quilting classes. If you have, just choose a pattern you like and call on your friends to make one with you.
Why do I know so much? I had the same problem and this is how I solved my problem. Good luck and I wish I lived near you and could join you.

clhornak 05-04-2011 11:15 AM

I am a fabriholic first and then hand quilting second!

sueinbarre 05-04-2011 11:56 AM

straightening the fabric before I start to cut it.


cowpie2 05-04-2011 12:01 PM

I absolutely love handquilting. Picking out fabric and sewing the top together is pure torture for me. I actually often make my 17 year old son go with me to pick out fabrics that coordinate because it would take me a year to make a decision on fabric.

I love when I have everything all basted together and I know I have a quilting project for the next 4 months with no piecing to do!

Chris Kieffer 05-04-2011 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by Dingle
Piecing. I stink at everything else. :D Come to think of it, I'm not that great at piecing either. I'm just a wanna be. I'm real good at buying things, just not using them. :shock:

LOL....Too funny! Sounds like me! :lol:

MelodyWB 05-04-2011 12:05 PM

The designing..graphing..cutting..piecing of it..is my favorite part..watching it come alive..lol !!! Then I agree..binding by hand makes me feel like I'm adding a personal touch to it.. I won the battle and it's done !! I actually dread the quilting part of it..lol..!!!

jpthequilter 05-04-2011 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by stephaniequeen
What is your favorite part of quilting:

Looking at quilt patterns
Finding and matching fabric
Cutting the fabric
Making quilt blocks
Sewing Blocks, Rows and Borders together

Just curious....Stephaniequeen

Looking at finished quilts! eapecially in a big interesting show!

Patchworkmarion 05-04-2011 12:27 PM

Finishing something.

Ruby the Quilter 05-04-2011 12:49 PM

I enjoy every part -

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