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-   -   5" Color Theme Charm Swap - ORANGE (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/5-color-theme-charm-swap-orange-t290823.html)

AnnieQuilts 09-04-2017 11:00 AM

Since so many are going along with the "no Halloween" idea, I'm in again! Will shop tomorrow! I have yards and yards of just 2 orange blenders so will try to find some pretty and/or cute prints. I love autumn-colored non-holiday quilts so that may explain the shortage in my stash :D

AnnieQuilts 09-04-2017 11:03 AM

Thanks Jane and DJ! I'll try your method. :D

Jane Quilter 09-04-2017 06:32 PM

Hey Red, Does AnnieQuilts addition make your necessary 10 total?

redstilettos 09-05-2017 08:58 AM

With Annie and ThereseS joining we are at 11 I believe, so no duplicates. Yay!

Faintly Artistic 09-06-2017 08:18 AM

Just finished cutting yesterday. Will get my 10 bags out on Thurs or Friday.

redstilettos 09-06-2017 09:09 AM

I still need to cut. All of it. I am really behind this time around!

I need to start paying attention to my cutting, too. Been cutting too big and then trimming down, but then I don't get the fun leftovers in the amounts you're getting.

Live n'learn. Or....hope to learn. lol!

JuanitaBean 09-06-2017 12:24 PM

Sending mine out today No Halloween candies

Faintly Artistic 09-06-2017 12:27 PM

So, we've swapped pink, purple, blue and now orange. Upcoming colors should be green, red, yellow. Other than that, are there any others? Could do brown, black & white, gray, neutrals, or multi-color (you know the ones...if you sort by color you aren't sure where to put them...). Any I'm missing?

djmat 09-06-2017 01:35 PM

aqua, cream & tan

Crispy_Frog 09-07-2017 10:50 AM

Faintly Artistic- Going back to the song...."Oranges, Oranges....there ain't no rhyme for oranges...." (that's the way I heard it) Anyway, I remember it from the kid's show going back to the 80's or so, "H. R. Puffinstuff" It was a song that Witchy-Poo used to sing. Do you think you heard it there?

Jane Quilter 09-07-2017 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by Faintly Artistic (Post 7901510)
So, we've swapped pink, purple, blue and now orange. Upcoming colors should be green, red, yellow. Other than that, are there any others? Could do brown, black & white, gray, neutrals, or multi-color (you know the ones...if you sort by color you aren't sure where to put them...). Any I'm missing?

Not black and white , just black (anything that reads 80% black)

Not Neutrals, just split into whites or off white (again, anything that reads 80%white etc) ,

As for multies, we could split them into 2 swaps: dark and light backgrounds (these dont have 80% of anything

hav4boys 09-07-2017 03:23 PM

I am in for brown. It goes so well with all colors. Would like green too. I am in for any color.

Faintly Artistic 09-07-2017 05:16 PM

Thanks Crispy! That drove me crazy. Amazing what sticks in the brain...I think it was pre1980 though...
I'm sort of asking about colors cuz I like to be prepared. I can do green with no shopping, but red and yellow I will need to buy. That's okay, those are holes in my stash that need filling:thumbup:
I will probably order from CT or thousands of bolts, and I like to do 1 big order and get free shipping. So, Red, what colors are still in the hat? Don't care what order they come in...

redstilettos 09-08-2017 05:05 AM

We still have green, red, brown, yellow, gray (or grey, lol), black/white, neutrals (creams). I am also thinking of doing a dual swap after all the standard colors are done. (say 7 of pinks, 7 of greens....polka dots....florals....etc). Lots to think of :)

Just so everyone knows, I don't pick them by what is asked for. To be fair (because I get a ton of emails asking for colors, but of course, most are different). So I truly just grab the next one out of the hat to keep it fair. If someone can think of a different way I am open to that, too :)

I plan on participating on all the colors, whether I need/want them or not...just because I love what others pick out. I have gained a new appreciation for different likes/styles from this swap. Opened up my mind to different things, so for me, that's a bonus! :)

djmat 09-08-2017 06:54 AM

Will mail oranges in the morning!

JuanitaBean 09-08-2017 08:40 AM

Red you are doing a GREAT JOB and the way you are doing it. Thank You

AnnieQuilts 09-08-2017 09:41 AM

You are definitely doing a great job, Red. With lots of people asking for their favorites, "out of the hat" seems like the best way to pick. I'm very grateful that you're willing to do all of this. Thank you!

Crispy_Frog 09-08-2017 12:03 PM

That is one quirk of mine....I don't like grey. I think it drags colors down. I have seen wonderful things done with shadow boxes or modern quilts, but I can't get excited about grey....or gray, even.

Tumdarra 09-08-2017 12:16 PM

Got my squares in the mail yesterday....eta is Saturday

redstilettos 09-08-2017 03:15 PM

Thanks for the kudos ladies. I think of my online friends fondly :)

I have received packages from Juanita, Kathy, and Jane today so far.

Faintly Artistic 09-08-2017 03:18 PM

Thanks, Red. You are doing a great job. Knowing what colors are still in the hat helps me be on the lookout...

jaba 09-09-2017 06:02 AM

I'm in for 10 bags also and will mail them today. Colors help me too as I have more choices here than in Florida. We'll have to see if we still have a house there, just waiting....

ThereseS 09-09-2017 07:37 AM

I am excited! Going shopping with Crispy_Frog (sister Judy) to buy more Orange Fabric. There may be duplicates since we may be sharing our haul (purchases).

Thanks everyone!

Faintly Artistic 09-09-2017 09:50 AM

My 10 bags went out yesterday, should be there by Tuesday.

redstilettos 09-09-2017 04:21 PM

ThereseS. Crispy is your sister?

djmat 09-09-2017 08:02 PM

delayed posting til Monday...kids took the car to work & the post office is too far to walk, sorry!

redstilettos 09-11-2017 04:50 AM

I have received packages from Beverly and Tumdarra, too :)

sewbizgirl 09-11-2017 10:21 AM

Found plenty of oranges so sending 10 bags as soon as I get them cut, probably today. No halloween! :thumbup:

djmat 09-11-2017 03:40 PM

Mailed today!

ThereseS 09-11-2017 03:44 PM

Yes she is! Crispy got me into quilting some 12 years ago or so. One day she showed up to my house with an early Christmas present surprise of a new sewing machine and that began our adventure in quilting together :). Crispy has often told me how much she loves this board, participating in the swaps and conversations and I had to join it for myself. I am enjoying the board very much. Thank you Red for letting me participate. I got my fabric all cut and bagged up I just need to package it to be mailed.

redstilettos 09-11-2017 05:15 PM

I was not given a sister, but would have no trouble with many women here in the board as one. You are very lucky to have a built in partner in crime!

jaba 09-11-2017 06:08 PM

I agree red, no sister here either but I have always thought it would so great! According to the tracking my little bundle should have arrived at your doorstep today. Been a "hair raising" few days here for us but found out today our house in Florida came through the storm with only minor damage. Relief for sure and now looking forward to the end of the month when we head southeast for the winter and sunshine.

redstilettos 09-12-2017 10:22 AM

Jaba, so glad to hear everything is where it should be. Minor is easy compared to the alternative!

Ladies, we have 13 swappers this time around. Lots more than I had thought when I pulled orange out of the hat! LOL. No duplicates, yay!!

redstilettos 09-13-2017 01:15 PM

DJ and moonrise you're packages are here! 😄

moonrise 09-13-2017 01:32 PM

Yay! :thumbup:

Crispy_Frog 09-13-2017 02:37 PM

Red and Jaba- We are all Quilting sisters on this Board, that's for sure! Jaba, thank you for the update on your home situation. We were ready to send you emergency stash rations!

Crispy_Frog 09-13-2017 02:39 PM

Something to know about my sister...She's very competitive! Of course she mailed her package out before mine! There is no stopping her!

jaba 09-13-2017 02:52 PM

Thanks Crispy, that would have been wonderful if I would have needed it, but I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness! We plan on leaving here on the 30th so am trying to remember what I should or shouldn't take. Then it's a hope I have room type of thing. 1 good thing, I went through my fabrics and cut squares of all the colors that are still in the bag for drawing :) I'm ready for any of them just need to pack them up. We still don't have any power and they say the earliest will be late next Sunday night. I'm sure we'll have lots of scrubbing when we get there and carpet cleaning but if I get tired I'm sure I can find someone to do it for me.
Made a little quilt for my granddaughter and 1 for her baby doll out of the pinks, so I am getting some of these squares used, that's a good thing.

djmat 09-13-2017 03:32 PM

Crispy, even if your dear sis is competitive I hope she shares her fabric! My widowed sis moved from CA back to TX this spring after 40+ yrs to be nearer to our Texas side of the family & stayed with me in OK while she house hunted online. We went through my entire stash after nightly suppers & filled a very large covered tub with neatly folded FQs, snippets, squares, yardage, etc. We couldn't even lift the tub into her truck, had to get the kids to help! When we went to CA last fall she did the same for me and I had very little space in our truck to haul it back to OK. You should see her fabulous Sunbonnet Sue quilts, wowser! I know she is a blessing to so many!

Jaba, you gonna post pics of your DGD & doll quilt? Hope your relocation goes smoothly as possible. In the words of my DH, When in doubt, farm it out! Keeping you in my prayers!

djmat 09-13-2017 06:06 PM

Secret Santa 2017 signups open, see Member Swaps top. Hope you join the fun!

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