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-   -   Boom 14 - April - 3 month group (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/boom-14-april-3-month-group-t257870.html)

ljdugas31 04-19-2015 09:17 AM

Thanks Janice I will be looking!

terriamn 04-19-2015 09:50 AM

Janice hope everything is ok forbyou. Not starting till Maybis actually better for me also. Way to much odd stuff going on in my life right now. Hope it slows down soon.

sunrise450 04-20-2015 03:52 AM

Personally I'm glad you're waiting till May or later. I had almost decided not to do the 15th, just way too much happening for me also. My sil is arriving this afternoon for an indefinite stay. It is just too difficult to sew when she is here. I love her and I'm perfectly willing to give her tender lovin' care while she is here. I can do hand stitching and I have also started a sweater for myself. I will be on here but not every day that I do now. I still belong to one swap which is one block a month, even I can handle that! I may join the candy swap also, that isn't due till June. She will be going home by then. She will be turning 84 this coming Sat. My birthday will be on the 24th so we will be celebrating our birthdays together.
Have a great day everyone!

Janice McC 04-20-2015 11:27 AM

Sunrise, you aren't the only one happy for the delay. I really need the break and some others have expressed the same thing. Although I won't be able to join the next Boom, I'll be glad to put it together for those that are interested. Enjoy your other swaps in the meantime. Variety is the spice of life!

Billi 04-21-2015 01:19 PM

yay I may be able to join with a delay at hand. So much going on around here including my youngest daughter graduating, my other daughter finally taking the bed from her room so I am now turning that into my sewing room and we finally found out whats up with mr.Bill and he is scheduled for surgery the day after we return from the graduation. Janice I hope you are able to wrestle control from that nasty person named "beyond my" I just hate it when that happens. I hope you all share your finished quilts my blocks are still in their project box and will be for awhile but I have managed to finish two ufos that are out getting quilted once I get them bound I will share them
those will probably be the last finishes while I get my new room set up.

Janice McC 04-21-2015 06:23 PM

Hi Billi, I'm trying to rework the schedule now. We've got so much going on now and for the next few months that my head is spinning! Mom and Sis are moving in with DH and me and we're trying to get their house ready for sale. It's taking a lot of time. In any case, I should have the swap posted by the second week of May. Anyone wanting in should be on the lookout around then.

Originally Posted by Billi (Post 7172367)
yay I may be able to join with a delay at hand. So much going on around here including my youngest daughter graduating, my other daughter finally taking the bed from her room so I am now turning that into my sewing room and we finally found out whats up with mr.Bill and he is scheduled for surgery the day after we return from the graduation. Janice I hope you are able to wrestle control from that nasty person named "beyond my" I just hate it when that happens. I hope you all share your finished quilts my blocks are still in their project box and will be for awhile but I have managed to finish two ufos that are out getting quilted once I get them bound I will share them
those will probably be the last finishes while I get my new room set up.

joanelizbay 04-29-2015 05:21 AM

WOW Friday is May 1st already. where is time going??? Hope everyone is enjoying their break...I check everyday to see if Janice has posted the new Boom yet...been trying to use up some scraps but Honestly I think they multiply overnight!! :) Cut 288 4 7/8 inch squares of blue fabric for a quilt and when I went to put the excess fabric back I swear I had to push and push to get it in the drawer!! :) I know I haven't bought any fabric for awhile but someone left me a message that there are going to be bolts of fabric at an auction tomorrow!! Guess where IM gonna go lst thing in the morning?? LOL Stay safe and healthy!!

terriamn 04-29-2015 01:33 PM

I am trying to free motion a baby quilt. Finally it's cooperating. Boy quilting can be frustrating.

goid news just came home from another quick trip up North to see my mother and she is doing much better. Has gained 10 pounds, we decided to change her doctor and she agreed. Of corse he has a differnt opinion then last doc but we are willing to try a differnt approach and it looks like it is working. Bs he also has a 92 year old gentleman friend. The three if us played Farkle while I was there and I didn't ask him what his intentions were��

Libster 04-30-2015 03:06 PM

Terri, I LOVE hearing good news. Pat your Mom and her friend on the back and wish them well for me! (Now if necessary, I can send you a copy of the financial statement to be filled in by my Mom's "friends" after my Dad passed. She just howled every time we threatened her with that one!)

terriamn 05-01-2015 12:07 PM

Thanks Libster I can just about imagine what it would say. Jack has only one surviving daughter and she lives 6 months and one day in Florida. My sister will meet her first I'm sure. She will probably have the same reaction as my sister and I had. If this lovely gentleman can get my mother to leave her room we will be forever grateful

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