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Elisabrat 04-15-2013 11:21 PM

ok one time I was sitting on the floor across from my man. we had our feet touching and were just shooting the ..breeze. well I see this rubber band. I pick it up and shoot for his ..jean crotch and hit him right in the EYE. I was 20 yrs old. that stuck in my mind. never ever shoot a rubber band at anyone and never throw something at them either in jest. my luck is not that good. :)

Jaba I will pray that your brother heals quickly and that dad is in a more even spot. oh dear and your leaving town. that has to be tough. shoot you havent been super well lately either. what a month for you I am so sorry.

I know one of the hardest decisions with our pets is having to know when its time to let go. They are most often I think ready. its the people who hang on just a tiny bit longer. I have had my share of its time take them to the vet. no one goes with me, I suck it up, do it, hold it all in stoic me.. get home and fall apart. part of loving them. if you dont know the love you can avoid the pain all together who would want to do that? not me.

nancia 04-16-2013 05:28 AM

thanks, nelda. i'll pass it on.

Momma_K 04-16-2013 12:51 PM

Glad I made it, been so busy I forgot all about looking in on the swap! When do we know who our swap partner is and is there a theme or just what out partner likes?? I need to start mine asap, sooo sooo much going on. Had a funeral, my sister having trouble with her knee replacement, now I find I'm going to be packing up everything to be put in storage and will be going to my sister in Severville, she fell in the yard and is flat on her back. I told her God did not build her like a man and she can't work like one! Sheeeze! I feel like a browser open with 20 tabs going on at once!! Ha! JuneBillie send me your address please in a PM! Thank you!! I didn't forget you! :o

sikesjj 04-16-2013 01:07 PM

I have started cutting out my mug rug, hope they like it whoever it is.

Elisabrat 04-16-2013 01:09 PM

When the grand Nelco deems it time to share with us our partners. We are going with partners wish/hope I think like last time if they liked all green sew a green one.. so maybe take a few different fabrics when you go or sew a couple now and hope one will work? or just let her know you have to send what you have already made due to having to be gone for an extended time to care for your sister. yeah that is what I would do. Surely your partner will understand but maybe just maybe we might get names today or some of us so you and Jaba can start on the projects before you head out of town. just a thought. emergencies might count all in all.
(dodging the shoe nelco just threw at me.. darn she is good winged me in the shoulder ohh she ment to wing my shoulder.. sign her up for the dodgers! she is in!!)

tracibug 04-16-2013 03:05 PM

Wow.... love the fingerprint!

Originally Posted by colleenzchaos (Post 5999375)
( other than Pinterest ) Selvage quilts. Can you imagine how long it would take to make one of these?



Nelco 04-16-2013 03:22 PM

Brat you are making me laugh so hard I have to cross my legs. tryed to miss your sewing arm :D

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6006088)
When the grand Nelco deems it time to share with us our partners. We are going with partners wish/hope I think like last time if they liked all green sew a green one.. so maybe take a few different fabrics when you go or sew a couple now and hope one will work? or just let her know you have to send what you have already made due to having to be gone for an extended time to care for your sister. yeah that is what I would do. Surely your partner will understand but maybe just maybe we might get names today or some of us so you and Jaba can start on the projects before you head out of town. just a thought. emergencies might count all in all.
(dodging the shoe nelco just threw at me.. darn she is good winged me in the shoulder ohh she ment to wing my shoulder.. sign her up for the dodgers! she is in!!)

Nelco 04-16-2013 03:23 PM

I still haven't got the swap closed from Patrice. As soon as she puts up the closed sign I will give out names.

Pat625 04-16-2013 06:06 PM

Me!!me!! Me!!

jaba 04-16-2013 06:14 PM

Didn't know they had to close them too! Hope she hurries, I really hate waiting until the very last minute to mail. Like to get mine done and sent out so my partner can enjoy it, need to learn to be way more patient. I'm trying really I am.

nancia 04-16-2013 06:43 PM

jaba-- if you just need an address to send things to, to be happy, i will send you my address!

DustysMomma 04-16-2013 08:19 PM

I didn't know that either. I always wondered why I couldn't edit the home decor swap to say it was closed like I saw other swaps were. We just went on anyway though. It wasn't closing before the date like this is because the max has been reached though.

jaba 04-16-2013 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by nancia (Post 6006749)
jaba-- if you just need an address to send things to, to be happy, i will send you my address!

Nancia, you're not helping a bit!!! I'm trying to be very patient you know ......

Elisabrat 04-16-2013 10:32 PM

submit the change to modirator to change title or description to closed :) right now its taking a bit for us to get one opened no response yet so its one day at a time ladies.

I think since I made Nelco laugh I get my name first especially since she beaned me hard. ohoh that hurts.. limping oh wait um arm gimping not limping.. yeah gimping arm shoulder gimping.. right in the bandaged area.. oh oh.. such good aim (peaking is she giving in???)

Nelco 04-17-2013 07:58 AM

You need to let Patrice know and she will fix it.

Originally Posted by DustysMomma (Post 6006898)
I didn't know that either. I always wondered why I couldn't edit the home decor swap to say it was closed like I saw other swaps were. We just went on anyway though. It wasn't closing before the date like this is because the max has been reached though.

Nelco 04-17-2013 08:02 AM

Not giving in yet...but maybe with a big scoop of Ben and Jerrys icecream

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6006999)
submit the change to modirator to change title or description to closed :) right now its taking a bit for us to get one opened no response yet so its one day at a time ladies.

I think since I made Nelco laugh I get my name first especially since she beaned me hard. ohoh that hurts.. limping oh wait um arm gimping not limping.. yeah gimping arm shoulder gimping.. right in the bandaged area.. oh oh.. such good aim (peaking is she giving in???)

colleenzchaos 04-17-2013 03:51 PM

:: shakes head :::
I posted the picture of the selvages bookcase on Pinterest and within an hour, my younger daughter called me to put her order in for one. She so generously said that she wasn't in a big hurry but having it by the time she graduates in 2014 with her ElementarySpecial Ed teaching degree would be nice. She is a great lover of books and she wants to put it in her first classroom.

How can I say no?

Elisabrat 04-17-2013 05:26 PM

oh come on Nelco! pretty pretty please? with no calories on top? (who can resist that??).

My swap is up My swap is up! table runners/ table mats! come one come all if you missed signing up for this great mug rug swap you can surely fill your time well while you wait for the next mug rug swap! what an idea! heck if you love making mug rugs you will enjoy making table items too! (shameless plug sorry Nelco I had to do it). Sign up today for your place in the Summer Fun! now can I have my name so I can get busy making a beautiful mug rug? you can just sneak it to me I wont tell anyone.. ok maybe I need to tell my partner so I can figure out what they want but I will swear them to silence :) NO? no? oh.

nancia 04-17-2013 07:09 PM

poor brat! i feel so sorry for you. you don't know your partner's name....... well, neither do i!! nor anyone else here. we are all waiting and biting our nails to nubbs that bleed from torn, chewed flesh, and moaning, sometimes screaming with the pain..... but you don't see us shamelessly begging for the name, do you??? buck up, baby brat! nelco will tell us when she's ready. hopefully my finger stubs will have time to heal by then..........

Elisabrat 04-17-2013 09:13 PM

thank goodness I buy those disenfectant wipes.. glad to share if I have any left. I figure begging rarely gets me anywhere but then again the key word is RARELY so its worth a shot :) like my winning the power ball lotto kinda like that one in 176,000,000 chance. see a chance! here quick take my money I am feeling it tonight! lol heck that ticket is twice as expensive as the CA super lotto. I will have to check the odds on that now too.

NELCO ohhh ohhh Nelco... honeybun.. how much longer???

Nelco 04-17-2013 09:26 PM

Please no blood shed. I will have the names out next week. just be on the look out for the notice.

nancia 04-17-2013 09:33 PM

thank you, nel! that will work nicely for me as i finish up all the other stuff i'm supposed to be doing while i'm on-line teasing brat. but it is so much fun! hope dusty'smomma's ear is doing ok. all three of my kids had ear tubes and they helped tremendously! if i'd only known it was my smoking that was causing them all the trouble i'm sure i would have been motivated to stop. my poor kids! well, they all 3 have made it to adulthood and seem to be having interesting good lives, so what's a few earaches? gosh, i really hate thinking about it! well, really, no time to think! must go sew!!

Argentium 04-17-2013 11:02 PM

Vanginney, I had to go back to the fabric store to figure out exactly what it was I used... turns out it is Pellon #2107 cotton fleece. I'm thinking, though, that any thin batting will work. I've got two different pieces of thin batting that I fished out of the remnant bin that I have yet to test that theory with. :)

Originally Posted by vanginney (Post 5999923)
Love those selvage quilts (especially the bookshelf), but I don't think I have enough fabric with selvages or patience! The other pics from members look great. I want to make mine nice and thin and flat....any suggestions on the right type of batting. My partner last time sent two beautiful ones which where super thin - in a good way. My regular warm & natural is too bumpy.

vanginney 04-18-2013 12:04 AM

@Argentium Thanks! Did you make the 50 cut? Anyone here would be so lucky to have you as a swap partner. You make awesome mug rugs. Friends who stop by always comment on your creations I have them out all the time.

colleenzchaos 04-18-2013 06:47 AM

Cheers Nancia on !!

Momma_K 04-18-2013 10:16 AM

I have tried to follow this last page and Lord have Mercy I am SOOOO Confused!! Ha! :p :shock:

nancia 04-18-2013 01:42 PM

oh, i should mention that i quit smoking after 32 yrs of it. my dgd has never had an earache because none of us smoke any more. i am not one of those rabid ex-smokers. smokers come to their right time to quit and then they do. or not. my decision was totally financial. i couldn't stand paying nearly $10/day for something that just went up in smoke. i had tried countless times before, including hypnosis, behaviour mod, accupuncture, counselling, pills, patches, cold turkey... and some would last for 2 or 3 months, then, zap! back to my addiction! this time it has been 14 yrs. i know if i ever pick up another cigarette i will be hooked again. funny thing is, i smoke in my dreams. i am looking for a clear picture of a snapdragon. that was a fun test! and i'm happy with my flower.

Nelco 04-18-2013 01:57 PM

I have been smoke free 19 yrs.

Originally Posted by nancia (Post 6011101)
oh, i should mention that i quit smoking after 32 yrs of it. my dgd has never had an earache because none of us smoke any more. i am not one of those rabid ex-smokers. smokers come to their right time to quit and then they do. or not. my decision was totally financial. i couldn't stand paying nearly $10/day for something that just went up in smoke. i had tried countless times before, including hypnosis, behaviour mod, accupuncture, counselling, pills, patches, cold turkey... and some would last for 2 or 3 months, then, zap! back to my addiction! this time it has been 14 yrs. i know if i ever pick up another cigarette i will be hooked again. funny thing is, i smoke in my dreams. i am looking for a clear picture of a snapdragon. that was a fun test! and i'm happy with my flower.

berryberry 04-18-2013 02:15 PM

I've been smoke free for 10 years. The youngest son kept having tonsil issues. I took him to a different doctor and he said you don't know why, really. After he proceed to educate me, I stopped and would go outside. About the second time in the pouring, cold rain I decided it was time to review that habit. I stopped and I'm healthier and no more problems with the son's tonsils.
I know if I ever smoke another, it would be game on. I still can't believe the smells I can smell now and the tastes I didn't taste as a smoker. To each their own, I just choose to remove myself from being around it.

nancia 04-18-2013 02:23 PM

but every now and then doesn't it smell heavenly? for a brief moment, out of the blue, i will crave a cig in a rush so strong i think i'll die if i don't have one. 5 minutes later it's as if it had never happened!
i have to say ladies, congrats on quitting and staying quit! people who have never been addicted to cigs have no idea how much it took to get to where you are today! i'm really proud of you!!:thumbup:

nancia 04-18-2013 02:25 PM

momma-k don't worry, you're not losing your mind! we do hop from one subject to another then back again!

Elisabrat 04-18-2013 05:27 PM

I never have been a smoker, grew up with them, so I get it. I can't do it. My son had major ear issues from 2 to 5 no smokers in the house. so who knows... I know it wasnt for me. thats what I know. I also know been married to two smokers that the smell is not something they understand. I mention it and I get a ...what? no smoking in my house. My issue is I have cats. A lot of them. Love them to pieces. no one else does. so keeping fabric out of their reach, keeping them off the sewing table, making sure I pick the heck of the hairs off my items.. this is what you do. its what I do but I am cautious anyways. What would never bug me might be seriously not good for another. Ah its good we have our differences :)

LOL the funny thing this bouncing off topics well until we get partners we cant chat mug rugs terrifically other than I love them :) so we do fling, fling fling from one subject to another. I am so sorry its part of my new DNA I am positive. I have trouble with remembering what I just read so going to another topic? oh so easy. its all my fault. go ahead. bean me. I am ready. hiding in the kitchen... you can't find me!

NEXT WEEK? NELCO NEXT WEEK?? what happend to this week? I know if I scroll back it says this week not next week. now I am on a mission when I remember what it is I was going to find (ain't happening) glad to help. pick me then pick someone else. super easy see? the rest are willing to wait another week no issue what so ever. no problemo.

ok here it is..

DustysMomma 04-18-2013 06:43 PM

I still haven't got a clue what I want to do for mine, so next week is fine for me. I need to go fabric shopping this weekend for the batik block swap, and another runner I need to make that I can't until I have some white fabric that is more than lining thickness, lol. I also need some magnetic closures of some sort for that wallet I'm making. She won't get off her duff and answer the couple questions I asked about it, so she won't get it this weekend. I do have to go Barbie shopping though. Good thing the Joann's in Columbus, GA is in the same strip with Toys R Us! If I don't go to Columbus, I may go to Montgomery. I don't think my boyfriend will have such a fit that way. Found out this morning that the birthday party is Sunday & we have to go to a function Saturday night. I'm thinking he's going to fret all day if I go to Columbus & stop off to work a while at my side job knowing we have that thing to go to that evening.

nancia 04-18-2013 07:09 PM

ok, this is sad. i have to check the heading as i read and respond. there are several of us on the same threads, so quick, without looking , what thread are we on??? crazy, right. i am very sad and introspective tonight as my rottie friend spends his last night with his family. tomorrow he is in god's arms. he has stopped eating, and his systems are shutting down. my heart goes out to his mom, grannof6, and his dane sister, heidi. rest, puppy. all will be well.

sikesjj 04-19-2013 04:28 AM

I will keep your friend in my thoughts, and prayers. She is very brave, a good friend, unselfish, kind, and loving. It takes all those things to do what she is doing!

Elisabrat 04-19-2013 05:11 AM

Nancia they are losing a friend but there is goodness in this too.. there will be peace for the dog. How could you not wish peace? the physical doggie wont be there but he is in their hearts girl. I think the gift keeps on giving this love we have. It will always be a treasure for them to hold onto. This is life sweetie. Don't cry because he is going .. smile because he was there. Hugs to all of you and prayers for a smile in all of your day.

I lose my track of what swap I am writing in ALL the time I have to go back to the top. I call it a sign of multiswap syndrome. When you sign up for many swaps your always zooming from one to the next. You my sweet girl are not alone!

OK I will finish my project today. I have about 6 to do so its not like I will lack for variety. OK FINE NELCO its your fault that I am going to be productive. lol I kid a lot too btw.. I do have lots of things to work on. I believe its going to be sunny and warm and a wonderful day. Time to put on Dean Martin to slowly get the morning started!

MizMelly 04-19-2013 06:37 AM

Hey Elisabrat! I have multiple kitties too!! hair everywhere..... 5 indoor boyz, two of them with one eye only (this is why I'm always broke, the vets get lots of $$ from me), and I have a colony of outdoor kitties that are under my care also. I'm off the wall right now, I have about 15 different theme ideas for mug rugs but will pace myself until I know what my partner would like. And I'm probably finishing up a huge tshirt commission quilt this weekend, so that will keep me off the jazz of wanting to crank out mug rugs! Can't wait for the fun to start!!!

colleenzchaos 04-19-2013 09:55 AM

:: grins ::
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by nancia (Post 6011184)
momma-k don't worry, you're not losing your mind! we do hop from one subject to another then back again!

That is what we call in my home " chasing rabbits".


Nelco 04-19-2013 10:24 AM

LOL Brat.. the week is not over with until Sat midnight.

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6011556)
I never have been a smoker, grew up with them, so I get it. I can't do it. My son had major ear issues from 2 to 5 no smokers in the house. so who knows... I know it wasnt for me. thats what I know. I also know been married to two smokers that the smell is not something they understand. I mention it and I get a ...what? no smoking in my house. My issue is I have cats. A lot of them. Love them to pieces. no one else does. so keeping fabric out of their reach, keeping them off the sewing table, making sure I pick the heck of the hairs off my items.. this is what you do. its what I do but I am cautious anyways. What would never bug me might be seriously not good for another. Ah its good we have our differences :)

LOL the funny thing this bouncing off topics well until we get partners we cant chat mug rugs terrifically other than I love them :) so we do fling, fling fling from one subject to another. I am so sorry its part of my new DNA I am positive. I have trouble with remembering what I just read so going to another topic? oh so easy. its all my fault. go ahead. bean me. I am ready. hiding in the kitchen... you can't find me!

NEXT WEEK? NELCO NEXT WEEK?? what happend to this week? I know if I scroll back it says this week not next week. now I am on a mission when I remember what it is I was going to find (ain't happening) glad to help. pick me then pick someone else. super easy see? the rest are willing to wait another week no issue what so ever. no problemo.

ok here it is..

sikesjj 04-19-2013 11:29 AM

Colleen that is so cute! I love the edging!

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