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-   -   Getting my dream sewing studio (https://www.quiltingboard.com/mission-organization-f23/getting-my-dream-sewing-studio-t308169.html)

pocoellie 11-24-2019 06:08 AM

Congratulations. Although, I'd have trouble downsizing in acreage. LOL

jmoore 11-24-2019 08:09 AM

Wow, what a wonderful amount of space you will have...we look forward to seeing how it comes together once you get settled in.

Tothill 11-24-2019 09:20 AM

Cathy, this sounds like a wonderful set up for you and your husband.

I hope your commute is much shorter too. 84 miles each way is a long drive, especially in winter when it is dark both ways.

Macybaby 11-24-2019 03:12 PM

I'm going from an 84 mile commute to 1 mile. I plan on walking to work on nicer days. I was planning on being in the office Mon- Wed this week, but we've got a winter storm heading our way for Tuesday afternoon.

I've been thinking about items I'd want to get, and one of them is a steam iron (the professional kind). And a big design wall. My current area has slopped ceilings so my design wall has to be put up and taken down, so a lot of time I use my bed for layout.

I did some LA quilting yesterday, and I kept thinking how nice it's going to be to not have to go outside when I want to quilt.

Stitchnripper 11-24-2019 03:45 PM

Looks really wonderful!!

AprilM 11-24-2019 04:24 PM

Yep, we’re on track to get your “used weather” in Iowa just in time for Thanksgiving!

susanders 11-25-2019 06:08 AM

Congratulations on this wonderful news! Can't wait to hear updates as you move along.

Macybaby 11-26-2019 04:24 AM

This weekend I'm going to pick out 25 sewing machine cabinets I want to keep, and then start working on rehoming the rest. I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit them all in but it will force me to make some choices. I want to dedicate a nice section of the vaulted wall for a design wall, so I have to leave that part open.

For the LA room, I want to put the machine so I'm facing the doorway when using it, so that means I can put shelves for my sewing machine collection along the vaulted wall, and should have room for 9 shelf units and can put 6-7 machine on each shelf - so that will hold 50-60 machines. I have them displayed on shelves like that already so I know it works. I'll have plenty of room on the working side of the LA for cabinets and storage for my LA supplies. And there will be a nice place on the door end of the room for a thread cabinet that I can swing open. DH will be making that - if I can design it for him, he can build it. We've both got lots of experience designing and building cabinets, and have all the tools. Will give DH something to do in his big heated shop this winter!

retiredteacher09 11-29-2019 07:38 AM

Macybaby: Congratulations on your upcoming moving adventure! I look forward to seeing pictures.

Macybaby 11-29-2019 01:34 PM

Today my stash is doing dual duty - I'm using it to pack up my china. Then I'll pack up my statues and other breakables. I'm pretty sure I'll run out of breakable stuff to pack before I run out of stash. I can get lots of boxes from work, they get a lot of printed supplies and have stacks of boxes. they are not real big, but that is good since DH and I will be moving most of it and this way they aren't that heavy.

NZquilter 11-29-2019 02:31 PM

So exciting for you, Cathy!! That does sound like a dream studio! And you even get to keep your vintage machine collection. Win win!!!

SusieQOH 11-30-2019 06:02 AM

Macy, that's going to be amazing!!! If we don't see you we'll know where you are :)

Macybaby 11-30-2019 09:19 AM

After reading the thread on carpet tiles, I'm leaning towards using them. Got the quote back on the vinyl tiles, and it appears what the salesman recommended is about the most expensive stuff out there. Right now I'm packing up and getting the pine shelves I've kept my fabric on emptied, and I'm going to paint them and reuse them at the new place. They are nice and sturdy - and at what replacements would cost, I'd rather paint and use the money for something more fun!

3 weeks and two days -

Macybaby 12-01-2019 07:43 AM

Got most of the stash packed up and am going to paint my pine shelves. They were originally for displaying my sewing machines and I put them into use for holding stash when the machines went to the "shed". I had them lined with paper, but now that they are empty it's a good time to paint.

The boxes I brought home from work turned out to be the perfect size for my stash!


This is the walk in closet that will be the new home for my stash. The pine shelves will go on the left side (narrow side) and I'll put my wider shelves for totes on the other side.


The door at the far end of the closet opens into a 4' x 20' wide area that is above the stairway - it is also were the water heater for the addition is. It will be a good place to store some of my new sewing machine boxes that I keep just in case.

NJ Quilter 12-02-2019 03:15 AM

Even though you're pretty committed to the carpet tiles, I'll put in a vote for the vinyl plank flooring. We've done that in both our DR and LR. Both purchased from Home Depot and DH did the installs. The biggest downside for me is that the floor is cold but that's probably more a product of having our front and back doors almost aligned and having air gaps in the back storm door.

The first one we purchased the brand was 'Allure'. I like it better than the brand they are now selling and we have in our LR. But it's still a better clean up than carpet, especially with the furboy. I don't have to worry about spills and such.

Don't know the cost comparison between it and the carpet tiles.

Macybaby 12-02-2019 03:44 AM

My main concern with vinyl plank is that I'll have a lot of rolling chairs/storage that will get moved around. I've read that it's not a good choice if there is going to be a lot of wheeled traffic.

the other consideration is that we plan on being here 9-10 years and want to fix up the area so it could be used as a rental apartment. Right now that is not possible as it has no separate entrance and no oven/range for cooking. Carpet tiles would probably be better for that purpose than vinyl plank. It's way easier to repair if needed. The eating/cooking area will be a hard surface of some sort. What is there is still pretty nice.

I have nice carpet tiles in my new office at work and I really like it. I don't expect to make a decision until we've moved in, but I know for sure it won't be wall to wall carpet like is there now.

retiredteacher09 12-02-2019 06:42 PM

Exciting, Macybaby. I enjoy seeing the pictures.

Sharonquilts 12-03-2019 01:21 PM

Talk about an early Christmas ... this is wonderful! As quickly as you found your new home, I would say this move was meant to be.

bkay 12-04-2019 06:38 AM

Congratulations on your find. I must have missed this thread the first time around.

Carpet of any type, even carpet tile is hard to clean. It is warmer than tile, that's true. You say your plan to stay there is 9 to 10 years. I bought close to the bottom of the line laminate (not vinyl) that is supposed to look like wood floors and it it just now showing problems. We installed it in 2005. Like you said, the area where DH uses his rolling chair is one of the problem areas (a corner on one of the tiles had broken). Another problem area is where we had a leak. Instructions said to glue the joints in areas where water is a problem. I don't think our installer did that.

Again, congrats on the house, the sewing space, the machine space and the shorter commute.


bearisgray 12-04-2019 06:59 AM

Looks wonderful!

Because I am in the "wash before cutting" group - I would try to also accommodate a large washer and dryer in the plans/set-up.

Macybaby 12-04-2019 11:11 AM

I'm also in the "wash before cutting group" so I told DH that I am going to want a washer and dryer. Won't be super large but I'm not usually washing really big chunks of fabric. My current washer/dryer is great for washing large yardage (like 10 yards of extra wide) and finished quilts, and I'm bringing them with me so I'll keep using them for larger items. It will be nice to have machines for washing the smaller yardages as I buy them. I saw a decent sized front loader stackable set and something like that would work.

As to the flooring, I'm very concerned about the use of roller chairs as I will be using them in several areas. My current sewing area has hardwood flooring and I've had to put down floor protectors to keep them from getting really scuffed up. At least they are refinishable. However the good quality protectors cost $40 each, and I'd need 3-4 more of them and that would be a lot of funds to put towards nicer flooring that does not need them.

I'll probably just live with the carpet for a while, until I get something figured out. I'm starting to get overwhelmed and a bit panicky about the move!

bearisgray 12-04-2019 12:28 PM

We have some industrial/commercial carpeting that has a short pile - pins "float" on it - and it is probably around 30 years old - over concrete.

I can not see where my roller chair has been.

The only marks on it are from where I set a hot iron on it (did not realize that setting it flat would activate it, and I did not have enough sense to unplug it) and where some fray check spilled on it.

Macybaby 12-08-2019 06:52 AM

Yesterday DH and I spent the day at Ikea looking at cabinets for the sewing studio. Can't buy anything until after we close on the house, but now we have a much better idea of what we are interested in.

I did settle on flooring for the studio. Went to a different flooring place that we've bought from before, and got a lot better information. Will be going with a vinyl plank and putting rubber wheels on my chairs.

We've packed up as much as we want to do ahead of time, and now it's just waiting until we close and can get moving. I kept a few projects out for sewing, but I keep thinking about what it's going to be like working in the new area and get distracted from what I'm doing lol!

AprilM 12-08-2019 10:39 AM

Im sure the waiting is hard... kinda like your whole life is “on hold” until that day! I’m glad you got more info on the vinyl plank to feel comfortable using it. I thought about sending you some photos of mine, but didnt want to overload you with needless info since it sounded like you had made a different decision already. I think you will be as happy with yours as we are with ours! Cant wait to see the whole room come together for you! 😊

Macybaby 12-13-2019 06:03 AM

Closing is set for the 20th - so one more week to go and then the "fun" begins. The appraisal is done and it's cleared underwriting so now we just wait. We were originally scheduled to close the 23rd so it's nice to be doing it on a Friday instead of Monday.

DH and I have been discussing the logistics of the move. I want to move my sewing room first, mostly because that is the room in our current home that is going to need to most work so I want it cleared out so I can get started. I've got a lot of stuff on the walls that is coming down so there will be patching and painting to do. We hope to have our current home spruced up and ready to list by the end of January.

NJ Quilter 12-14-2019 03:02 AM

Glad you figured out your flooring. Closing and moving just a few days before Christmas! Whew! And getting everything ready at the old house in a month is quite a goal. Good luck!

Rhonda K 12-14-2019 05:49 AM

Congrats on your progress and decisions. You must be excited to get started on the move. I wish all the quilters here could come and help you with packing and moving.

AlaskaAlice 12-14-2019 08:28 AM

I clicked into QB this morning early..I have not been active for a long time..did not realize how much I missed it..Cathy I am excited for you!!! I am from SD (years ago) so it is fun to see your posts! I have family living in the Hills still..

Macybaby 12-14-2019 09:08 AM

thanks Alice!

Rhonda, I wish they could all come and help pack too - I'd send each one home with at least one vintage machine :)

I've got most of my sewing room packed up except the machines. That means no more sewing until I'm moved in. Just finished packing up my horse statue collection, packed up all my batting scraps at the same time! I've been putting wide backing fabric in the bottom of the boxes with breakable stuff and then packing stash around them.

I find I can only box up 2-3 boxes and then I need to take a break. Next on the list is to pack up my Featherweight display. the machines will go in their cases, and all the other stuff will get boxed up.

Stitchnripper 12-14-2019 02:29 PM

Sounds like a wonderful plan to move in and get organized and then deal with other house - we had this option when we moved here and it really does cut down on stress.

[email protected] 12-15-2019 07:58 AM

Awesome. I love it when hubby and I agree. He just built a new garage with huge workshop. I got the old, attached garage. It’s right off the kitchen and near bathroom. It’s roughly 400 sq ft. Now I want the sit down long arm. Can’t sleep either.

Macybaby 12-18-2019 07:03 AM

Just a few more days - I am so ready to start actually moving. DH and I were discussing moving the LA. Due to have to go up a flight of stairs and turn through a doorway, We may have to take apart the LA table to get it up there since it's 12' long. Not a big problem but I may need to order a new plastic guide rail, as it sticks on, and I think if I pull it off it won't stick again. Though it's stuck to the top liner and that is flexible so I may be able to take the liner off, leave the rail on it and bend it around to get it in the doorway. The table will break down to three sections. The metal side rails are one piece, but they could go through a window if they won't go around the corner.

Stitchnripper 12-18-2019 08:23 AM

Sounds like you have a plan and a contingency. We are inept in these kind of things so I am in awe of all that you and the hubs can accomplish yourselves.

Macybaby 12-19-2019 05:34 AM

Today is a major packing day. DH rented an 18' enclosed trailer that we'll pick up tomorrow afternoon and have for the weekend. He said it was worth the cost so we could more easily move the LA frame. Not counting our vehicles, the LA and embroidery machine are the most expensive items we'll be moving.

i have been doing good packing up my sewing room. Only got distracted once by something I forgot I had (pattern book) but I knew I can't get involved with any projects now so it wasn't too hard to put down.

Later this morning I'll go out to the bin and grab my sewing machine boxes for the newer machines and get them packed up. I've got the closet in my stash room cleaned out enough I can get to my FW cases in the back, so they'll get packed up today too.

Guess I'd better get back to packing now - I work up at 4:30 so needed a break.

oksewglad 12-19-2019 07:23 AM

Oh you make me tired just listening to you about the big move....adrenaline is a good thing! Best of luck.

Macybaby 01-07-2020 04:39 AM

Well, with all the craziness dealing with a move, we are finally getting ready to start installing the vinyl plank flooring. I've only had to move the boxes of flooring one time - as they ended up in the way of something else where we first put them. One of the main holdups with this is DH decided he needed a new tool, and didn't want to order it until after we were moved in. It's out for deliver today!

I have so wanted to unpack my main sewing machines, but it's better for them to stay boxed up until I can set them on the tables and they won't need to be moved. That means after the floor is installed. I have set up the tables so I know where everything is going - that way I won't be dragging stuff over the new floor trying to figure out where it will fit best.

We are leaving the carpet in the LA room, so that is set up but we don't have the wiring for the light bar done yet. DH had to unwire part of it to take it apart to move.

DH and I still have a lot of work to get the old place ready to list - but we are getting closer!

rryder 01-07-2020 06:10 AM

Wow Cathy! You guys are amazing. I can’t wait to see pics when you get it all set up. Glad you found a place that’s closer to work and has great space for your studio!


juliasb 01-07-2020 07:03 AM

How exciting! Since it is now January I hope you have closed on your new home and are moving into the most important part, you new sewing studio! I am sooooooo happy for you.

costumegirl 01-07-2020 09:44 AM

Cathy!! So excited for you and your hubby!! You will have everything in place soon and you will be loving it!! You both are so good at making your space suit your needs not only for a comfy sewing area but also for your collection for all of your beautiful machines!
I remember when you converted your last sewing space and it was amazing! Please post pics of your progress!

Macybaby 01-07-2020 02:01 PM

We closed on Dec 20th, and have been moving stuff since. Since we are moving off 40 acres with several buildings, it's going to take a while. We've been living at the new house since the 24th.

I plan on sharing pictures, but have been without internet at the new home until this afternoon. I've been posting a bit at work on breaks - but don't have the time to do pictures.

I'll have room for most of my sewing machines collection, but not all the cabinets so hope to be finding new homes for them soon. I've got room for about 20 cabinets so I've had to really cherry pick my favorites.

I told DH I wanted to start working on the floor today, he wasn't impressed lol! If nothing else, I can start ripping up lengths of carpet.

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