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-   -   Organization Weekend? 9/26-27 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/mission-organization-f23/organization-weekend-9-26-27-a-t270321.html)

AllyStitches 09-23-2015 08:50 AM

Organization Weekend? 9/26-27
Hi Everyone,

I've lately been thinking that I'd like to spend a couple of hours organizing my sewing room. It's not really that bad, but I have a closet that I need to organize (I'll be brave and post pics), some odds and ends that have ended up out of place, and some UFO's that are being shuffled around my little sewing room as I need to use whatever space they happen to be occupying. I know I feel more positive about sewing when my space is clean! So I was wondering if anyone else wanted to join in on the "fun" this weekend (9/26-27), and spend some time organizing with me. It's always motivating to see what others are accomplishing, and find new ideas for how to store things, etc.

Nammie to 7 09-23-2015 09:08 AM

That sounds like a grand idea! It has been a while since I've been able to sew -- this might be the perfect opportunity to get myself organized and back in the swing of things!

AllyStitches 09-23-2015 09:11 AM

That's perfect! Yay!!! I'm excited!!!

notmorecraft 09-23-2015 11:38 AM

My daughter in law going to be induced on Friday, I'm hoping to make quilt show on Saturday, baby permitting, I might manage this on Sunday, lol, but no promises at the moment x

AllyStitches 09-23-2015 12:42 PM

Well I think that's a very good reason not to participate!! Good luck to everyone!

Originally Posted by notmorecraft (Post 7325828)
My daughter in law going to be induced on Friday, I'm hoping to make quilt show on Saturday, baby permitting, I might manage this on Sunday, lol, but no promises at the moment x

zozee 09-23-2015 01:05 PM

I'm in! Thanks for the motivation. Before and after pictures would be fun to see!

Cam's gram 09-23-2015 01:27 PM

Sounds like a great idea! Wish I could participate (read "need to participate") but leaving Friday afternoon for a Quilt Shop Hop with a good friend. Won't be back until some time Sunday.

ManiacQuilter2 09-23-2015 02:22 PM

I have been trying for the last month to get organized but no matter how hard I work at it, I still can't find the quilt fabric I am looking for. I am about ready to give up. :(

soccertxi 09-23-2015 06:20 PM

Thanks for the invite! I started organizing scraps this week, so with my DH out of town this weekend, great time to dive in the room too!

cannyquilter 09-24-2015 12:20 AM

I'm on holiday in Italy and return Friday, I know I will have a lot of catching up to do especially on Saturday out for cocktails to celebrate friend's birthday but I will try to get into the sewing room on Sunday and do the final 10%. You know that bit where you just can't do anymore and think I'll finish it tomorrow. Well in my case tomorrow never comes. So hopefully I will post my before and after on Sunday. See you all then.

beadywoman 09-24-2015 02:57 AM

Well, I suppose that there is a modicum of comfort and encouragement in numbers, and since my studio is a disaster, count me in. Lol

regm 09-24-2015 03:34 AM

It seems I have to clean/reorganize/sort my sewing room after every project.

Debbie C 09-24-2015 05:09 AM

I wish I could join in! I'm laid up awaiting knee surgery. My quilt room has been overtaken temporarily by my daughter's boxes of stuff! She moved in with us for a month until she closes on her new house early October. I couldn't get to my machines right now if my life depended on it! I plan to move my quilting room to an upstairs bedroom when she leaves. New paint, bigger double wide window, brighter space! Can't wait!

Snooze2978 09-24-2015 05:11 AM

I did that last Friday cause my neighbor was bring down her daughter-in-law and granddaughter to see my sewing room. Didn't want them to think I was disorganized and a slob. Used those command strips to hang the rulers I use to measure while quilting on the side of my shelving unit so close by. Had just installed a new thread rack on the wall for the quilting threads so the rolling cart was pretty much empty now so started putting paper templates, marking tools, etc. in the drawers so nearby again. Just basically putting things where they should go and cleaning up a bit. Even got the windows caulked and ready to paint the trim. Started making curtains from leftover scraps too. I try to clean the rooms up after every project or quilting project so things are in their perspective place again.

AUQuilter 09-24-2015 05:26 AM

So glad you posted this! I will join in although I am in the throws of herding the scrap leftovers and putting away auditioned FQs and yardage for a twister quilt. So I will be here on Saturday!

SuzzyQ 09-24-2015 05:44 AM

Well I have to clear up so I can continue to sew - so I'm in for Saturday. Pictures on Monday!

tessagin 09-24-2015 07:37 AM

I have already started. Taking everything out of the sewing room. Son is coming down to stay for awhile for a job prospect. So I need to turn the room back into a bedroom. Shelves coming off the wall. Dh has an armoire he needs to finish much of fabric will go into it. 401 will be no problem with storage since it's a desk cabinet. I can also put the other on top or into machine carrier with some supplies. Wanting to minimalize anyway. Clutter is driving me crazy. Going to paint. It's a bold primary yellow. Going to tone it down to a buttery cream yellow. Have been using kitchen table a lot to cut fabric. So solid and big. I have under bed storage with wheels. I can put a lot under there. trying to stay away from boxes and just use the clear containers. Then the office!! Ugh!!:rolleyes:

huskyquilter 09-24-2015 10:31 AM

Oh man! Hubby and I just planned a 're-arrange the apartment' weekend for the 3rd and 4th, so I'm going to start today and do some sewing organizing this weekend. We have a one room apartment, so when we re-arrange it means all my sewing stuff has to get organized as well. It's about time for that anyway, since I just finished a quilt... I'll admit, I'm a little embarrassed to take pix, but I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

Anne P 09-24-2015 01:41 PM

OK, I'm with you - as much as I can. I'm going to the LQS on Saturday to finish the top of a quilt I'm donating to a victim of the wildfires in eastern Washington. I'm also cutting 2.5" squares for the "candy" swap and have 30 more fabrics piled up that need to be cut. Then there's the pile of blues and white for the log cabin quilt, as well as the wall hanging and large throw for the living room that need to be quilted! I need to at the very least get projects into baggies and containers.

I'll try to take and post pics but haven't done any of that yet, so may not work.

I won't get anything done toward this on Sunday because of football after church, but will try to get lots done on Saturday.

ann31039 09-24-2015 06:36 PM

I got no choice. Moving again. This time I'm packing right. And sorting and donating and............. I hate moving. At least its only about 300 feet this time. But, my sis and I will be sharing a sewing room so there is alot to do. We did go thru my fabric this week, purged, folded and stored neatly.

Mornigstar 09-24-2015 06:46 PM

I did fabric sorting / organizing in the spring but never got to the wooden cabinet where I keep all notions & thread.
Found someone that will take my extras so will be happy to sort stuff. Problem --I have this quilt contract to do and really need to stay with it . If I get the one top finished tomorrow I will join you though on Sat as shouldn't take me anymore than one day. Or else I will do on Sun late afternoon --glad to have it done for the winter.

Took me hours to do the pattern today because I am working from 16 blocks all ready made and limited fabric for backing. So hope it goes together fast.

mirish2 09-25-2015 04:21 AM

Count me in. I have been sorting many things in our house in anticipation of a move. Not moving in the immediate future but our house is 4 levels. My sorting has been other than sewing room. Time to dig into some mystery boxes and piles.

Geri B 09-25-2015 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by huskyquilter (Post 7326700)
Oh man! Hubby and I just planned a 're-arrange the apartment' weekend for the 3rd and 4th, so I'm going to start today and do some sewing organizing this weekend. We have a one room apartment, so when we re-arrange it means all my sewing stuff has to get organized as well. It's about time for that anyway, since I just finished a quilt... I'll admit, I'm a little embarrassed to take pix, but I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

...oh my I just cannot imagine a one room apartment.......but have fun reorganizing.......

JanieH 09-25-2015 07:51 AM

I'm with you on the organizing this weekend. I have just been dropping stuff in my sewing room the past several months and not sewing. I am taking my machines in today for some fine tuning and hope to get back to sewing as soon as they come home. It would be so nice to have everything in its place and ready to go next week.

AllyStitches 09-25-2015 08:53 AM

I'm so excited to see everyone joining in!! My weekend is busier than I expected, but I'm still going to put as much energy as I can into this. I'll be in and out on Saturday and then definitely in for Sunday.

Let's all post before and afters - it's so inspiring to see what everyone does. Really looking forward to getting some good, solid work done!

bljackson58 09-25-2015 12:14 PM

I'm in too! My Viking Sewing Gallery had a bunch of classes one after the other, which I signed up for (most of which are now UFO's). I'd get supplies ready for one class, dump the supplies from previous class, and did that for too many classes. Now I have a big mess and not sure where anything is. REALLY, it's not that bad, but when I got in there, I do not feel inspired. I will be up early tomorrow to start on OUR organizing project. I'm not sure I want to post any before pictures. I'd have to straighten up a little before taking the "before" picture! haha

AllyStitches 09-25-2015 03:22 PM

I keep looking for the "Like" button. :D So glad we're all in!

Sandra in Minnesota 09-25-2015 04:07 PM

In May I moved to a new-to-me home. I finally got my sewing room organized and changed a few things and really had to purge from a four bedroom to a two bedroom. It had been 25 years since I moved, so it was about time. Everyone should moved every 15 years, just to get rid of a lot of "stuff" that is not needed. Whew - glad is done!!!

peggy119 09-25-2015 05:32 PM

I wish I could. I will be packing up a lot of my house all next week and getting ready for all new carpet and tile to be installed. When I put everything back is when I will be organizing and getting rid of things. Not just in the sewing room, but the whole house. I have wayyyy toooo much stuff!! I will look for pictures here to see all the work you all do!!

zozee 09-26-2015 09:39 AM

Progress report #1. Started at 9:30 am today and took "before" pictures of the hot mess called my sewing room.

First goal was to clear off the cutting table. Or rather, go on an archaeological excursion to unearth where I Thought I might find it.

By 10:30 I saw most of the surface. I was systematically dealing with the scraps, sorting them by color into newly labeled, clear plastic shoeboxes. My old system of sorting by strip size wasn't working like I envisioned a year ago.

By 11:00 I had pinned strip sets together for my next 9 patch. All of this took place at my cutting table, on my feet

MY DH made a big country breakfast and did the dishes and no one interrupted me. Bliss.....and then he took our teen son out for shoes....more quiet time to organize....more bliss .

By 1:00 I had finished clearing, sorting, rearranging stuff on the table for more efficiency (translation: a lot of fussing and OCD emerging) and emptied the very full trash can. I snapped some ""after" shots which, I hope, upload easily later.

I then took a lunch break. Restaurant leftoers, no cooking required. More bliss still!

I need a nap.

cannyquilter 09-26-2015 12:55 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Back in UK . Taken before pictures. Been for cocktails. Organising starts in the morning.[ATTACH=CONFIG]531877[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]531878[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]531879[/ATTACH]

cannyquilter 09-26-2015 12:57 PM

2 Attachment(s)

AllyStitches 09-26-2015 04:48 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Looks like progress was made today!

I've had a busy day. My son took his driver's license test this morning and passed! Hooray! (I think??) I then drove an hour to drop him off with his dad, and sat in traffic for two hours to get home. Arrived just in time to change and head out for a hike that my Crossfit group had organized. Really enjoyed getting to know people better on the hike!

I'm home for a few minutes before DH and I head out on date night, so here are a few pics of my little sewing room. I'll be working in there tomorrow:



The closet has become a catch-all for fabrics that I'm not currently using, and scraps of batting. It's driving me nuts - particularly since the door needs to be re-hung. DH is in the middle of several projects, and he'll get to it soon, but in the meantime, it's making me crazy.

ann31039 09-26-2015 05:42 PM

My son came today to help alittle with the heavy work. Got my 31-15 in table moved to my sisters and set up. Moved my Parsons table also. 2 cabinets went to the shed along with the treadle. All the fabric is moved, now sorting and boxing other stuff. Tomorrow hopefully the rest of it will get moved and put away. I hope.

AllyStitches 09-27-2015 06:09 AM

It's 7 AM here in CA. I've got my coffee brewing and am going to do a little bit of cleaning and then head into my sewing room! :-)

lots2do 09-27-2015 06:14 AM

Great idea! Good luck with your organizing.
I am going to be continuing to unpack and sort through stuff for about the next three weeks before we move to Florida. I have a feeling the rest of 2015 is going to be spent organizing all kind of stuff...not that that's a bad thing.

jeanharville 09-27-2015 10:44 AM

I have just finished picking up after my last quilt and have been practicing FMQ on my SM. I love seeing before and after photos. Like someone above mentioned, I used lots of Command hangers for all my rulers. And I bought cork bulletin board tiles and covered the wall behind my SM to hang "stuff". The before ones let me know that most people including me make a big mess while making quilts and having fun. And the after ones make you get in the mood to be creative again. I would post pix, but I don't know how to use my new droid phone. I hope to learn it soon. Anyway, I enjoy your photos very much.

AllyStitches 09-27-2015 12:18 PM

Well, I have no idea if I'm even going to get to my sewing room. This weekend has been unexpectedly crazy - no wonder it takes me forever just to finish a project. Life is so full. That's good, I know, but wow.... I need another me! I'll try though.

Prekteacher 09-27-2015 02:48 PM

Took you up on your challenge. I have wanting to exchange places between sewing machine and cutting table. Now, I just have to put pictures on the walls!

AUQuilter 09-28-2015 03:50 AM

Weekend ended up as a bust except that I did finish cutting and laying out the backing for a scrappy! Sorted through strips I had cut but nothing beyond that.

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