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sandpat 10-09-2009 05:45 AM

Ladies..K reminded me.....we will NOT be putting postcards in with this mailing (of your own center) ...but with the 1st round mailing (the one coming to you now..) you will add something fun!

Now...lets get back to the fun....anyone not posted their center on this thread yet??? Joe Ann...have we seen yours???

gaigai 10-09-2009 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
..anyone not posted their center on this thread yet??? Joe Ann...have we seen yours???

Patti, poor computer illiterate JoeAnn can't post photos, so as soon as I get her center (she mails to me) and rounds I'll post photos for her.

Grama Lehr 10-09-2009 09:36 AM

HOLY COW!! That is way too pretty to give away! That basket of posies is just marvelous. How did you do that?

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 10-09-2009 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by Grama Lehr
HOLY COW!! That is way too pretty to give away! That basket of posies is just marvelous. How did you do that?

Well, she gets it back in the end, that's the great part of this :) I agree, though, it looks like a LOT of work!

gaigai 10-09-2009 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
Well, she gets it back in the end, that's the great part of this :) I agree, though, it looks like a LOT of work!

HAH! A lot of work, says the gal who just did a NY beauty! And my posies were too simple! The basket is three log cabin blocks, the posies are a print that is as you see it, fused to some Heat & Bond, and fussy cut en bulk. I did cut some extra sprays/sections and a few individuals, but the biggest part is all one piece. Then it's just ironed/fused on the basket. The handle is just three strands of store-made bias tape that I braided, glued in place, then sewed down. Tah dah! Easy Peasy!

Grama Lehr 10-09-2009 10:47 AM

It looks fabulous!! Someday....I will get enough moxie to try it. It looks really difficult. :shock:

Janstar 10-09-2009 04:05 PM

Beautiful centers and label! Gonna be fun!

sandpat 10-09-2009 04:09 PM

Gai...I forgot about JoeAnne and her computer challenges...hey...maybe she can overcome them by the end of this IRR....Yes...JoeAnne...I'm talking to you!!!

mamatobugboo 10-10-2009 10:55 AM

gorgeous centers! Patti - I haae that safari fabric you used in your center!

gaigai 10-10-2009 03:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sandpat
Gai...I forgot about JoeAnne and her computer challenges...hey...maybe she can overcome them by the end of this IRR....Yes...JoeAnne...I'm talking to you!!!

Well, she hasn't overcome them, but she did get her daughter to post a photo, shown here. Now, evidently her daughter is computer literate, but evidently not very camera literate, cause I had to play with it a bit, but here it is!

JoeAnn's Bird of Paradise center

mamatobugboo 10-10-2009 03:17 PM

that's beautiful!~!

pennyswings 10-10-2009 03:18 PM

Really pretty Pat. Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.

pennyswings 10-10-2009 03:21 PM

Baren I love your block the design and colors are beautiful!

pennyswings 10-10-2009 03:22 PM

Gaigai, WOW that is stunning!

gaigai 10-10-2009 03:23 PM

Originally Posted by pennyswings
Gaigai, WOW that is stunning!

Yeah, when it comes to applique, JoeAnn is in Elle's class!! Oh heck, when it comes to doing anything with a needle and thread she's world class!

pennyswings 10-10-2009 03:23 PM

K, love the rooster. Can he fly over the pond, then over the equator to my house?

pennyswings 10-10-2009 03:25 PM

Esqmommy, I love the flower material you used it looks like it was appliqued. Really beautiful!

pennyswings 10-10-2009 03:30 PM

JoeAnne that Bird of Paradise is wonderful. It looks so real. I have the plant growing in my backyard so I know.

sandpat 10-10-2009 03:38 PM

Oh wow JoeAnne! That looks fabulous and was well worth waiting for! Oh goodie...another appliquer (as good as Elle??) in our group! I'm really jumping up and down now!

Got my label done today (its nothing special in itself...its when you all sign it that is becomes valuable to me) and have my top all packaged up and ready to hit the PO!!!

And Steph...glad you have some..I don't! I bought this in a tiny box..all ready to go..did I cheat or what :roll: :wink:

gaigai 10-10-2009 03:48 PM

JoeAnn reminded me (she didn't need to!) to put my label in a baggie so that any ink wouldn 't inadvertently rub off on my center. As if I needed the reminder after the September Doll Quilt fiasco! Actually what she suggested was to put a piece of plain muslin on top and iron/press until the ink quit transferring, but I'm going to be extra cautious.

Patti, do you think this is something that should be passed on to the entire 60?

sandpat 10-11-2009 05:02 AM

gai...thats a really good idea. We didn't take those kind of precautions on the last one and I didn't notice that anyone had a problem, but .....you never know. And now that you and JoeAnne brought it up...why you just know it will happen to somebody don't you! I'm going to copy your comment to the original centers thread. Thanks for letting us all know.!

k3n 10-11-2009 05:44 AM

Wow Gai - tell JoAnn that her centre is awesome! I have a strelitzia as a house plant (it wouldn't survive outside here, not Argentina climate!) But it's a baby so probably won't flower for another few years. :D

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 10-11-2009 05:50 AM

I have a baby bird of paradise too. Have to keep it indoors in our climate. We started growing it from seeds, had 6 seeds, 2 of them grew, and Sasha put the plant outside this summer and that &^$%@$! squirrel ate one of them!!!! So, now I'm trying to coax the other one to keep growing. During our move this summer, some moron dropped our plant on it's head in our yard and LEFT IT THERE. The next day we were like, what's this flower pot doing upside down? And then we found out how careless and inconsiderate some 'friends' can be. If it's not their own stuff, they don't give a crap. Basically the response was 'it's just a stupid plant, buy another one'. Too bad those take like, 5 years to bloom!

k3n 10-11-2009 06:14 AM

I would have been MAD!!! Mine was barely a cutting when I got it 3 years ago so I figure I have maybe another couple of years to wait! If not, I'll cheat and buy a fake flower and stick it in the pot! :lol:

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 10-11-2009 06:18 AM

I was mad, but Sasha was cursing a blue streak!
I mean, it's bad enough that someone nearly murdered our plant this summer, but we KNOW the damn squirrel has been digging our yard for a while now, why he thought it would be a good idea to put the plant outside is really beyond me!
*sigh* We planted a couple of pinapples too and they don't seem to be doing much but turning brown...

k3n 10-11-2009 06:24 AM

Yes, and I bet the squirrels don't touch THOSE! :shock: :lol:

sandpat 10-13-2009 05:33 AM

Just thought I'd post a link to group 2's thread on here also...Terri did get it up and running before she goes on vacation. (lucky dog)


Mines ready to go....ya'll let me know when you mail out and when you recieve a center please!

Esqmommy 10-13-2009 05:51 AM

I got everything ready last night. Tucked in the center, a card that has the fabrics so you can bring it with you to an LQS if you are shopping for fabrics, a label, and hmmm, something else, but can't quite recall ( :wink: ). Are we mailing on the 15th? Gosh, I feel so stupid - I though today was the mailing date and worked like a wild woman last nite to get teverything ready. It just now dawned on my as I was typing that I still have two days to go!!! Yea, I finished early!!!! :roll:

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 10-13-2009 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by k3n
Yes, and I bet the squirrels don't touch THOSE! :shock: :lol:

Ya but those ones are from seeds or bulbs, so they can't do much...

k3n 10-13-2009 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by Esqmommy
I got everything ready last night. Tucked in the center, a card that has the fabrics so you can bring it with you to an LQS if you are shopping for fabrics, a label, and hmmm, something else, but can't quite recall ( :wink: ). Are we mailing on the 15th? Gosh, I feel so stupid - I though today was the mailing date and worked like a wild woman last nite to get teverything ready. It just now dawned on my as I was typing that I still have two days to go!!! Yea, I finished early!!!! :roll:

Esq - since you're mailing to me ie international (no, I DON'T live next door! :mrgreen: ) maybe you could send early if it's OK with Patti? :D Dying to know what the 'something else :wink: ' is!!! :mrgreen:

gaigai 10-13-2009 08:02 AM

Well, Esq, since I don't have a car at the moment, I did mail my center to you just now. So, hopefully it will get there by Friday.

Moncia 10-13-2009 08:25 AM

Wow, beautiful!

amma 10-13-2009 11:25 AM

WOW WOW :D :D :D You centers are all just gorgeous!!! :D :D :D

sandpat 10-13-2009 04:18 PM

:lol: :lol:

Its fine with me to go ahead and mail...just be sure to touch base via email or pm who you are mailing to...they might be out of town or something...make sure they can recieve it. AND....let me know! I've already marked the ones who said they mailed theirs on this thread.

When you recieve the centers...PLease..let the sender know and also tell me...please :D

k3n 10-14-2009 01:08 AM

Patti, I have a question arising from a comment on one of the other threads about posting pics when we've added a border - do we discuss ideas on here when we're in the process as well, if, for example we've got 'quilter's block' and need help? Panicking a bit here now, amongst the excitement, don't want to mess up! :shock: :D

k3n 10-14-2009 05:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Don't know if this will work - I just got EQ6 today and had a go at drawing Esq's centre - the fabrics aren't great and I guessed the size but I thought it was a good way to practice! :D

Esqmommy 10-14-2009 05:38 AM

That is way cool kathryn!!! the only thing is the little fly gold pieces do not have a point. I know, it just looks like I cut them off, but I didn't - they are that way on purpose! Darn it, now I am going to have to ask for EQ6 too - it looks so cool!!

Esqmommy 10-14-2009 05:40 AM

I will mail out today, okay? I have court this morning, but will swing by the post on the way back to the office! Wooo hoooo...here we go!

sandpat 10-14-2009 06:21 AM

No reason to panick K....heres what we'll do...when you get the center and get quilters block feel free to discuss it here...we'll be glad to help!

What you did with EQ is great..here is what I do...if the picture posted by the person before me is good...I just save that...if not..I take another pic when I get the top. I then import it into my EQ...then I build borders around the actual picture so I know how it will look...Its fun!

After you are finished with adding your borders....yes...PLEASE...share it here so we can ALL ooohhh and aaawwww over it!

And esq...got cha' for the mailing, thank you!

k3n 10-14-2009 07:14 AM

Yes, I guess I'll have to fiddle with the pic in EQ6 when I get the little beauty, to know the size etc. Esq - I would NEVER assume you'd cut points off by accident. :shock: :D

Oh, it's on it's way! Woo hoo!

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