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coopah 01-21-2015 05:21 AM

Oh, no. You really wouldn't want to see my first quilt. Fabrics, battings, quilt tools, machines...it's all changed since then. For the better. You have a great beginning...keep going! Thanks for posting.

shy 01-21-2015 06:40 AM

U have a good eye for color and the arrangement of it..that is half the battle of making a nice quilt..your seams look good too..I think u did a very good job for first time on very thing..be proud of it.and start looking for the next project..

tessagin 01-21-2015 06:43 AM

Looks great! Like others don't be so hard on yourself. ANd if the recipient likes it, isn't that what matters?

Susann 01-21-2015 06:57 AM

Pretty, pretty quilt! I really like the fabric and am impressed you FMQ it!!

mjhaess 01-21-2015 07:16 AM

For a first quilt you did an awesome job...

CR 01-21-2015 07:34 AM

Your quilt is beautiful; you should be very proud.

Wanabee Quiltin 01-21-2015 07:41 AM

Hey, your quilt is lovely. I still can't free motion very well and it looks like you did great. Give yourself a big pat on the back.

AZ Jane 01-21-2015 08:00 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Great job!! And you quilted it! I couldn't figure out how to machine quilt so I had to hand quilt LOL. I have 2 firsts. The blue one I made before I ever took a class. the purple was made in my first quilting class. Both quilted by hand!!

Boston1954 01-21-2015 08:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My first quilt is just a nine patch with some sashing. I was too chicken to try to hand quilt, so I just tied it. My sister loved it and asked could she have it, so it is at her house. (right next door)

Please pardon the picture. This was before I went digital.

ItsJustMe 01-21-2015 08:15 AM

Your quilt is beautiful! I have always been intimidated by FMQ, but the more I do it, the better it is. Kudos to you!

pitterpatter 01-21-2015 08:48 AM

Laurajbr, your quilt is so beautiful. I'm just new on here and quilting. Haven't made one yet. If mine turns out half as nice as yours, I'll be very happy. Happy quilting

solstice3 01-21-2015 10:06 AM

that is a GREAT first quilt!!

rainsprite 01-21-2015 10:33 AM

I am amazed at your sense of color which is amazing and if you quilted it you are indeed talented. After 20 years my quilts don't look better. Thank you.

bjchad 01-21-2015 10:41 AM

We are always our own worse critics. Your quilt is lovely, both piecing and quilting.

Taughtby Grandma 01-21-2015 10:53 AM

You know what, it was sewn with love, that makes it special. I like the blues you used in it, simple pattern, great for a first quilt to start with. Now you can challenge yourself to continue on the fun journey.

IrishgalfromNJ 01-21-2015 11:34 AM

I think your first quilt is a beauty. It's a pretty simple equation: quilt = love, and your sister could feel it.

nannyrick 01-21-2015 11:40 AM

You have done a fantastic job and your quilting is great. Kudos to you. I wouldn't show anyone my first quilt.:thumbdown:

Barb in Louisiana 01-21-2015 12:06 PM

We are absolutely our own worst critics. I like your quilt. My first one was a simple one, with not even that many colors and a much simpler pattern. I still have it and I love it. The pattern is Just Can't Cut it. I made it out of WM fabrics and the total cost for the lap was probably $60. It's in a China blue & yellow colors. All 3 of my girls have asked for it. I won't give it away. It was the first and most after it have been a bit harder, but not all. Quilting is a journey.

I am having to learn, that what my family & friends love about my quilts are that I made them. And if they are a gift, the receivers know they are special to me. They don't know all the fancy thoughts I had in my brain while I was redesigning the borders or blocks. They just see what they got and no one has been disappointed.

Enjoy the journey, because you will get better. And if you don't, your quilts will still be loved. As a friend of mine said, once they are washed and get all crinkly, they all look good. She is right.

Happy Quilting!

matraina 01-21-2015 02:24 PM

Does not look like a first quilt to me. You did a beautiful job! Can't believe you were able to quilt like that on your first quilt.

Grace creates 01-21-2015 02:35 PM

This quilt is perfectly a quilt that looks lovely. Pieced well, quilted with very nice curves and the fabrics all work together to enhance.

madamekelly 01-21-2015 05:15 PM

Just proves that sometimes our sisters are smarter than us...lol!

cathyvv 01-21-2015 05:57 PM

Love the quilt and the quilting is great.

It seems that time wipes the imperfections of our work out of our minds. It has happened to me, too!

ania755 01-21-2015 08:48 PM

Its a beautiful quilt.....really nice...

beatys9 01-21-2015 09:35 PM

I like it and you should be proud! Nice job on your first quilt :)

katesnanna 01-21-2015 11:17 PM

Originally Posted by Laurajbr (Post 7055648)
While looking at all these amazing quilts folks have posted I have been inspired, and sometimes depressed. I know it takes a lot of practice, but all the quilts I have seen here are so amazing, and I fear my skills will never improve.

But this morning I got a note from my sister about the quilt I gave her. It was my first ever finished quilt. I pieced it (I used 2 cheap jelly jolls from JF) and quilted it, bound it and mailed it off to her to be there for when my BIL got home from surgery the day after Christmas.

She sent me a great note, and I went back to look at my photos. It is not as bad as my memory of it, and I am so proud that she likes it. It is nothing like what I have seen here, but beginners start somewhere

I would love to see other folk's first quilt.

Laurajbr take a bow. I'm sure there are plenty of us who would have been so happy if the quilting on our first quilt was as good as yours. Congratulations and keep on quilting.

AnnT 01-22-2015 04:03 AM

Your quilt is very pretty. Don't be so hard on yourself!

juliea9967 01-22-2015 05:27 AM

It's a beautiful quilt. It doesn't look anything like the first quilt I made! You did a great job.

Kris P 01-22-2015 05:48 AM

Your quilt is awesome! This is my first quilt that required FMQ. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/535083999451918434/ It was flowers appliqué'd onto squares. 2 earlier quilts that I made were raggedy quilts.

princdi 01-22-2015 05:54 AM

You did a good job, don't be hard on yourself, enjoy what you do, its your art

Lakelady620 01-22-2015 06:11 AM

You did a great job. Your colors work well together and your quilting is awesome. I made a few quilts before I attempted quilting.

Daisy Dew 01-22-2015 07:07 AM

Quilting is suppose to be fun! You did a super job so give credit where credit is do. I see many quilts in your future hope you enjoy the journey.

quiltingeileen 01-22-2015 07:10 AM

You go girl! Beautiful all around :thumbup:

calla 01-22-2015 07:14 AM

I think it's great and so appreciated

QultingaddictUK 01-22-2015 07:32 AM

You should be so proud of such a lovely quilt and it being your first, if I was you I would be bursting with pride, what are you working on now?

KimS 01-22-2015 07:56 AM

Have to say I agree with what everyone else has said about you being too hard on yourself. I think you did an amazing job!! I love giving quilts as gifts since there's so much love that goes into them. Hope your BIL is feeling better. Keep you the good work and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful quilts. :)

aeble 01-22-2015 08:24 AM

Not only is it a beautiful quilt, but it sounds like you had it there on time. Now that's impressive! :)

oldquilter 01-22-2015 09:10 AM

Well, I think it's very pretty, and was made with love. That's important, too, ya know!

CMK 01-22-2015 10:08 AM

Looks GREAT!!!!!

donna13350 01-22-2015 10:45 AM

You did a GREAT JOB !!!! I think we are all critical of our own work...just remember..none of us quilters are ever "done" learning..with each quilt we learn a little more and get a little better at one technique or another...but it's ongoing..so relax and enjoy the journey! You did much better at your first quilt than I did on mine!

NanaPam 01-22-2015 10:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It's beautiful! You did a fantastic job and I remember when I first started!! I have been making quilts for about 14 years now and I'm still learning; my 'first quilt' is a total mess - LOL! The binding, especially; I had no idea what I was doing and just tried to 'make it work.'[ATTACH=CONFIG]507173[/ATTACH]

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