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EmiliasNana 11-01-2014 05:27 AM

Sounds like wonderful couple and a caring quilt board member found friendship in each other. They make marvelous quilts, and like everyone else, feel their life should be their own, to do as they please. It is a shame the kids don't appreciate the God given talents their parents were given. They should be proud of them and their accomplishments, sharing in the joy, rather than setting limits. I hope you can develop a continuing relationship with them, since they seem to be housebound. Thanks for giving us a spectacular quilt show.

Michellesews 11-01-2014 05:33 AM

i feel so sad for them. Can she still use her longarm? I wish someone could set it back up for them and ship the dining room table to the ungrateful children. How inspiring to be able to create beauty like that at this stage of their lives. Thank you for sharing with us!

gabeway 11-01-2014 05:39 AM

That is an amazing body of work! The children have no idea what they are losing in not appreciating the work that went into these. The quilts will probably wind up in a thrift store after she is gone.

Homespun 11-01-2014 07:07 AM

So sorry her family does not appreciate her talent.

mjhaess 11-01-2014 09:35 AM

Thanks for sharing...They look awesome..

cat2quilt 11-01-2014 10:01 AM

Nice quilts. She does beautiful work with a fabulous color selection.

Janice Thompson 11-01-2014 10:16 AM

What a lovely collection of quilts. It's a shame the children don't take them home with them to gift later to grandchilden

redquilter 11-01-2014 10:58 AM

Thank you for sharing this wonderful collection with us. I admire that woman very much. Just wish she would put her LA back in the dining room where she can make use of it. Who do those brats think they are telling their mother how to furnish her home? Shame on them. Double shame that they don't even sit down and have a meal with their parents. Grrrrrrr.........

dlsnaples 11-01-2014 11:29 AM

Such talent. She does beautiful piecing and quilting. Thank you for sharing the inspiration.

MargeD 11-01-2014 11:48 AM

WOW, what beautiful quilts. It would be nice if the tops could be finished one day. Thanks for sharing.

oksewglad 11-01-2014 12:28 PM

Thanks for being a "good neighbor", QNS. A reminder that not all Quilts of Valor need to be "patriotic" themes. I'm amazed at the variety of blocks she has chosen, many of them not "easy" to piece. Thanks for sharing with us.

nwm50 11-01-2014 03:06 PM

I'm very impressed with her quilting ability and think each is very pretty!! What's with her health problem is at least she's doing what she loves to do and being busy, tell her to put up that LA to where she can use it and shorten time involved in quilting it. Can't understand why kids has a problem with her happy project and not enjoy it!?!! Please tell her I enjoyed seeing each of her previous quilts.

letawellman 11-01-2014 03:18 PM

My kids know better than to tell me to move my LA!! They both know that quilting is my "therapy", and it's how I de-stress. I would ditch the dining room table before I moved my LA!! ESPECIALLY since you say their kids haven't been there to EAT at the table!!!!
I will never understand how people refuse to value their elderlies until it's too late.

Tell your friend that we're all cheering her on, and her quilts are just LOVELY. Quilt on, I say, and let the dining table fall where it may! :-D

quilts4charity 11-01-2014 04:24 PM

Amazing work, tell her to reclaim that room with her longarm!!! It's her house!! I agree with earthwalker...BRATS!!! My children would never ask me to move my sewing things, they know what it means to me!

KimS 11-01-2014 04:32 PM

What a beautiful collection she has!!

Tweety2911 11-01-2014 04:36 PM

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful quilts! Her work is terrific! Tell her it's her house and she should do what she loves!! She has a a great eye for color and fabric design! Loved seeing her quilts!

ccthomas 11-01-2014 05:04 PM

Nice selection of quilts. Nice work.

jeanne49 11-01-2014 05:12 PM

She is really a busy lady. I know the feeling about family not appreciating the work. My sister's grandson is about the only one fascinated with my quilts. The ones that I gave to the others just get thrown around and are not really taken care of. I purchased a couple of really lovely pillows for our living room some time ago and my sister and her husband didn't really take care of them, so I made covers, they messed them up and then I made another set of covers and again they messed them up, so I finally threw the pillows out and will not make another thing for them. I have a stack of quilt tops which will hopefully get quilted but I'd give them away to strangers before I give another quilt to my family.

Grace creates 11-01-2014 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Judyth (Post 6951600)
Tell her that her work is beautiful. Also tell her that she and her husband should do what makes them happy and gives them fulfillment. They have earned that. If there children don't like the quilts, there are many people who would, injured veterans, cancer patients, women in spouse abuse centers, children in orphanages, other shut-ins, patients in nursing homes, etc. God gave them a talent to make these beautiful quilts and they need to share it and continue it as long as their health allows them too. Get the LA out and bring these pieces of art to life. They will be someones treasure some day.

She needs to tell her kids quite firmly, My life, I live it; My house and I will live in it. Live and Let live If they don't like that they could use her door. Wish this couple lived near me it would be a delight to visit them and make friends.

Grace creates 11-01-2014 06:05 PM

Perhaps this lady could do a quilt show of her own to raise money for a good cause. That would sure help her understand how valuable she is and what an eye opener for those rude know it all kids. This couple may feel that they will need their kid's help down the road. Most likely these self centered brats won't be there for them. However, as they give to the community the community will give to them and a quilt show can be the beginning of such.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-01-2014 07:11 PM

I confessed to my neighbor tonight; and she had mixed feelings...so I am going to tread carefully here. I did said no names or location was used for the reason of privacy and in respect for the family I visited. Neighbor will come here and edit the album before she presents it to the family....no names will appear in the album, we will cut and paste the comments, so she can get the honest opinions of quilters on QB about her quilts.

She has been hurt before in trying to help others with her quilts. Nor does she want to walk back into the lime light of the public...nor I am going to force that at all or tell where she lives. That is her choice on privacy; but I did want to share the beauty and heart and soul she has put into her quilts and I knew QB was the perfect site for that. This album is to honor her and her husband with good vibes coming their way that they can cherish.

I love the quilters on QB, and their comments are always so 'up beat' and co encouraging. Its hard to grow old 'gracefully' and deal with health problems...but they are...and sharing their love and companionship together. None of us are promised a 'g rose garden' in senior years. No, I do not know this family, but I totally respect them and their privacy. Thank you for your encouraging words to pass back to them. My comments will probably end up in file 13... the waste paper basket.

nanacc 11-01-2014 08:01 PM

Thank you so much for sharing! This is truly a talented and prolific quilter!! I hope she has many more quilting years ahead.

Grandma Peg 11-01-2014 08:41 PM

What some lovely quilts. Hope she can keep creating for a long time!

justflyingin 11-01-2014 09:56 PM

I think you are being awfully kind to people you've not met before.

I'd also encourage her to do something with her 700 tops/quilts. I have had up to 100 before in my home and that is a lot--a whole bunk bed full, basically. (That's just tops--.) I can't imagine 700.

I take it shopping isn't a problem or she does mail order because buying that much fabric and batting and thread might be an issue for someone who is home bound unless they have access to mail order. If they don't have the internet, then I am amazed that she can get all these materials to her home.

Anyway, this lady is amazingly productive. Tell her to keep it up and we think she's great!

nellie 11-01-2014 11:16 PM

please give her a big hug for me tell her her quilts are very very beautiful, she is a great person and shame on their kids for not coming more often to see them

cindy4857 11-02-2014 01:00 AM

she is one talented woman. She has a wonderful collection. I can tell you if she was my mom I'd have one of her quilts in every room. It's totally wrong that she has been swayed to not be doing the long arming if that what she enjoys doing. I think she needs to do what she loves as long as she can. Her kids need to get a grip and give her encouragement instead of grief.

campion 11-02-2014 02:11 AM

I agree with all that's been said those quilts are beautiful and a credit to her.l admire her stamina to keep going shame her kids don,t,but not all younger ones appreciate what you have made,have told mine NOT to throw anything I have made in the dump to offer it around nieces and nephews and quilt groups etc.

farmquilter 11-02-2014 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by mimiof4 (Post 6951190)
What a beautiful collection of quilts, she has a fantastic eye for color. Good for her doing what she loves.

I think she has a much better sense of color than I do. I make scrap quilts because I am not comfortable picking colors.

gramquilter2 11-02-2014 10:54 AM

They have made some amazing quilts and sound like a wonderful couple. Thank you for sharing their quilts and story.

grammysharon 11-02-2014 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 6950738)
Privileged to see one lady's quilt collection she has made in my home town....this is a small sample of what she has...please pardon my poor pictures that do not do them justice. This will take several uploads to see all I photographed yesterday.

Are they just tops?? Not quilted?

hobo2000 11-02-2014 12:37 PM

Beautiful quilts that show her feelings at different times in her life. Quilts take on a life of their own based on what one is feeling at the time. She has a wonderful sense of color and style. These quilts, finished, would bring thousands of dollars. Such unappreciative adult children. I have four sons. All too supportive who fight over my quilts. Each one has six or eight quilts but always want the one I am working on. Do what makes you happy in your final years. I am 76 and I do and say what I want, never to hurt anyone, and I live my final years doing what I love and it the house is a mess, they come help me clean so I can get back to quilting. Unfortunately, I do not have a longarm so I must send mine out to a lovely lady in VA, that is very economical. God bless you for your gift and sharing with us!

Poodles 11-02-2014 04:10 PM

Love the military looking one.

My time 11-02-2014 09:10 PM

Wow she has a wonderful talent!

Sandygirl 11-03-2014 03:41 AM

Amazing examples of using novelty/theme prints in quilts. A woman after my heart!

thank you fir sharing!!


NanaCindyLou 11-03-2014 04:06 AM

I was thinking about doing the same thing - removing my dining room furniture and using that room for my sewing room.. Those quilts are lovely! Can't pick a favorite, but love the tractor one.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-12-2014 06:30 AM

Million thanks for all the wonderful comments from QBers...it made her day yesterday afternoon. She was so amazed and surprised by my album gift of the pictures and comments. I am invited back to their home anytime.

You all wonderful people made her day a little brighter and happier.for her and her husband. They will enjoy the comments over and over again. Well done QB folks! It was a priceless gift to them.

earthwalker 11-13-2014 04:21 AM

Wouldn't have happened without you! Thanks again for sharing this wonderful collection.....you can tell them it went worldwide - I am in Australia:)

joyful1 11-13-2014 04:55 AM

What a beautiful collection of beautiful quilts!!!!

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