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mighty 11-06-2011 06:31 AM

I just mute sound.

sewwhat85 11-06-2011 06:48 AM

who do you use for internet connection internet explorere, firefox, google chrome? i think that may make a difference

j 11-06-2011 07:17 AM

I don't like that every video has to have music playing, I like to concentrate on the directions instead. - J

Prism99 11-06-2011 10:57 AM

It's a video playing on your screen. You can locate the video and then click on the video's control panel to stop it.

An easier method is to find the volume button on your keyboard and just kill sound while you are on the board. On mine, the -Volume, +Volume and no-Volume keys are in the far upper right. The only problem with this is that later on, if you want to watch a Youtube video or something else with volume, you will have to turn the volume back on.

Originally Posted by donnajean (Post 4639730)
I was on QB for about 4 minutes when a woman started talking about toothpaste. Does anyone know how to turn off talking ads when viewing a QB post?

QuiltinPaws 11-06-2011 01:45 PM

what are the envelopes on the left side of the posts for. I now find out from my hubby that they are in colors. this does not help for ppl who are colorblind or have difficulty distingushing colors. How do i find what page i am on in a thread. i hit the arrow at the end and it took me to the next 20 pages - not the next page. I couldn't even tell what page i have been reading so i could go back without rereading all the pages. when i try to click on a section i get this huge bar that looks black but DH says it is graduated from dark blue to black and i can't see what is under it so i don't know if i am on that section or not. can that be turned off. all my bookmarks have disappeared from previous board, i didn't make any of them public. can i recover them. lastly can i sign off? when i have clicked on the email link, i had to navigavte graphic pornography, apparently because of the term in the link of "lifestyle". i do not wish my family (minor children) to constantly be seeing that kind of thing. I have to leave the board up because i can't find it again without searching for several minutes, and usually come up with a WRONG webpage.

one last thing. what are superior memebers and are there any regular members any more

thepolyparrot 11-06-2011 02:29 PM

If a commercial came onto a corner of your television screen and overrode the dialogue in a movie you were watching every few minutes, you'd be ticked off.

You wouldn't just hit the mute button! :D

When I'm using MY computer on an internet connection that I pay for, I should be able to listen to MY choice of music or audiobooks or movies without having someone else's noise overriding what I'm trying to listen to.

Why do we allow web sites to hijack OUR speakers? We wouldn't allow it on our television.

I try not to ever go to Quilter's Cache because I think she has music on every page I've ever visited on her site.

thepolyparrot 11-06-2011 02:32 PM

In case it's any help to anyone, I run Internet Explorer 8 in the Medium High privacy and security settings and I use Norton Internet Security or Norton 360 to block pop-ups.

I had IE9 beta on my previous computer and it had some extra security and privacy controls for pop-ups and ad-blocking.

If you're running Firefox or Mozilla or Opera or anything else and you have run into problems with slow loading or weird things happening with this new platform, try installing Internet Explorer.

Most broad appeal and shopping sites are written to look and behave best on IE because that is the browser that the majority of visitors use.

I used to write web sites - I tried to keep the sites functional and nice-looking in a variety of browsers. But if I had a problem with presentation or function and had to choose between fixes that worked in either the alternate browser or in IE, I always went with the fix that worked for IE.

Mitch's mom 11-06-2011 02:39 PM

Ad Block Plus software download is great. It runs so effortlessly in the background, I forgot I had it on my computer. I could never figure out why everyone could see ads but me - :rolleyes: duh! Do a search for it; It is a free program.

BMP 11-06-2011 03:55 PM

increased number of junk e-mails
I have noticed since we have gotten the new format I have an E-Mail box FULL of junk and advertisements ...I am very sure it is related....I do not like the new looking/working boards and will probably leave it I continue to get so much junk in my personal E-mail account.

butterflies5518 11-06-2011 04:02 PM

yes, I have noticed that as well and not happy about it, but it won't keep me from here

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