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Iceblossom 10-25-2019 08:47 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I've been cutting the next project and pinned the rest of the Scrap Metal blocks that I can. About to go in and sew those but I decided to get that fabric put away for now on the Sea Scene. So the panel was a recent thrift store buy, expensive for me at $3.99 but I just couldn't not get it... The rocks were a thrift store scrap from last year for $1.50, the scrap was just barely large enough and not enough to miter the corners. When I went to Hobby Lobby to buy my spray baste, I saw they had a great gravel print that would make excellent binding, that will be another $4.50...

The second picture shows the fabrics that are auditioning for the other side. I'm going to do something based on one half of this:

Using larger pieces of print (6" or so??) and smaller pieces of the teal. BTW, bought that entire bolt for $15. It's amazing what I find in the thrift stores! I really want to use the turtle fabric but the colors on the other two fabrics work well together and I definitely have enough of them.

Battle Axe 10-25-2019 09:30 AM

Very good use of scraps and sourcing for just the right stuff. Impressive.

Conchalea 10-25-2019 02:23 PM

Thank you everyone for your understanding. I guess I used my 2 travel exemptions from my trips on the bike. I returned from Big Bend on Sunday, with a total of 1892 miles, never leaving Texas!
To make up for my purchase, I've spent the last 2 days using stash. I drew up an art deco pattern & made a block, then started on a Halloween piece for my table. I'll post pix when I'm finished.

Iceblossom 10-26-2019 08:49 AM

Today's goal is to get rest of the rows of the Scrap Metal top together, probably won't start on sashing today.

I realized yesterday that I didn't trim down my setting triangles, usually I do this on purpose but I'm not quite sure if it will be an issue when I start putting the rows with the sashing. I decided not to think it through but to keep sewing and determine if a fix is needed or not when I have more data :)

I just finished cutting the kit for my next project. It doesn't have a name yet but I'm starting to call it Branta's quilt. Branta (like Iceblossom) is one of my main rpg (role playing game) characters. She is a dwarf hunter, and is a bit of a silly goose -- Branta is part of the latin name of some geese, particularly the Canada Goose. I actually wanted something for snow goose but didn't find anything that fit and that I liked.

It's came from this thread, the picture shown was one of the tests...

I am changing the red strips to white with a rather large red pin dot (that is the dots are small but the scatter is large!), the one I just got the other day. The cherry fabric is part of my Walmart buy from earlier this year. I believe I have enough to make the back with it, and definitely could if I pieced it with a bar of red or whatever. The gingham one is dated 1997 from In The Beginning, so I probably bought it when the shop was still open... It's been closed for a long time though so I can't be certain.

I've used up all the piece of the red, and all the background for the geese fabrics. And I know what my next project is -- all in all a win even if I hadn't even thought of the quilt before this past week I had thought to put the fabrics together in my "potential" box.

grann of 6 10-26-2019 09:16 AM

The electric company had our power off for an hour this morning, so I finished cutting fabric for a kit, the one with 25 different fabrics in it. Then when the power came back on I got the first 2 borders on Bellagio, just have the last wide border to put on. My son is here doing some carpentry work on my decks, now that I have fed him some lunch I can go back downstairs. I still have the 2 quilts I finished yesterday to trim and make binding. I need to get them in the mail Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Bellagio is my last quilt to finish, then I can start on something else. Haven't decided what will be next.

retiredteacher09 10-26-2019 04:58 PM

Joe’s mom: Nice looking block.

Iceblossom: I like those borders.

Iceblossom 10-27-2019 05:18 AM

Well, hubby is sleeping in pre-bowling date so I'm being quiet in the other end of the house. Wish I could sleep in, wish I could sleep for that matter! We've rescheduled the daycare talk with the kids until this coming Saturday.

Yesterday I started pinning on the sashing for the Scrap Metal quilt during the Michigan game, go Wolverines! Got all of the long pieces on and still have 4 little ones, but I'm out of pins until I get the others sewn. I must say, with all the counting errors I made on this earlier, it is so gratifying to find my math held up and I do indeed have enough of the sashing. Whew, big relief because if there was a problem, there wouldn't be a good solution. Anyway, today's goal is to get the sashing sewn and pressed.

I'm afraid I got a little overzealous with trimming the back for the Seahawk Pink top, it may shift a bit while quilting and I may need to patch in a little more back, but won't know until I do a couple of my stabilizing rounds of quilting. That will probably be Monday. I had intended to have that to work on in my small group but I got distracted by the "next" project. So small group project will be drawing the diagonal lines on the back of my geese background squares.

rryder 10-27-2019 06:26 AM

Great use of scraps Iceblossom!

grann of 6 10-27-2019 06:32 AM

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Iceblossom you are so good at using up those scraps and finding creative uses for them. I'm working on it but it is a struggle for me.

oksewglad 10-27-2019 07:04 AM

Iceblossom...you get so much done! Only wish I could get as much accomplished...way to go.

I just accepted 3 small bags of scraps...but most are "Precuts" from gals who cut straight!. A variety pack of red strips. A big zip lock of 3" and another of 3 1/2". I'm thinking of using some of the squares and making a low volume background with some applique. But what should I applique?

I'm tickled pink...Grands stopped by yesterday and helped me set up the bed in the "new" bedroom. It's all painted--Melted Butter, too. Have a shelving unit to move out, but that can wait. I have tons of assorted boxes and little bins to go through and make sense of. But maybe I will stop and sew on the new inspiration as a creativity break!

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