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oksewglad 11-07-2019 07:52 PM

The gray border settles this top down, Connie...nice job. Does your church group tie them? What do they use for filler?

With the last UFO quilt I finished, I have used a total of 121 yards of fabric, purchased 84 so that puts me at using 37 yards from stash. Must keep sewing, must keep sewing. Instead I am sorting, sorting, sorting...one bedroom is ready for Thanksgiving occupancy!

joe'smom 11-08-2019 07:41 AM

Connie, I love your color placement in this quilt. Excellent use of your leftover squares and congrats on another charity finish!

Iceblossom 11-08-2019 08:17 AM

Yay Connie! I'm mostly dealing with real life (as opposed to quilting) issues right now. But I'm getting in some sewing and other things as I calm down my stress level.

I'm preparing for the Bonnie Hunter mystery -- I had already admitted to buying the bag of hand dyes at the thrift shop. I'm also using some plain solid white I have to dye. I searched my soul and decided that buying dye and supplies was not the same thing as buying fabric, even though it might have been easier to spend that $20 on fabric instead :p

elly66 11-08-2019 10:48 AM

Wonderful quilt top Connie. Love the threes. Did you fussy cut them? I tried with the quilt I'm making for my son's girlfriend but realize my fussy cuts weren't "fussy" enough :)

retiredteacher09 11-08-2019 06:03 PM

Thank you for the compliments.

Oksewglad: My church group uses batting and ties them. They bring the back around to the front and our lovely leader (87 years old) uses the industrial machine to sew it down. They also try to put unwanted fabric in the middle with the batting like a slippery fabric or some other light weight fabric. I order the batting through jet.com and we either get grants to pay for the batting or church pays. Trying to get to 7000.

Elly66: The 3’s just worked out as I cut the 10” squares.

When I showed the quilt top at sewing group tonight, one of the employees said I should keep it for my first grandchild (due in Feb) and give it to him when he is older with a note that most of the fabrics are from his great grandmother. Sounds like a good idea but I would do a different pattern.

grann of 6 11-09-2019 04:25 AM

Everyone's quilts are great, and you all are doing so well. I had a slight setback in the past couple days. My friend came to stay from Wed. to Friday afternoon so we could do lots of sewing on our various projects. Right when she arrived Wed. afternoon, the sewing machine repairman called to tell me my Aria was ready to be picked up, and since I needed backing for one of my big quilts, we quick hopped in her car and went out to pick up the machine and peruse the fabric at our fave LQS. I wasn't able to find what I wanted/needed so we went to another store nearby, Goods. I found the perfect fabric for $7.99 a yard. Since I needed 9 yards, I was limited in what I could choose based on how much was on the bolts. I found a good one and bought the whole thing, all 13 yards. Since it is a Kansas Troubles I will find lots of uses for the extra fabric. And I found my rusty brown crackle I have been trying to find, so I finished off that bolt also, about 4 yards. I ask you, how many shops carry Moda fabric for $7.99 a yard? Not many, I would think. Anyhow, my friend also pays me in fabric for quilting her quilts. She went to a newly re-opened fabric shop that is about halfway between us. She found a bunch of fabric for $4 a yard, nice quality too. So I am now the proud owner of 4 more bolts of yardage that will make great backings or blenders. I think there is at least 6 yards on each bolt. But she was impressed with the empty spaces on my shelves. When we were looking at all the gorgeous fabrics at Goods, I jokingly looked at my friend and said "Fabric Moratorium be damned." But I was proud that I only got what I needed, with a little extra for another project.

oksewglad 11-09-2019 07:20 AM

Thanks, Connie...Some donation groups put non quilting fabric in the middle for fillers, and self binding is often used in groups here as well.
Definitely a pass on the gifted fabric....:D, grann of 6! And good sales on the Moda fabrics...sounds like you have a purpose for all of it.

Vasilisa 11-13-2019 05:58 AM

I must admit that I almost made it till the Black Friday - after bigger shopping last December I only bought fabric twice and that was for specific projects.

Today I had ani appointment at 15:00 and I was half ani hour early. And I noticed that there opened a fabric shop in the ground floor of the building. Time to kill and bargain basket - and I spent approx 2.5 $ on a pretty piece of solid coral.

Conchalea 11-13-2019 06:36 PM

We're approaching the end of this year's moratorium. I wasn't always successful, but I did purchase only for specific projects. Unlike Oksew, I didnt keep a tally for fabric in & out. I don't think of it until I finish a quilt, & it's too hard to be exact after the fact. I have made several quilts this year, so I feel successful in that aspect. Unless someone else really wants to host the moratorium for next year, I'll continue in the role if that suits everyone.
I have cut most of my Solstice fabric for the quilt I'm planning. I've only sewn 2 blocks though, because a severe sinus infection had me down & out for an entire week. I hope to get back into it this weekend.

grann of 6 11-14-2019 04:30 AM

Conchalea, you had done a great job of hosting the moratorium. Yes, please continue holding the reins. I haven't kept tabs on in and out either, but I do know my stash is visibly smaller. I have only bought a couple precuts that I thought I couldn't live without, and they have already been used,with the exception of Winter Manor. I bought yardage to go with it, just need to decide what pattern I want to use.

I, too, have been sick for a week with a chest cold. The cough is loosening up, but my back is sore between my shoulder blades from coughing. Did a little bit of piecing here and there on the Bluprint Christmas trees. It is all ready to be put together, don't know if I will find the energy to lay it out on the big table and start sewing.

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