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grann of 6 11-23-2019 12:51 PM

Seeing all that reminds me that I have a clothes basket of scraps under the sewing room counter that needs to be done something with. I got it!!!!! I'll send it to retiredteacher!!!! :D Shipping alone would be a fortune. Too bad I don't have someone close to "dump my scraps on".

grann of 6 11-23-2019 01:39 PM

Well, I went through SOME of my stash, and I could make close to a dozen quilts using large scale prints, just not much that would go as accent fabrics. This is where I struggle, trying to "match" the colors rather than choosing something that sorta goes is a tough one for me. I need to throw caution to the wind and just go for it.

I also laid out the Bluprint Christmas trees and the 9 patch that alternates with them. I think instead of making it square I will reduce one row on the side and add it to the length, leaving one extra tree that can be used for a matching pillow. I think I have plenty of border fabric to make it a little bigger, another project for tomorrow.

retiredteacher09 11-23-2019 05:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Granny of 6: I wish I had only one box of scraps to sort through. Lol! I have them in way too many spots. When I get frustrated with too many projects especially on my ironing/cutting area, I tend to dump them in a container of some sort and stack it somewhere. Bad habit, I know.

Thank goodness for the cost of postage, granny of 6. :).

I chuckle when I find fabric in donations that I have been given in other donations.

Another bag done. Wahoo!


grann of 6 11-23-2019 06:20 PM

Well, I must confess I have more than that one clothes basket of scraps also. I even have some in plastic bins in the garage that were moved out there when I had a water problem on the furnace side of the basement and had to move everything out to clean up the water. That makes it out of sight out of mind and very easy to ignore. those scraps are actually in the basket because they got wet and had to be washed and dried, and out of the dryer they came. Some got folded neatly, but that got old fast and the rest just got dumped in the basket. Some day when I have nothing better to do I will sort through it.:D

Judith1005 11-23-2019 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Iceblossom (Post 8331483)
Heehee... no but when I get ready to send out my box of metallic scraps if you still have it we could send it out as a consolation prize.

This is what happens at my Tuesday group, pretty much every week someone brings me something and tells me to "put it in that box of yours", but I guess it is said and certainly meant much nicer than that :p

Grrr... and now you've got me thinking because I know I got some gold toned fabric in with the snowflake blue and white that isn't going to be used. Oh, the fabric temptations are strong within me, lol I'll let you know if I can't resist.

Lol, that's okay. I'm not fussed over it. I may just piece one more backing together to use it up. I think I have 2 different quilts that I can use it with. Then it's by by gold metallic. Bonus, yardage and stash reduced. lol

Judith1005 11-23-2019 06:43 PM

I only keep a certain amount of scraps. When I get like items and sizes, I put them in labeled ziplock bags and donate them to the thrift store. Now, I always keep a little here and there for scrappy's. I am learning to trim those scraps and put them away after each project is done. I can't work in chaos. (I'm way too OCD.) I know, I paid for those scraps. But, my sanity is worth a few less scraps.

I have plastic bins of 1.5 strips, 2.5 squares and strips, Kaleidoscope pieces cut with my die cut machine, and tiny 1.5" half square triangles. So far they are not full. But, if they do get too full, I will either have to use them or donate some. The size of these boxes is considered a sweater box at Walmart. Probably about 6" (depth), by 9 by13. So, not too big.

You know, there is something to be said for buying fabric when you are ready to actually do the project.

(eye roll, lol) Hello, my name is Judith and I'm a fabric collector/hoarder. That's why I love this thread. It's been really good for me in helping to keep my obsessive compulsive disorder somewhat in check. It's a goal, I'm working on keeping in check. I think I have a better plan in place for myself next year. To try to really stay within the guidelines of the moratorium. I do have my notebook ready with projects that I would like to make.(Way more then I can complete in a year.) And, I probably have the fabric at home already for most of them! I also like the idea of keeping a visible log of every purchase I make. It will help me stay more accountable for my actions.

Thank you to all of you for the support you offer here. I love knowing that I'm not in this struggle alone. I always feel terrible/guilty when I "fall off the wagon". Your support helps to keep me from going off the deep end and completely blowing all control. I'm way better then I was. But, I still need to work on it.

Conchalea 11-23-2019 08:48 PM

For those who strictly follow the guidelines, the moratorium ends on Black Friday, which is only 5 days away now! I don't plan to buy fabric then, but we all know about good intentions. I made a cute Christmas owl inspired by one of the pins I shared here, & it was almost all from stash. My daughter requested it for her office door. It turned out pretty cute. It's only about the size of a fat quarter, but it's covered with scraps. I also want to make the holiday moose for my other daughter. But I've been cleaning the house since I host Thanksgiving dinner this year. That has really cut into my sewing time.

retiredteacher09 11-24-2019 10:48 AM

grann of 6: Welcome to my scrap world. One of these days I will learn to say no to donations. Lol.

Judith1005: I do have some sorted like you do.

I have the last 2 bags sorted. Some nice finds were 2 blocks that are 14.5” square and cut pieces to make more. I also found 9 blocks about 14.25” with some half blocks finished and a little more fabric to match. This last one will be quick to make into a top. Now just to find the time to do it. :)

grann of 6 11-24-2019 11:28 AM

I have an artbin with JR strips left from projects, an artbin with extra binding pieces, an artbin with 2 1/2" squares, mostly blue left from another project. Plus I have been saving my plastic trays that cookies, donuts, etc. come in and am putting leftover scraps in colorwise. I think a lot of this stuff is going to go in a box and send to my friend in NC who has very limited funds for sewing, but loves to do charity work. She gets a lot of my quilts for donations to needy in her part of the world.

It just takes so much time to sort through all the scraps, I would rather be making something from stash than plodding through all those scraps. But someday it will get done.

oksewglad 11-24-2019 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by grann of 6 (Post 8331703)
Well, I must confess I have more than that one clothes basket of scraps also. I even have some in plastic bins in the garage that were moved out there when I had a water problem on the furnace side of the basement and had to move everything out to clean up the water. That makes it out of sight out of mind and very easy to ignore. those scraps are actually in the basket because they got wet and had to be washed and dried, and out of the dryer they came. Some got folded neatly, but that got old fast and the rest just got dumped in the basket. Some day when I have nothing better to do I will sort through it.:D

:D:D:D:D:D This sounds like my house! The best intentions! And the sorting is so time consuming, but worth it when we get the chance to sew. In addition, I love doing little tiny things and have so many baskets and bins of 3/4", 1", 1 1/4" as well as the "standard" sizes. But I was able to pull out a few yellow 1" strips to use for a specific project the other day. And I find it very satisfying to make a full quilt from pieces most throw away. My favorite tag line is..."and no yardage was harmed in the making of this quilt!"

I'm not as dedicated a charity sewer as you and RetiredT are, but hopefully I will be able to get more of it done in the near future.

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