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-   -   Hubby just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes..Need idea.s for food. (https://www.quiltingboard.com/recipes-f8/hubby-just-diagnosed-type-2-diabetes-need-idea-s-food-t49942.html)

karate lady 06-18-2010 09:50 PM

stay away from so called sugar less sweets. if you check they are higher in carbs than the regular. I was recently diagnosed as type II and it is hard. But you just have to work at it and after a while it gets better. the walks are one of the best things going i lost 20 lbs just walking my doxie every day. No meds yet, though I know some day I will have to take some kind of insulin. I eat a lot of hi fiber food, (beans are good) and lots of veggies. Still not as careful as I should be, but working on it.

Catlady 06-19-2010 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by Rubyrednails2
Just wondering about the staying away from sugar free foods. I thought that was good to use if you were diabetic.

Sugar free foods are not necessarily good for you, diabetic or not.
I'm type 2 and was told to stay away from sugar free products.
They are chemicals in most cases and not natural. I use powdered
fructose for sweeting, don't have to use nearly as much to get
the same result. Its better to have the natural in small doses and not everyday. Easy on thered meats too. Go with chicken and fish. I eat so much chicken in a week I'm surprised I don't lay an egg. Also switching to turkeybacon is so much better (and I prefer its taste over real bacon), we use Butterball brand. The mediterranean diet is a good one to use too.

PALS65 06-19-2010 06:59 PM

I think the Taste of Home has diabetic recipes. Have you checked your local hospital for info on cookbooks?

GrammaNan 06-19-2010 08:28 PM

I have Type II Diabetes and have had it for quite awhile now. Be careful of potatoes. they fire up my blood sugar like nobody's business. I substitute sweet potatoes and put some Splenda Brown sugar substitute and cinnamon on them. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar. Use brown rice instead of white, wheat instead of white flour, and honey doesn't mess with my blood sugar like white sugar does. Agave nectar works well.

Catlady 06-19-2010 08:34 PM

I take a cinnamon capsule every day. It does seem to help.
You can go on the internet and search for Diabetic Recipes,
you'll get a ton of them and they're free. Sure beats $15 and
up for a diabetic cookbook. Also check out your local library.

karate lady 06-19-2010 08:55 PM

just look at the carb count on sugar free...is a joke really to call them sugar free...

Ps 150 06-20-2010 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by gail-r
I'm a bit overwhelmed, he now has type 2 diabetes plus some heart concerns so he really needs to be on a heart healthy diabetic diet. I'm trying to learn to count carbs but trying to figure out a weeks worth of meals and snacks is making me slightly crazier than usual.

The big problem is trying to give him a variety and control portion size. I'm going to eat when and whatever he eats so that helps with the portion size, I just make less and he knows he has to share.

He has always been a meat, potatoes and gravy, kind of guy. And if the meat and potatoes were fried then it was even better. So, trying to change is going to be difficult especially if I can't give him an interesting variety.

Any help, advise or receipes would be appreciated.

Hugs, Gail

Remember to count sugars as carbs and check out www.allrecipes.com. You can type diabetic recipes in he search finder and come up with quite a bit! My husband's friend was diagnosed a few years back so I bought a cookbook for when he visits. It's been very helpful and it's just a cheap one from Wal-mart.

Lisa773 06-21-2010 03:13 AM

Originally Posted by gail-r
I'm a bit overwhelmed, he now has type 2 diabetes plus some heart concerns so he really needs to be on a heart healthy diabetic diet. I'm trying to learn to count carbs but trying to figure out a weeks worth of meals and snacks is making me slightly crazier than usual.

The big problem is trying to give him a variety and control portion size. I'm going to eat when and whatever he eats so that helps with the portion size, I just make less and he knows he has to share.

He has always been a meat, potatoes and gravy, kind of guy. And if the meat and potatoes were fried then it was even better. So, trying to change is going to be difficult especially if I can't give him an interesting variety.

Any help, advise or receipes would be appreciated.

Hugs, Gail

My daughter (20) was diagnosed Type I in March of 09. We met with a dietician at our local hospital and she worked out a menu and time line for her since she works and goes to school full-time. Her Endocrinologist gave the dietician the carbs allowed and then she actually filled out a schedule of when and what would be good for her to eat, staying within the alloted carbs amount. It is so much easier when you have someone to advise you, such as a dietician, rather than trying to figure it all out by yourself.
I remember my Mom reading book after book trying to grasp Diabetes after my Dad was diagnosed Type 2 back in the 80's. It would have been a great burden lifted from her had she had the kind of guidance I had when my daughter was diagnosed.
Your DH's doctor should be able to give you info on a program in your local hospital or call the hospital directly. You could also check with your nearest local Diabetes Association. Good luck, and the scary and unknown will pass and you will be an expert at healthy cooking and healthy portions.

gail-r 06-21-2010 05:08 AM

We are going to classes in July so I'm hoping that will help. I guess I'm going ok since his blood sugars are coming down, he has had 5 readings in the last 4 days in the normal range. But still not consistant and so far nothing over 250. So, I'm getting less worried than I was a few days ago. I've gotten some very good advise from everyone here, one kind person is sending me some cookbooks for absolute free, how wonderful is that!! Quilters are great and the best of the best are here on this board.

Hugs, Gail

sheilajstewart 06-21-2010 05:34 AM

Gail R
your physician should have resources for you to talk with a dietician. I am an RN and when I was diagnosed as a type 2 I paniced. The dietician was a great resource. Good luck and God Bless

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