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Old 05-01-2010, 10:08 PM
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Arkansas
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Hi, Q4U,

Sorry you were treated like that. There's just some mean folks in this world who seem to think that the only way to elevate themselves is to put down others. I hope you know your true worth and don't let those people make you think otherwise. :)

As many of you know, my local county guild won't let me join them because I'm a man. They actually have the "no men" exclusion written into their bylaws. Their excuse for this is that years ago a man was disruptive and rude at their meetings, so they decided to just ban men altogether. So, using that logic, I wonder if there had been a black person there that was disruptive, would they have felt comfortable writing into their bylaws that no blacks were allowed to join? Or if the disruptive person were Jewish, would they have felt comfortable writing "No Jews allowed" into their bylaws? I don't mean to diminish in one iota what blacks and Jews have suffered through the years with bigotry and hatred, but when you're on the receiving end of this kind of blatant man-hating bigotry simply because of what sex you were born, it makes me really wonder about these people.

Many of the members of that guild are also members of my church, so I have to also wonder how they reconcile their bigotry with their religion. I guess as long as it's someone else with the problem, it's easier to look the other way.
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