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Old 05-02-2010, 06:34 AM
Old man- New quilter
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Location: Kirkland, Washington
Posts: 159

Originally Posted by kwhite
I have not been in a Guild for years, but I have a mean streak that needs to be satisfied every now and again. Putting a few of these "ladies" in their place in front all of the other biddies would warm the cockles of my heart. I was asked to move once at a bingo when I took my ailing mother. I was told "Angie sits there and she will be pissed if you sit there too. You better move before Angie gets here." I told her I am not moving and you just leave Angie to me. I think the whole room just sat and waited for Angies arrival to see the explosion. Well long story short, Angie invited me to come back and sit with her any time. But I would not have hesitated to let Angie have it too if she gave me tude!!! Life is way too short to go through life pushing people around. I subscribe to "live and let live" but if you can't do that I will be a big pot hole in your ugly road.
KWHITE --- If I weren't married, I would think I was in love with you. Yes, I'm a guy AND a quilter. You speak like a real person. My loving wife and I both belong to a guild and they are a bunch of good gals. ( I've even been dubbed an honorary 'sister') However, if I were the brunt of something like what I've been reading, They wouldn't want to hear from this retired sailor.....
For those of you that have this going on in your guild......Tell them Bob said to "stick it" ( to put it mildly)
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