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Old 05-04-2010, 04:38 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Antlers Oklahoma
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Kerri, When I first learned to applique,My DM told me to trace an object out of my coloring book ,I did , then I put it on the back side of fabric only we called it material back then. lol . pinned of course since fusible stuff was not even thought of. Cut out allowing approx 1/8 in to turn under. I also basted the turn under,now I do needle turn. place it on the fabric u r going to app it onto. Now u again have a choice. The old fashioned way to appy is to do a button hole stitch with black embroidery floss. Or a small hidden hem stitch. Do you embroidery? If not go to the library or on the internet and look at how to do these stitche. u can google them. Does any of this make sense to u. If not pm me and we will see what else we can do . Just remember u r talking to a granny whe is not computer literate. Jolo
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