Old 05-17-2010, 10:06 AM
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Wow there are some mighty nice fabrics in there! Even if they aren't good for the front, they'd be just fine for the backing on some charity quilts. Terryl's is just homely as heck and Karen's is boring.
QuiltingNonnie, those are some cute kitties -- I'll take it!
But those uglies ... It's almost a toss-up between quiltluvr's (looks like gawdawful wallpaper), plooyv9's, fun2quilt's, and ToucanSam's. But to choose just one....
The other three's ugliness could actually be disguised by cutting them into strips or something, but for no-holds-barred plain ugly all over, I think Toucan Sam is the winner by a ghastly hideous inch!
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