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Old 05-29-2010, 03:40 AM
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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We have a down blanket on our bed with a quilt over it that our daughter in law made for us. Question?????? I have had it on our bed for nigh onto 6 years now, use it every single day - throw it in the washer. It is falling apart. I made a new quilt top and thought I could use the old one as the batting for the new one with a new batting also. Found out it doesn't work. So when I am finished binding the new one , I will wash the old one, pack it away with a note saying that this was the quilt my daughter in law made and it kept my husband nice and warm when he got home from going through chemo. And then I am going to make another quilt - a sampler - the husband likes the samplers - and so I will have one on the bed, one in the wash. And I am also going to make "drool covers" (actually they are already made - I just have to sew them on the new quilt (by hand)), so I will have less quilt washing to do - just do the "drool covers"! But I do use a quilt on the bed, over the down blanket. Here is another question - do you tuck a quilt or just let it lay over the bed? Ours just lays over the bed.

That's it for our quilt! Edie
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