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Old 06-06-2010, 04:54 AM
Rettie V. Grama
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Wisconsin
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Originally Posted by Melody
I'm just realizing what's missing in my "new" sewing room. A clock! I admit to being a clock-watcher, although I wish I wasn't. There isn't a room in my house without at least one clock, and most rooms have two. If I didn't watch the clock, I'd be the last one to dinner, and I'm the only one who cooks :shock: Especially if I'm sewing, I lose track of the time. Surely, I'm not alone in this... am I? Or is it a phobia or something. :roll:
I Love your Clock Watcher attitude. Here is something I found on Urban Dictionary: Enjoy!
Clock watcher

someone at work or school who pays too much attention to the time

2. Clock watcher

A person at work that keeps tabs on when his or her co-workers come in to work, how long of a lunch they take and when they leave work.
Dude 1: "15 minutes late again..."
Dude 2: "What? You talking about me"
Dude 1: "Yeah, you're always 15 minutes late and you leave 10 minutes early too"

3. Clock watcher

a person who is bored during sex that they watch the clock to see how long it takes to finish.
"So how's your new girl? "Man I got to ditch this chick as she's a real clock watcher!

Hurrah for the Clock Watcher's!
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