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Old 06-12-2010, 05:15 PM
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Great Job!! I'm so pleased to see you began with an easy pattern. I've taught quilting for years & the worst thing a new quilter can do to themselves is to select a difficult pattern that tries their patience (& skill) - they get discouraged & give up.

I like the colors - it's neat that your gd selected them - it makes it more personal not to mention she's guaranteed to love it!! lol ***Important to know*** Quilts are totally personal. What I love may be something that you can't even tolerate! There are NO quilt police - & except for some important basic rules - like always sew w/a 1/4" seam allowance, there isn't much you absolutely can't or have to do. If you love it, it's great! Don't let anyone make you think what you've made is less than awesome.
Sorry, I rant sometimes, I won't again (for awhile, anyway:)
Back to your quilt----- one suggestion, possibly use a small border of black like 1 1/2" finished, & then your focus fabric, the music notes, as a wider border. You could then bind in any of the fabrics, music, black or one of the other colors. The tye-dye is a great choice for the back. If you'd like, we can email rather than board post (since I can be long winded sometimes!:)
Let me know what your ideas are. Looking forward to hearing from you. BTW- I'm in Ohio
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