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Old 06-14-2010, 05:48 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 12

I used the Bilagio method.
1. cut your strips into the widths you want
2. sew strips together in color combo you want for the rows.
3. sew the 2 end strips together keeping your color combo
4. lay the circled strips on your cutting table and get as flat as possible
5. cut across your stitches the width you did with number 1.
6. cut the stitches on the square so the color block you want for the top of your quilt is layed out,
7. Do the same for the next blocks you want to be on top until you have all your "loops" taken apart.
8. Take scrap paper and pin the row number on the top block
9. iron all odd numbers so seam goes up
10. iron all even numbers so seam goes down. This permits you to "butt" up your seams and sew 2 strips together at a time until you have your top.
11. put sash strips around the top how you like and ta-da

*I found this cuts time in half to make 9 patch type quilts.
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