Old 07-01-2010, 08:45 AM
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Location: Elm City, N.C.
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Granniebj: I am so sorry about losing your son along with the awful sadness that you endured. You will see him again though and right now his heart is with you. Did he ever know that you were working on his quilt or see any or it? I am glad his quilt is with him. That was a very good idea and I know it made you feel better knowing a piece of you is with him.

You sound like me, I make quilts for everybody else at my expense from my heart, for my all of my family. I haven't made the first for me yet. And I feel really good about it, the only thing is, I still have more I want to make for family that I have not gotten around to yet. So far my DH hasn't said anything yet, but I know it's coming. I can read his body language.

You are a good person with a loving heart. Stay humble like you are, God will richly bless you. :)
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