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Old 07-14-2010, 05:57 AM
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My Mom tells me every time she visits and sees a quilt she hasn't seen before, "I want one". My response is "I'm sure you do". And leave it at that.
Two years ago when I got back fron AQS, I had 7 baby quilts to make. I had them made and shipped in 2 months. Some were for friends, some for family. When I got thank you notes from the grandmothers instead of the mothers, I swore off ever doing it again. In the case of my aunt, her comment was (about her DIL), she wan't raised like we were, she doesn't know better. SO teach her!!!! Now when or if I make a baby quilt it's for very special people in my life, or my future GKs.
I won't make my own sister a quilt because of how she treated the 2 I made for her son. I know she doesn't take care of things. I'll be bringing his quilt home with me to see if I can repair it. At the time, I thought wrongly that she would take care of it because it was her son's. Wrong!!
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