Old 07-26-2010, 07:28 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Baileys Prairie, Texas
Posts: 294

I have two featherweights..a creme one I found about 18 years ago and a black one I inherited from my neighbor and quilting buddy when she passed 8 years ago. I cherish both of them. The creme one goes in the car when we travel, and the black one travels in our 5th wheel when we are going to be gone longer. I have made curtains for our boat going down the intercoastal waterway, made a bedspread on the way to Florida, and pillows when I was bored. My daughter took the creme one when she went to college (I told her it was on loan). Both of them sew perfectly with a minimum of problems. I always take one with me as backup at retreats..I know it won't fail. The prices varies but sometimes they can be found at estate sales. If you find one buy it!!!
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