Thread: Thinning hair
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:24 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Joplin, Missouri
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I know all doctors are different.. and M.D.'s interpret tests in a different way (no from a different perspective)than a D.O. does. I am not a doctor so take this for what's it worth. All it is is my experience.

I have fought weight all my life.. had crappy (sorry, no other word works as well) peeling nails that were paper thin.. I began to lose my hair also.. Went from plucking my eybrows to only having a few..I Had beautiful long eyelashes at one time, then the bottom lid had hardly any. I had migraine headaches, and horrible allergies. I took 15 years worth of allergy shots trying to cope with that! I caught every bug that passed bye. I was so tired that I felt like I could just sit and do nothing.. not read, not watch tv.. nothing.

I had had my thyroid checked a number of times over the years.. it always came back low, but within normal.. I accepted that, I mean doctors know, don't they?? Besides thyroid is nothing to mess with. I got very low emotionally, could hardly drag myself to the couch, looked awful, felt awful and seriously didn't want to live like that anymore (which is differnt than being suicidal, I think).

One of my friends talked me into going to see her doctor... I went in thinking if one more doctor told me "that if I just wouldn't eat as much and perhaps count some calories, and get up off the couch and do something" I was going to just get up and walk out! I had heard that a million times and I wasn't going to get bawled out again. Well this doctor took my blood, did the tests, ask a million questions and actually listened to what my answer was. He told me that sometimes those tests do not tell the complete story. Sort of like "one size fits all", we all know that's not true and everyone knows people who are too big or little for the one size thing.. He said he was going to try me on a bit of thyroid and see if it made a difference. I was afraid to take it as I had heard all these 'stories' about what happens when you take it if you don't need it.. They are probably true.. but the thing is I did need it. I began feeling better within a week... I felt no kick from the medication, just better.. when I went back, he upped it a bit more..

Well to cut to the chase, I take thyroid every day.. I feel good, my nails don't peel back in layers, my allergies are gone,(my allergist said thryoid had nothing to do with allergies, it was just coincidental, but they have been gone for over ten years now), my migraines are almost non-existant.. my migraines were apparently allergy related. If you don't have enough thyroid, nothing works well. Before thryoid I caught everything.. every cold, every flu, anything and everything. Now I haven't been sick in years. My hair still isn't like it was when I was young, but I do have eye lashes again.

MY point is, for what's it worth, if you are showing all the signs of low thyroid, and your tests show you at the very bottom of the scale of normal.. then perhaps you might need to ask your doctor if it would hurt to try some. If he refuses that's fine.. He has to do what he thinks is best, but knowing what I know now, I'd see someone else and try again. My life is completely different.

oh.. I'm not thin as a rail and my eyes don't bug out! But I feel great! They continue to do tests to make sure you don't get too much, so don't worry.

Sorry this is long.. It is a subject near and dear to me.
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