Thread: lost quilt
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:49 PM
Baglady1546's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: New Iberia, Louisiana
Posts: 22

I am so glad Sara got her quilt. I really felt for you because I mailed a QOV to a solder in San Antonio in Jan and still don't know if he received it. I had entered it in a contest and won 3rd place, after it hung in the library here for a month I mailed it to him in the military hospital there. The PO said it was delivered to him, but don't know for sure. I think he would have at least let me know it arrived. I sent two notes to the same address afterwards and still have heard nothing. So am hoping and praying it at least got to him. He was keeping up by posting on Caring Bridge regularly so thought he would mention getting it. Here's hoping I get as lucky as you. All prayers welcome. Jean Louisiana
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