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Old 09-25-2010, 08:16 AM
JustBonnie2's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Grove, OK
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by handquilter
My cat is just like an alarm clock.Every morning at 5:30A.M. she rubs her face in my face in bed until I get up and open her can of food, I start the coffee and then I get to go back to bed for one hour.How heavenly that last hour is.What would we do without our cats?Handquilter
I have one of those alarm clocks, too!!! My cat TROMPS across my pillow! And I mean TROMPS! And sometimes, he steps on my hair and pulls it! At least he waits until around 7:00 though. Doncha just luv 'em??!!
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