Thread: Home Ec Class
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Old 09-26-2010, 05:53 AM
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When I took Home Ec the teacher started with hand sewing (buttons, mending, hemming ...) then moved into machine use, care and maintenance, how to use/alter a pattern (printed and written), then how to actually sew. If you do everything properly, sewing is the easiest part. I like the apron idea, it will go well with the 4 generation cooking class, which is an awesome idea.

Just as an aside. In Home Ec we also learned how to balance a check book, budget for the household, determine the "actual price" for something (just because it costs less, doesn't mean it is a bargain). Then there was the etiquette class involving how to dress for certain occasions (I cannot stand seeing some one at a funeral in cut up blue jeans), proper correspondence, tipping, even how to get in and out of a car. Also, the hygiene section, hair and skin care, how to do manicures and pedicures, and how diet affects your body. A lot of things are missing from today's eduction.
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