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Old 10-06-2010, 10:24 AM
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Posts: 332

Originally Posted by jfowles
So, I love quilting, dah!! it doesn't matter if I have someone to give it to, if I need it or even like it very much I just love quilting. My daughter who is my best friend and a wonderful friend at that, told me the other day, (at least this is what I heard) that it was all kind of a waste, I don't have anymore people to give them to and what is she going to do with them when I am gone. I have too many to display and they aren't good enough to give as works of art (my thoughts). So now I am working on a child's quilt with no one to give it to. I bought the expensive fabric that was made for the pattern (American Jane) and I just feel stupid working on something just to be quilting. I have no idea what to do with it but it has been so so expensive to make that I want it to go to someone who will appreciate it. I told her I can donate them but she seemed to think there is an over abundance of quilts and no one really wants them. I make her sound like an ogre and she really isn't, she just doesn't get it, Anyway now I feel bad about all the money and time I have spent just to appease my addiction when no one has any use for my work. I may not finish the child's quilt and just move on to something I intend to use as a gift, I think the intended recipient will appreciate it but now I am rethinking the whole idea of quilting as just plan selfish and self serving. So I've rambled on a long time with this, I just feel bad and I need some moral support to justify my need to continue what I love.
There was a lovely lady in my quilt group who was VERY into quilting and buying stash. She had an abundance of quilts she made and quilting paraphenalia she used or simply collected. Unfortunately, she passed away and her husband had the BEST idea about how to use up her things and glorify her work. He held several sales of her quilts (after he took what he wanted) and her stash and her collections and all of the money is used for SCHOLASHIPS for children in need. People loved her work and paid for it. Not only did her work go to people who "get it" but the money for it goes to help others. I believe quilting is NOT a waste in any way. If your daughter doesn't "get it", forgive her, and set up a scholarship fund trust for your work and stash to be sold and used for something you believe in. Think of the love you get from quilting, the love someone else will get from buying (and supporting a cause) and the joy of the people you will help. Keep quilting and send your love of it through your work and good deeds.
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