Old 10-06-2010, 01:22 PM
Chasing Hawk
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Originally Posted by hospicenurse
I was brought up to respect my elders. I raised my children like that. This generation has a new idea of speaking and talking to their children, allowing their freedom of speech,saying whatever they want. I have to tell you of my experience with my step-granddaughter. She was 5 years old and one weekend when we were visiting them, she looked at me and shouted"your NOT my grandmother.......and you have warts all over your face"......my dear daughter-in-law very nicely hung her head and said nothing to this child. I was shocked beyond belief. I had done nothing but give love to her since she was born. I cried the entire Thanksgiving weekend. When I asked her mother, why she had said this she replied..."she is brutely honest at times". I have no respect for my daughter-in-law to allow that behavior and if she allows her child to speak in such manner, I don't want to be involved in any of their lives. I feel badly for my husband because that is his only son. I pray that I can forgive but I will NEVER forget. (and by the way, I am not a freak)
I do know how you are feeling. We have a nephew, my brother's son, who is obnoxious. He would tell my husband to get out of his way. Turn the television on without asking, eat in the living room etc. And my brother sees nothing wrong with this. I think he often encourages this behavior because he isn't around his son all the time. My brother sadly acts the same way, our Mom doesn't see it or she ignores it. I love my Mom dearly, but I walk a different path then my siblings.
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